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Everything posted by Whov
[Unsolved] How to get/set the NBT tag from a tile entity?
Whov replied to bcwadsworth's topic in Modder Support
Go with hugo_the_dwarf way. It's definitely the way to go -
[Solved] [1.7.10] alpha transperency not working
Whov replied to EmperorZelos's topic in Modder Support
IBSRh is the ISimpleBlockRenderingHandler you are using. What about making your texture transparent (using paint.net you can set the transparency as you want)? -
Sorry. I meant what does "saying it cant find distx,y and z." mean? Could you show the errors?
AAhh, like worldgen of dungeons or caves.. Try looking at vanilla code: to me a cave seems quite a good example (random and complex enough). Nether fortress might be another option.
What does "can't find" mean? Where? Outside that loop of course not. Still studying Java perhaps?
Wait a sec, not all guis need a container. GuiContainer does need a container, but GuiScreen doesn't (at least not always?). In my gui handler I return (client side) the guis, and server side the container only if needed. BTW, where is ProcessorGui? I can't find it in your code.. Also, there's no way that, at onBlockActivated, player or world are null idk.
You could try looking at the Universal Electricity API (used, for example, by MFFS) for a speed up that grants you some compatibility, but you won't cut it in one night for sure. (youtube)
Noob question: what are those? Never heard of those and google isn't helping..
[1.7.10] Items and Blocks creation advice / discussion
Whov replied to Deli_SK's topic in Modder Support
It depends mostly on what you wanna do. I had 7 blocks that are used for building only and I don't need to tell which one's which, only the texture differs. So, I just made 7 textures and instantiated the same class 7 times with different setBlockTextureName names. An example of your blocks is required for further help I think -
[SOLVED] Trying to get a Item to right click/plant crops in a area.
Whov replied to shadoskill's topic in Modder Support
canPlaceBlockAt should auto detect if allowed to be planted -
[SOLVED] Achievement "ItemPickupEvent" with metadata
Whov replied to Raffox97's topic in Modder Support
Could you show code if the above still doesn't help? -
OnBlockActivated Acting slightly strange [SOLVED] [1.7.10]
Whov replied to TheEpicTekkit's topic in Modder Support
I agree: would you believe that this public boolean onBlockActivated(World p_149727_1_, int p_149727_2_, int p_149727_3_, int p_149727_4_, EntityPlayer p_149727_5_, int p_149727_6_, float p_149727_7_, float p_149727_8_, float p_149727_9_) { return p_149727_1_.isRemote ? true : ItemLead.func_150909_a(p_149727_5_, p_149727_1_, p_149727_2_, p_149727_3_, p_149727_4_); } belongs to blockFence? I have never tried to right click a fence, but what the heck is that??? -
A gui like inventory slots or just buttons and such? If you want the container too try this, otherwise you can do 2 things: install codechicken core (an API that has a bunch of useful stuff for mod developers) and follow this tutorial or not do that and try this one. I would choose the first because you won't need a custom packet system to handle buttons, (almost) everything is handled behind the scenes by codechicken core and you can instantly edit behaviour on key press, mouse scroll, button pressed and such just by overriding a method. Besides, I would choose that because I wrote the tutorial
Make your block implement ITileEntityProvider and return your tile entity in the new method. In getIcon (look in Block.class for the version that takes x, y, z as arguments) use ((YourTile) world.getTileEntity(x, y, z)).field .. For further help wiki
[Solved!] Item disappears when grabbing it in custom gui.
Whov replied to Neuro's topic in Modder Support
Try to figure out where (client side) those items are added and don't add them anymore (because server seems fine, right? They are actually not there (=>client-only) and not needed (=>fine)) -
Machine doesn't save inventory contents when reloaded [1.7.10]
Whov replied to iLegendx98's topic in Modder Support
I'm not sure how it managed to work till that point glad it fixed though -
Machine doesn't save inventory contents when reloaded [1.7.10]
Whov replied to iLegendx98's topic in Modder Support
I'm about to say something silly: have you registered your tile in your main mod class? That looks like the error you get if you don't. Could you show the exact line of the crash? -
May I link you Forge modding packet handling 1.7? I find ChickenBones'way so much easier (but you would need to add code chicken core to your mod, which you might not want to do). Totally up to you though.
[Solved!] Item disappears when grabbing it in custom gui.
Whov replied to Neuro's topic in Modder Support
Oops, derp.. It actually is completely different. I thought your tile wasn't updating because I didn't consider (as diesieben07 said) that you are using a button (that is client side only, so server overrides client). Sorry my bad. To create buttons for my guis I use CodeChickenCore API: if you think it might help give it a try. This is my code using CCC (extending GuiScreenWidget): @Override public void actionPerformed(String ident, Object... params) { if (ident=="dismantle") { ((Fabricator)tile.getWorldObj().getBlock(tile.xCoord, tile.yCoord, tile.zCoord)).breakMultiBlock(tile.getWorldObj(), tile); this.mc.thePlayer.closeScreen(); } } @Override public void addWidgets() { GuiCCButton widget = new GuiCCButton(30, (height-ySize)/2, 199, 20, "Dismantle multiblock"); widget.setActionCommand("dismantle"); this.add(widget); } EDIT: how did you solve out of curiosity? -
[Solved!] Item disappears when grabbing it in custom gui.
Whov replied to Neuro's topic in Modder Support
This should fix it (since all the code is there): add tile.markDirty(); after you change the inventory slots. That should send the packet automatically! -
Could you post your crash log?
Quote: works with everything I ever tried http://kihirakreations.co.uk/mcmods/how-to-use-bon-with-forgegradle-minecraft-1-7-2/ If you have trouble post again
I don't have enough experience about entities to help further :'( sorry... I searched all the way till class Entity starting from Skeleton, Zombie and Cow, but no clue.. You might try pathfinding if it has something related, but not really sure
Tutorial (not mine)
No, he wants his texture to be displayed as crops are. Return 1 or 6 so that renderCrossedSquares or renderBlockCrops are used. PS: you can use for loops to register your icons. I think it's better (like texture_name + i in a for (int i=0...)) That way you can retrieve the texture doing iconsArray[metadata]