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Everything posted by Ebilkill

  1. You should add the contents of that minecraft folder, not the minecraft folder itself...
  2. You need to register your TileEntity using GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(par1TileEntity) somewhere. Not sure about the method name/place, but you should be able to find it somewhere.
  3. Maybe... IDK, learn Java? I can see a LOT of syntax errors in this file. You are placing methods outside classes and stuff like that, things Java doesn't like at all... Second of all, the server shouldn't use GUI's at all; GUI's are Client only.
  4. And also, never use ModLoader, cause it sucks
  5. It should work just having it in its own package but if you REALLY want to (not recommended), you can have it in "net.minecraft.src" package. just make sure that the line at the top of the class says the correct package that its in. Getting the zip file?? Yup, recompile all the class files in the "reobj" folder making sure the file structure is correct (ie. common SHOULDNT be at the top of the zip folder structure, it should start one below that) Do you even know what you are talking about? It IS recommended to make your own package, and when you do, you should put it into the .zip/.jar like this: For instance, take the package ebilkill.mods.minecraft.crosstheline; Then it's be like this:*root of archive*/ebilkill/mods/minecraft/crosstheline/*all files in this package* Hope this helps you. The textures should be added to the path you specified (/omnee/MineScape I think there should be a .png after that though) inside the root of the .zip/.jar, like this: *root of archive*/omnee/MineScape(.png?). I hope your texture is a .png, because it won't work if it isn't.
  6. I read all your code, but there is no error log I can see, so as far as I can see, there are no problems. (I have read your code, and that should work). Are you sure you are putting it into the right packages in your .zip/.jar file? (*root of archive*/mods/edken/warpedchaos and *root of archive*/mods/edken/warpedchaos/client)
  7. Use ASM instead of editing the baseclass. I have no idea how you should go about this, as I have never worked with this before, but I'll leave that up to other people.
  8. Well, this ASM I'm talking about is actually something built into forge. However, I have no clue how this works, all I know is that you can change base classes w/o losing compatibility with other mods this way.
  9. You could always use ASM to insert new methods / fields into classes...
  10. Why is everybody talking about elemental pickaxes all of a sudden? Not to be rude or anything, but I saw another post about elemental pickaxes as well...
  11. Somewhere in your code, there is a 45 which gets the 45th index in an array. However, the 45th index doesn't exist in that array. You should use a lower number. I can't help you any further with just this small amount of code. By the way, any particular reason for using ModLoader, instead of Forge? The Forge things (usually) work better, easier and faster.
  12. If you put it in the right place (package Bens1stmod.client, class name ClientProxyBens1stmod), then you won't get this error...
  13. You should make a class which implements IFuelHandler, then do the same thing as you're doing in your item class, then register is using cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.registerFuelHandler.
  14. 2 Errors: at float 1F = worldObj.getWorldChunkManager().getBiomeGenAt(i, k).getFloatRainfall(); Syntax error on token "1F", invalid VariableDecloratorID at float f3 = f1; You don't call the variable 1f, but you assign the value 1f to it, like = 1f; You can't have variables starting with a number...
  15. I have no idea what to do to make it better, but you are giving the player the same item again when the metadata of the item they're holding is 0 (and you are also checking the item ID twice. Once, and then again inside the check. You can just remove the second one).
  16. Shouldn't you use an access transformer (asm thingy) and make it a coremod, rather than editing base classes?
  17. Doesn't the onBlockActivated method take an ItemStack? If so, you can check for the item id and damage and there is your item.
  18. You could always use the net.minecraft.src.client.Minecraft.getMinecraftDir(); I believe it was like that, but it could be something similar, it's been a while since I had to use it. After that, you just make a file using that folder, then adding the rest of the path you want, like: "folder/another folder/as many folders as you need/file.extention". That should work, and if it doesn't, just ask again, and I'll try to do my best to help you.
  19. Use a third bowl in the recipe. When you do that, you'll get the first two (full) ones back, and you'll lose the third one. This is the only way I can think of right now, but there may be a much better, harder way.
  20. You should make it public static void addArmor(String s) { return RenderingRegistry.addNewArmourRendererPrefix(s); } Why? Because you need that particular int for something, else it wouldn't return it. I, personally, have no clue what it is used for.
  21. What is the other way, then?
  22. You may want to use this method, then: RenderingRegistry.addNewArmourRendererPrefix(armor); This works the same as the ModLoader.addArmor(armor);, so you shouldn't have any problems if it used to work.
  23. Uhmm... maybe change the [uNSOLVED] in the post name to [sOLVED]? People might think it's annoying when you don't do that.
  24. What about adding a if(!world.isRemote){} around all the chat message and entity things?
  25. And what when you remove the method?
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