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Everything posted by ItsAMysteriousYT

  1. I recovered that in the MathHelper class there are two methods sin&cos. But why do they exist if the Math class has those methods? Is there any noteworthy benefit?
  2. Well, i can't see the method that draws the rectangle when you hoover over the slot. Where is it?
  3. Everything you need you can get from the MessageContext. It is smart to put the things you wanna make in a new thread like this: IThreadListener mainThread = (WorldServer) ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.worldObj; mainThread.addScheduledTask(new Runnable() { World world = ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.worldObj; @Override public void run() { } }); return null;
  4. I don't think that the loader supports Materials. But other than that, how did you made your b3d models work? My models still error with no root mesh in model location error. I tried everything in the json files, but i can't get it working.
  5. Cuz i think that changing the rotationPitchHead(if you have an EntityLivingBase) would rotate the model and not the rotationPitch. I don't know why Minecraft does this
  6. Hm... i have no idea what it is caused by Sorry for that.
  7. Yes, its pretty easy. In your blockstate file, just make the #inventory tag to set a texture and else, leave the texture field away, thats how i would do it.
  8. Does the console have any glOverflow or glUnderflow output in it?
  9. Okay, ill try clearing my bin folder so it recreates the classes.
  10. Try this in your render method: GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glRotated(entity.rotationPitch,1,0,0); //rest of the rendering stuff here GL11.glPopMatrix();
  11. Hm... okay, do you bind the white stuff as texture? If yes, its clear that is is brighter than the normal stuff, cuz it is being scaled down.
  12. LOL! It doesn't do anything for me And it is not caused by a not working C-Key, cuz it works when i write Maybe i have an older forge version?
  13. What have you put in it? When i make system.out int won't work with guis it won't work. What am i makeing wrong? Do i have to log in for that probably?
  14. I have the method in the commonhandler which is registered propperly. That is just a leftover in the clientproxy.
  15. Use -math.cos(Math.toRadians(mob.rotationpitch)) should work.
  16. Oh, thats line 137 for me. Seems that listFiles() is empty. inserted a null check now. Should work. just gonna push it.
  17. Okay, this is the repo: https://github.com/ItsAMysterious/Real-Life-Mod-1.8
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