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Everything posted by ItsAMysteriousYT

  1. AWESOME Im setting up Github Desktop now and then, can i just copy my modding workspace into it or do i have to creat a new folder and run the gradlew stuff again?
  2. Btw, looking at your name - are you german? I am, but i love english
  3. No, i havent't I can try creating one or just upload the code as zipfile on mediafire if you want.
  4. Awesome. also, it is possible to render entities with it somehow, but ill have to have a close look at this. aswell as at the animation thing
  5. Yes, absolutely - the first one has the RETURN_KEY, the second one the KEY_C.
  6. Okay, and how excactly do i then load the model? When i put the thing in the blockstates folder, will it load completely or do i have to set any other stuff?
  7. No its not, i actually think it is superawesome you know why? Cuz you can ANIMATE IT!! But nevertheless, i can't get the loading process done. What excactly belongs into the json files? The models/blocks file i did that: { "forge_marker": 1, "defaults": { "textures": { "texture": "reallifemod:textures/models/blocks/texture_Lantern.png" }, "model": "reallifemod:lantern.b3d" }, "variants": { "inventory": [ { "transform": { "thirdperson": { "scale": 0.02 }, "gui": { "scale": 0.02 }, "firstperson": { "scale": 0.02 } } } ] } } The same in the blockstate and in the itemfile this: { "parent": "reallifemod:blockLantern", "textures": { "all": "reallifemod:textures/models/block/texture_Lantern.png" } }
  8. Is it possible to animate b3d models, cuz i saw some boneclasses in the forge code, but i don't know how to enable the animations live from code. Does anybody know how to do this?
  9. Also, that is the class with my keybindings: package itsamysterious.mods.reallifemod.core.handlers; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding; import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.registry.ClientRegistry; public class Keybindings { public static KeyBinding EnterVehicleKey = new KeyBinding("Enter Vehicle", Keyboard.KEY_RETURN, "key.categories.reallifemod"); public static KeyBinding CharacterKey = new KeyBinding("Character Menu", Keyboard.KEY_C, "key.categories.reallifemod"); public static void init(){ ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(EnterVehicleKey); ClientRegistry.registerKeyBinding(CharacterKey); } } I call the init-Method from my MainClass's Init method(Hope thats alright). Also, then why does the first keybinding work with isPressed and the other one isn't? EDIT: I register the keybindings from my clientproxy now. But the ClientTick Event has to be in the commonhandler cuz it registered to FMLCommanHandler.bus()
  10. Wow, why do they have that keyPressed thingemy then, when it only returns the propper value the first time lol
  11. I registered two keybindings for my mod in a Method in my CommonHandler. The first keybinding works, but the other one does not even print out a string when i press it. This is my code: @SubscribeEvent public void onKeyPressed(ClientTickEvent e) { if (Keybindings.EnterVehicleKey.isPressed()) { if (getClosestEntity() != null) { EntityVehicle v = getClosestEntity(); RealLifeMod.network.sendToServer(new MountVehicleMessage(v.getEntityId())); } } if (Keybindings.CharacterKey.isPressed()) { System.out.println("Test"); } }
  12. And in my opinion sending such big files (considering .png can take MBs) via normal packet pipeline would be retarded, jut saying. Open new thread and use standard java downloading. (What player skins do, or did when I last checked). Honestly this is the resourcefriendlier method
  13. You will need packethandling for this. You will have to decode your image to bytes and send it to the client where you put all the bytes back together to an image again. Diesieben07 has a supergood tutorial on that. For the filetransfer on the client, just use java's FileUtil .
  14. Try leaving the light enabled, so the blendfunction uses the brightness of the blocks underneeth it.
  15. Guis are ClientOnly. To set values in a tileentty(Both sides)from a Gui, youll need to use packethandling to send the value to the server. Diesieben07 has a nice Tutorial on that. Also for spoilers do [ spoiler ] [/ spoiler ] without the spaces
  16. Your Renderers are justfine, although you don't need to do the push/pomatrix stuff between binding the texture and rendering the model. Also, have you registered the tileentity?
  17. With my TileEntity, i wanna change the y positon of all of the entities on it to a dynamicly set position. Now i struggle in the way i track this entity. I set it in the blockcode like this: @Override public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, Entity entityIn) { if (worldIn.getTileEntity(pos) != null && worldIn.getTileEntity(pos) instanceof TileEntityTarmac) { TileEntityTarmac t = (TileEntityTarmac) worldIn.getTileEntity(pos); t.entities.add(entityIn.getEntityId()); } else { } } Now i try this in my tileentity: @Override public void update() { if (!this.hasWorldObj()) return; if (!entities.isEmpty()) { Entity e = null; for (int i = 0; i < entities.size() - 1; i++) { e = worldObj.getEntityByID(i); if (e != null && !e.isDead && heightfile != null) { { e.setPosition(e.posX, this.getPosForEntity(e, heightfile), e.posZ); } if (!worldObj.isRemote) if (e.posX < pos.getX() || e.posZ < pos.getZ() || e.isDead || e.isCollided) { entities.remove(i); } } } } } Now what is happening is really strange. It just crashes, saying something about lastTwoElementsOfStackTrace but not where the error is. What am i doing wrong in my method?
  18. Oh My mistake, do i add it in the RenderPlayerEvent or in some other method somewhere?
  19. Is that the right way of doing it? public void onRenderPlayer(RenderPlayerEvent e){ e.renderer.addLayer(new LayerRenderer() { @Override public boolean shouldCombineTextures() { return true; } @Override public void doRenderLayer(EntityLivingBase e, float x, float y, float z, float p_177141_5_, float p_177141_6_, float p_177141_7_, float p_177141_8_) { } }); }
  20. I wanna render some clothes above the players skin
  21. For my mod, i wanna add a second armorlayer below the normal one. How can i make that? What are the things i need?
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