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Everything posted by BuddingDev

  1. Try to search your Vanilla minecraft folder for any .oggs Then mark their location, and guess where the .ogg may be placed. (Usually those files are somewhere in a folder which is very hard to find) Seriously, if you are still on 1.6.4, you'll have to sometimes solve problems by yourself.
  2. And can someone clarify what biome.rainfall returns? And what is the range of that function?
  3. Can I know the day-time, biome, and weather of a block / chunk from code?
  4. Oh great, now that I know I can make my mod possible EDIT: By the way, how do I use this logic?
  5. I mean suppose I have a strange logic to set the number of slots in GUI / Container to number of chests nearby So that 5 chests nearby makes 5 slots in the Gui / Container Would that work?
  6. I mean: Suppose there are no slots in my GUI I want to count the number of chest blocks nearby and update my slot count PER TICK like 1 chest = 1 slot Can I do that?
  7. I know how to draw a GUI from a png. Then, I wondered, can the GUI shift dynamically with the tileEntites? For example, can I add another row of slot if I detect chest Blocks nearby? Or can I "erase" the Slot GUI when it is raining? Or can I adjust GUI slot count based on nearby block count? (Of course I will implement method to deal with overflowing.)
  8. Oh I see. Thanks!!!
  9. What's the difference of onBLockDestroyedByPlayer(stuff) and onBlockHarvested(stuff) I am confused.
  10. The what should I do to ensure that both the Block and TileEntity are replaced?
  11. And, how do I use GuiButton, GuiScreen and stuffs like that?
  12. Oh and What does that boolean mean?
  13. Ah and you need to implement ITileEntityProvider so that Forge knows you need a TileEntity at the position.
  14. I have some problem that confuses me. Suppose I have Block A and Block B. Both implemented ITileEntityProvider. I placed a Block A in the world. Then I want to replace Block A with Block B IN THE CODE. (something like world.aFunction(whatever)) What should I do?
  15. I may be able to check the Gui Code, But I really cant find those Gui images.
  16. 2) I was wondering if I could move those ID around so that I can reference my Container Slots with 0 to 10.
  17. I have several questions... 1. What does those 2 ints and the boolean in mergeItemStack(ItemStack, int, int, boolean) mean? 2. Is it possible to shift player inventory slot IDs up and down? (I know it cant go below 0) 3. What is the range of player inventory slot IDs? You can just reply on 1 question, that will be fine. I am currently learning to make Gui and stuff.
  18. You mean adding a "Wing" component connected to the piece of Armor? That may require you to override render armor classes... (Just a wild guess)
  19. I was just wondering if there is a GUI resource library that stuff like Vanilla GUI borders, Vanilla buttons, Vanilla stuff n stuff can be found. I am currently learning to make GUI, and I am always astonished by how the tutorial makers make the GUIs look so much like vanilla ones.
  20. How do famous modders create nice looking GUIs? All their Guis look like vanilla ones. It would be good if someone tell me how to make one.
  21. I am trying to make a multiblock that looks like a cuboid. However I am confused with how to set it up (checking which blocks are OK) My multiblock will have a controller that is used to construct the multiblock can someone provide me with some guides?
  22. Yeah But it still showed errors
  23. Hi I am receiving errors from Eclipse It said some funcs in classes of Resonant Engine have errors EG, "AbstractAccess cannot be resolved to a type" However, I can find those funcs defined in .scala files, which Eclipse seemed to have missed. EG, I can find "AbstractAccess" through "src/main/scala/resonant/lib/access/scala/AbstractAccess.scala" Anyone knows what is happening?
  24. So should I put in src, dev or api version, if any?
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