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Everything posted by Ebilkill

  1. Is your class a public class, or just a class? because it should be public.
  2. Call the property reading first (in your @PreInit method) and THEN initialise your blocks / items / other things using configurations (in your @Init method) Have you tried that?
  3. Well, I tried that, but it didn't seem to work for some reason... I think it has to do with packets personally, because (afaik) I don't send a single one. Well, it works "better" now anyways: the arrow is always full... Any ideas?
  4. (Sorry if this is in the wrong topic, this is my first post here. ) I have coded a GUI with my tileentity, but it seems to mess up on servers. I have attached a picture of this here. I have tried synchronizing the TileEntity by adding the World.addBlockEvent() and recieveClientEvent() methods, but that didn't seem to work. I am afraid that I will have to send packets, but I have no idea how they work, and I also have no idea how to know whether they are sent from the client or server. So could anyone please help me? I can also post some code where necessary, that's no problem.
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