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Everything posted by Kander16

  1. Yes I know, and I have that. But it's still not the same as forge does it. Forge has in the blockstates folder files like "acacia_sapling.json" (and not "sapling.json"). I got in my "sapling.json" file in the blockstates folder: { "variants": { "stage=0,type=mango": { "model": "chef:mango_sapling" }, "stage=1,type=mango": { "model": "chef:mango_sapling" }, "stage=0,type=olive": { "model": "chef:olive_sapling" }, "stage=1,type=olive": { "model": "chef:olive_sapling" } } } This works for the block that is placed, but the texture is universal in hand. (Models/item/sapling.json)
  2. Hi, I'm trying to create my own sapling blocks. I've tried to copy some of the code for the normal saplings. The thing I don't understand, is that it only works with one json file (Like sapling.json) while the base minecraft has multiple. To get different textures on different saplings, You'll need multiple json files. I don't want all saplings to get an universal texture. I currently only have one json file for all saplings. Called "sapling.json". I want to have multiple json files to work with, like "mango_sapling.json" and "olive_sapling.json" to get each different sapling another texture. I see that the forge class files can work with multiple json files. They got "acacia_sapling.json, birch_sapling.json etc...". But how do I do that? If you need more information I didn't give to you, just ask. Thanks for helping! Kander18
  3. New mod update for 1.7.10! Update log: http://forum.minetronic.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=671&p=676&sid=48b1134d27466e6706b14a8b48d88e19#p676
  4. Thanks! And yes, this will be the latest update for this mod for 1.7.10. After this I will be doing the newer.
  5. Agh, no 1.7.10 support anymore. Right?
  6. Hi, I'm trying to get my block's texture updated depending on how much ice is stored in it. But no matter how much ice I put in it, the block stays the same on the outside. I'm trying to use a variable from the tileentity to update the block's texture, but that variable always stays 0. The variable is called scaledIceLevel. I'm trying to change the block's texture with the getIcon method. Can someone help me fixing this? That would be awesome! This is the block class: http://pastebin.com/H50ZJceS This is the tileentity class: http://pastebin.com/y6SX1CeR
  7. Hi, I've created a mod which works perfectly on single player, but when I start a server with that mod in it, it crashes. This is the crash report: http://pastebin.com/QjNrS6Ru And the file theres a problem with: http://pastebin.com/aWrVrPce It says theres a problem on line 345. I've looked for it but I can't find the issue. How do I fix this? Thanks.
  8. New mod update for 1.7.10! Update log: http://forum.minetronic.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=667&sid=07024a159d819b926e628eccaf3ab047
  9. New update #Full Release!! http://forum.minetronic.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=665&sid=5c20948aff9b55e5ac1582cd9fa6f1d7
  10. Hi, I've created custom seaweed. When I place my seaweed on the ground (in the water), it works just fine. But when I want to place seaweed on top of another seaweed. It doesn't do anything. Why is this happening? And how can I solve it? I think it has something to do with that it's material is set to water. Block code: http://pastebin.com/KmmWBswA Thanks, Kander18
  11. Great, this works. Thank you.
  12. Hi, I've created new custom leaves. But if I use flint and steel, It will not burn. Any idea why this happens and how to solve it? It must be pretty simple it think.
  13. Ok. It works! Thank you.
  14. Do you now how you could do it? So I know where to look for?
  15. Hi, I want my olive leaves to have a color per-biome (example: In the jungle it's color is green and in the desert it's color is brown) The problem is, when leaves are at the final stages, you can harvest them and get black olives. You can see the black olives on the block texture. I don't want them to be colored per-biome too (they just need to stay black). How can I fix that? Can I work in layers so that the background layer will be per-biome colored and the foreground layer will just stay the same color? Or is there another way? Thanks! Kander18
  16. Hi, I'm creating new leaves for my tree. I want to know how the color multiplier works so I can have per-biome colors for my leaves. Does anyone know how the color multiplier method works and how to use it? I can't get to color the leaves in the color I want, because I don't get how it works. Thanks, Kander18
  17. Hi, I am programming a new tree, which can grow new food. I want to check if there can grow a mangoes under the mango leaves. I want to know: - How to check if the leaves are placed by players or generated. - How to check if the leaves are actually decaying. How can I do this? Thanks!
  18. Thanks, now I understand !
  19. Yeah, I know that. The only thing is: I've set it to south so that it wouldn't crash.
  20. Hi, I've created my custom rendered block successfully. Now I'm trying to face my custom rendered block in the direction I've placed it in. I can face West, North, South, but not east. I don't how how this thing works then. Thanks for helping. Render code: http://pastebin.com/Kndy6fyq (It's between line 34 and 54. I also now it's better to use a switch there, and I'll do that later)
  21. The master chef mod v5.0 beta is now compatible for minecraft version 1.7.10. However, before the update to the normal v5.0, it is NOT RECOMMENDED to play on this version in your world. I would recommend you to wait until the full version 5.0 is out. It will only take few months from now to get that ready. Enjoy!
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