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Posts posted by keepcalm

  1. I'm setting up 1.4 now, there's probably a private field in the container that has something to do with it. You could use a coremod - you could either make crafters public or playerList public.


    There's a tutorial on the wiki (which I wrote), which should work, it will help you to write a coremod that does this.

    This is where you can find it


    Tell me if you have problems. I probably made a mistake somewhere (but it did work for me ;))

  2. - Dont bump threads, it's annoying


    Do you mean EntityPlayerMP?


    If you use a ContainerFurnace then you can use ContainerFurnace.setPlayerIsPresent(EntityPlayerMP player, Boolean isWatching).


    To get an EntityPlayerMP from an EntityPlayer, simply cast it (EntityPlayerMP newPlayer = (EntityPlayerMP) entityPlayer

  3. Add codechickencore and nei to the <mcp>/jars/coremods.


    <mcp>/jars is the same as .minecraft


    Although... Since NEI's been obfuscated and minecraft hasn't at that point...


    Just give me a few minutes (decompiling minecraft), and I'll check and come back.


    EDIT: That doesn't work. You'd have to talk to ChickenBones...

  4. I'm *attempting* to implement the Bukkit API under minecraft forge, and a lot of the plugins output to standard output, rather then using the logger (like they should be). I don't really want to change System.out, since FML changes it and changing it again might mess things up badly.


  5. Is it still the same error? The first error wasn't because of the modified jars, it was because something was being called incorrectly:

      File "/home/giodamelio/Downloads/mcp72/forge/fml/fml.py", line 253, in setup_fml

        decompile(None, False, False, True, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False)

    TypeError: decompile() takes exactly 11 arguments (13 given)


    So try downloading a newer forge... And can you tell me what version of python you have (python --version)?

  6. You could look at the vanilla code for ghasts and squids (it's often very helpful), but I think that jumpMovementFactor might have something to do with it. I don't do much modding of that kind, though, so I may be completely wrong.

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