Forge Modder-
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Everything posted by Kinyoshi
added mod list, all mods 1.5.2 compatible.
Updated to 1.5.1. Chert Craft now has new ores, weapons, tools, ore spawn changes and other fixes.
What kind of damage? like how the cactus hurts you when you touch it?
Updated both FML and ML versions of Chert Craft to include the Gravel Spear and the Chert Stone Spear. These spears are both a weapon and a mining tool.
updates for 1.4.6 and 1.4.7.
added 1.4.4 link. partially fixed falling chert sand. better chert explosions.
Thank you. Was scared it was my mod that screwed it up. Hell my modloader (non fml) mods are messed up. Making my items texture show up over the leather tunic, nothing fixes it.
The latest update "" maybe other ones too haven't tried older versions. But before forge everything is fine, then after FML installation the item drops are completely screwed up. It uses random textures for the items dropped. I thought it was my mod that was messed up but it happens when only FML is installed. Block drops work fine, only item drops are weird. Using the 1.4.4 pre-release. Here's a screen-shot, the left item is an apple and the right item is a stick.
added 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 links.
Thanks for the help. I'll be working on this when I get home from work today.
updated info about Chert Craft. What do you think?
In my chert craft mod I have a chert sand block that extends the sand block. I am using the unlimited texture file. I don't have internet on the computer im using, so can't post code. Everything works fine, except that when it falls it changes to the wood texture. There's no extra code, just a block that extends sand then code for the drop when destroyed and code for texture file. How do i make it the chert sand texture when falling? And not the wood. It works fine on the ML version.
Added more to Chert Craft and also Corn Nuts Mod. Comments and feedback would be awesome.
never mind, I'm retarded and forgot it was in peaceful mode, which doesn't cause damage from it.
I'm making fuel item that explodes when mined. It is a small explosion and works as needed, but doesn't hurt the player. How do i make it damage the player, only a half heart or something. Here is how I made the explosion: public void onBlockDestroyedByPlayer(World var1, int var2, int var3, int var4, int var5) { var1.createExplosion((Entity)null, (double)var2, (double)var3, (double)var4, 1.0F); }
You could try the dimension customization section of Wuppys tutorials. I don't know how to make it look like the Nether though. I'm still making items and ore generation, haven't got out of the basics yet.
This actually got me thinking about my mods and the way they replace vanilla blocks to get small results. I'm thinking of making new blocks that spawn alongside the vanilla ones so no base classes get changed, and it makes my stuff. Just a thought, thanks for wondering this because you solved my problem .
There's a-lot I need to learn. Thank you.
so if someone elses mod uses ID 8786 it will add 256 to that and our items wont interfere?
My item IDs are being weird. For example I will only use one. I have it coded to have ID 8530. But in the game when the item is there it has ID 8786. why?
Current Minecraft Version Supported by KinyoshiMods: 1.5.2 1.5.1 made it easier to make Modloader based mods to be compatible with Forge Modloader. For now, the current version and future versions will be universal, otherwise they might end up splintering apart and contain different content. Install my mods in your "mods" folder. They work with single player and may work on servers. All use a config file in your "mods" folder for ID compatibility with other mods. 1.5.1 mods are universal for both Risugamis' Modloader and Forge Modloader. Previous versions have separate downloads for most, some had cross compatibility. Kinyoshi Mods Forum Post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1458328- Kinyoshi Mods Website: https://sites.google.com/site/kinyoshimods MOD LIST: Flint Craft Mod - With permission from its mod author '666mayhem666' - Adds flint tools, armor and more. Ancient Tree Root Mod - Adds a dirt/sand/stone spawning ore that is quite versatile. Bone Ore Mod - Adds a dirt/sand/stone spawning ore that makes bonemeal. Chert Craft Mod - Chert Craft Screenshots - Adds chert ores, tools, armor and more. Corn Nuts Mod - Adds food which is made from seeds and other items. Dead Bush Dos Mod - Adds a clone dead bush that drops sticks. Desert Cotton Plant Mod - Adds a cotton plant that grows in the desert. Desert Grund Plant Mod - Adds a grund (ground) plant that grows in the desert. Desert Petrified Wood Mod - Adds a wooden ore that spawns in the desert and in dirt/stone. Mushroom Torch Mod - Adds new torches with different light levels. Item Soup Dos Mod - Adds stacking to twelve to the bowl of soup item. Craft Gunpowder Mod - Adds a crafting recipe to make gunpowder out of renewable resources. Smeltable Gravel Mod - Adds smelting ability to gravel to get flint. Rotten Flesh Leather Mod - Adds smelting ability to rotten flesh to get leather. Stick To Plank Mod - Adds a crafting recipe to make planks from sticks. Wool To String Mod - Adds a crafting recipe to make wool from string. Stone Basin Biome - Adds a somewhat flat stone biome with small amounts of life. Base Class Replacements: Gravel Replacement (stops flint drop) Gravel Replacement 2 (always drops flint) Dead Bush (makes it drop a stick) Cave MapGen (makes more large caves spawn) Village MapGen (prevents villages and villagers from spawning) Soup Bowl (makes it so you can stack them up to twelve)
thanks, it worked
Thanks. updating, I'm on my tethered cellphone and I'm over my bandwidth so it's going slow. I hope this works, my mods are all whacky in Forge so I need to make new versions. Update the jdk should be on the read first post.
I am following this tutorial at http://wuppy29.blogspot.nl/2012/08/setting-up-part-2-mcp-and-forge.html Everything goes okay during the install, but when it gets to the recompile part at the end it errors out.