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Everything posted by shadowfacts

  1. Try running gradle cleanEclipse eclipse to regenerate the eclipse configuration files.
  2. It crashes because you're trying to access a client class, EntityClientPlayerMP. Make sure any references to any client-only classes go through your proxy. Side note: Minecraft is a client only class and that will also crash it on a server. To use keybindings on a server you need to create a packet that is sent to the server from the client when the space bar is pressed on the client.
  3. Side note, ganymedes01 already created a mod that does this: Et Futurum.
  4. You shouldn't be doing it in loadConfigs, you should register it one in preInit.
  5. You need to add a compile time dependency so Gradle knows to include Blood Magic when compiling your mod.
  6. Any the code that uses @Mod needs to be distributed separately, but if it doesn't you can use @API so other debs can just add your API to there project and include it in their JAR and Forge will handle making sure there' only one instance of the API at runtime, even if multiple copies of the code are included in various different mods.
  7. Why are you registering Main.instance to the FML event bus in your configured handler?
  8. Why does your block class implement IWorldGenerator? You should have one central class that handles the generation of all your ores.
  9. No, OP is trying to temporarily change the skin on the client side, not on the Mojang servers. Side note: No (sensible) person would trust a popup in MC that prompts them for their username/email and password.
  10. You mean true, 'cause he's use !=
  11. In your item class override onItemRightClick and add the code there to check if the dimension is correct and if so, replace the old item with the new one.
  12. FYI, ganymedes01 already has a mod that does this, Et Futurum.
  13. Short answer: yes. Long answer: Yes as long as the mod has a publicly accessible API. Before you start trying to use WorldEdit's API I suggest you find out if it even has one and then figure out if it's possible to and how to do what you want to accomplish with the API.
  14. How does it give more freedom, with and without the Object array, the code is functionally identical. GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(EFItems.lightBulb), "GGG", "GOG", "III", 'G', Blocks.glass, 'O', Items.gold_ingot, 'I', Items.iron_ingot); is functionally equivalent to GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(EFItems.lightBulb), new Object[] {"GGG", "GOG", "III", 'G', Blocks.glass, 'O', Items.gold_ingot, 'I', Items.iron_ingot});
  15. I've seen people create crafting recipes both with and without Object arrays and I was wondering, are there any hidden pros/cons of using Object[]s and which is the recommended method? It seems like it's just a matter of personal coding style, but for all I know, it might affect something. -Shadowfacts
  16. As the log says, "sureencore" is not a valid dependency string. You need to replace it with something like "required-after:[email protected]" Where you have the correct version of your core mod instead of 1.2.3.
  17. Don't just put the jars in the libs/ folder, use Maven/Gradle to include them.
  18. What is the "name" variable? From the name I'm going to guess it's a String. If that's the case, then go learn Java.
  19. Umm... How about you start by fixing the images in your post.
  20. AFAIK there's no tool that can do that for you, but you could always build one yourself. It would be a pretty interesting exercise.
  21. I don't think so, an ISBRH shouldn't be modifying the NBT.
  22. entitySheep.getFleeceColor(); Where entitySheep is the name of the variable containing the EntitySheep. Simple Java, if you can't figure out this, then you need to go look at some Java tutorials.
  23. Could you possibly switch to a host that allows you to install your own software?
  24. Not sure why the boolean value would be switching, your code looks fine, but I've noticed a couple minor issues in your code: 1) When you get your TileEntity using (TEChaliceOfTheVoid)world.getTileEntity(x, y - 1, z) you don't check if the TileEntity returned by World#getTileEntity is actually an instance of TEChaliceOfTheVoid, which could cause ClassCastException(s). Check this using world.getTileEntity(x, y - 1, z) instanceof TEChaliceOfTheVoid and if that's true cast it like so: if (world.getTileEntity(x, y - 1, z) instanceof TEChaliceOfTheVoid) { TEChaliceOfTheVoid chaliceTE = (TEChaliceOfTheVoid)world.getTileEntity(x, y - 1, z); } 2) When you use world.getBlock(x, y - 1, z).setHardness(-1.0f); you not only set the hardness for block at the specified coordinates, you set the hardness for every instance of that block in the game, and I doubt this is the intended behavior. My suggestion is that you add an additional variable to your TileEntity that specifies whether the block can be broken or not and check that variable when someone attempts to break the block. 3) You decrease the stackSize of the ItemStack when you add the pendant to the TE, but you don't check if the stackSize is zero. If the stackSize does happen to be zero, there will be an ItemStack in the player's inventory that contains 0 of your item, this is not how MC works. Immediately after you decrease the stackSize, you should check if it's zero and if so, set the stack to null.
  25. My guess is that you added them as VM arguments not program arguments. VM arguments will be passed to the JVM when it starts and if the JVM receives an argument that is invalid, it won't create the instance of the JVM and will give you message somewhere along the lines of what you got. The program arguments are the arguments passed to the program, in this case, Minecraft, you want --username and --password to be program arguments so they get passed to MC and used to login to your account.
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