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Everything posted by Kander16

  1. Hi, I've made an sorbet maker, and I am changing the state depending on the amount of ice and the facing of the block. The model changes depending on the facing (turning it around), but the textures needs to change when the ice amount gets higher/lower. I want to apply those textures depending on how much ice you have. My question is, can this be done using multipart. If so, how? Currently, I have this: http://pastebin.com/gdThkqx1 I want to have less combinations than that (and less models). I just want to use another model depending on the facing, but I want to use another texture on that model, depending on the ice amount. Can this be done? I'm trying something like this, but it doesn't seem to work. I know why, but I don't know what other way there is: http://pastebin.com/3Jtr6yCq Thanks.
  2. Hi, I'm making a barrel which can contain a lot of fluids. In the tileentity of the barrel I have an enum variable (from the enum FluidTypes), with the value of the current type of fluid inside the barrel. I was wondering if there was a way to write to and read from the NBT for this value? Thanks.
  3. Hi, I was wondering what this does if you implement it. I've got a block called the butter churn, which doesn't extends to BlockContainer neither ITileEntityProvider (Just Block). I've seen that the BlockContainer class implements it. So what does it do? Because I didn't need it to create the TileEntity. Thanks.
  4. Okay, I will do that. If I would use the TESR for rendering everything, will the game run slower then?
  5. Hi, You can render a block using Blockstate files & models, but you can also do this using a TileEntitySpecialRenderer. People say not to use this (or it isn't "accurate"), what is so bad about this? Thanks.
  6. Hi, I want to make a custom rendered block, where you can put some sorts of cheeses on it to let it ripe. Now I want to make it visible from the outside (not only in GUI), how much cheeses that are stored inside the block. There are 8 slots for cheeses inside the ripening rack, and there are currently 3 types of cheese. If I want to do it with the JSON method, the possible combinations would be 3^8 or 6561 JSON files. I don't think I'm going to make 6561 JSON files for just one block, so is there another way for rendering a block? Like before the update 1.8 or so? Thanks!
  7. Hi, I want to draw a string in the GUI of my custom block, but I want the string to be rendered smaller? Is there a way to do this? If so, how?
  8. New update for 1.10.X. Download now! Update log: http://forum.minetronic.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1302
  9. I tried in the tileEntity. The particles won't spawn for some reason because "worldObj.isRemote" returns false. I don't know what this is, but only after I right-clicked on the block (and the gui opened) "worldObj.isRemote" returns true (and the particles start to spawn).
  10. Hi, I'm working on spawning particles for my block, but I need them to spawn more regulary than the method randomDisplayTick. I tried using the TileEntity to spawn them, but then I have the problem with server side and client side (It crashes if it's on the server). How do I do this?
  11. New mod update for Minecraft version: 1.11! Download now. Update log: http://forum.minetronic.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1277
  12. Hi, I want to detect if a mouse hovers over a gui element and when it does, it will show some text. How do I do this? I was looking into the Gui classes but I didn't find anything. Thanks.
  13. Hi, I made an item that I want to damage the entities more if the player is sprinting (Bonus damage). The item must deal the normal damage when the player isn't sprinting. Which function do I best use for this? Thanks!
  14. Code update for 1.7.10. You won't notice a change (Latest version overriden), but some code is improved now. (More code updates will come for all versions after 1.7.10)
  15. Okay, so that last problem has to do with transferStackInSlot. But I don't know how that works eather actually. But I'll try to look for the problem.
  16. Do you have a tileEntity? Show the code. The problem won't be in your container I think. And if you place a stack in the slot, does it disappear in an instant?
  17. Hi, I've made a custom furnace that makes a sound when it's active. Two things I want to ask: - How can I make it so that the sound only plays one at the time? Because for now, it is just playing more sounds (creating noise) instead of playing it once and repeating the sound when it's done. - How can I make it so that the sound stops at the moment that the furnace stops being active or when the furnace breaks?
  18. Jup. Solved it. Just added a parameter to registerBlock(Block block, boolean shouldRegisterItem).
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