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Everything posted by Stroam

  1. So right now I am trying to get all items that are about to despawn to instead go into a chest spawned at the location. So far I have found the forge ItemExpireEvent and trying to use to hook into the event. I don't have very much so far and I feel like I'm already messing up somewhere since I don't know how to get the ItemEntity, or the location of the ItemEntity to be able to spawn a chest there. I am using the latest forge and I know the video is for 1.8 but figured it would at least get me close. I looking for a bit of guidance, updated info, and explanation.
  2. Since I am locked out of the other thread. HUZZZA! 1.9.4 is here!
  3. I'm guessing the 100 failed hunks are taking more time than anticipated. Lets see, today is tuesday so I'm sure we'll have something to play with by the weekend.
  4. I have seen it was pulled off in the past, and with enough time I could pull it off, it is the time I'm lacking. 90% of my week is taken up with working 40+ hrs on top of college classes. which only gives me 8 to 16 scattered hours during the week to work on it. I would love to see it in action and still work with mods like carpenter's blocks, mariculture, and tinkerConstruct but that's more work than I can devote at this time. Thanks for the class though. I will bookmark it in case I get more time in the future.
  5. upon further consideration for each block to have a different set of rules and still be compatible with other mods I would have to modify the class of every vanilla block and with no native multithreading support that I know in the minecraft code this would take a considerable amount of work, would not be easy to maintain, and most likely would be riddled with bugs and performance impacts. And as you pointed out you can do this with just a few block which would drastically cut down on the size of the project but would defeat the purpose I was intending. I wanted digging caves larger than 2x2 to require supports so collapses didn't happen, and building large houses with big roofs to again require support structures or certain designs to stop from falling in, and have floating islands be impossible. As for checks it would be check the 4 paths(N,S,W,E) and as long as one of the paths passed (check out one AND down one, for cobblestone) block would not fall. Each block would have an associated check tree that would return true as long as you reach the end of one of the branches, and if it fell would trigger the checks for all blocks with 1 radius around it which would mean a large island built on one pillar would crash any system if the pillar was destroyed. Also I would not code it to check very far. If you built a tall pillar of cobblestone and put one on the side it would go through the same check as earlier mentioned and would not need to check down the entire pillar. The clean way would be to add boolean isSupport, and method isSupported(), to every block you didn't want to float. I would not want to undertake a project like this without help.
  6. Very informative. I too see each point you've listed. I was thinking of not every block falling like sand but to check supporting blocks around it. Just simple checks like cobblestone would check left, right, front back and then down one from each of those locations. so that arches would still work and have different rules for each material because I don't want trees instantly falling. Bedrock of course would not fall. If I remake all the blocks then cross mod support would be more effort than people would be willing to put in. So ASM does sound like it would be the best way to go. But that is a lot of checks to do without using multithreading. I have not used ASM in two years, and never have done it for minecraft or multithreading. Is it possible to setup multithreading in ASM for minecraft? I am researching this question but any input would be helpful.
  7. I found the class that gravel and sand both extend called the BlockFalling. I was wondering how to make all blocks able to fall. I've seen a few mods that a add gravity to all blocks in minecraft and wonder how you would go about doing that short of remaking every block in minecraft and adding the BlockFall class to it.
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