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blinky000 last won the day on October 24 2023

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  1. pick a block to be the base. get the location of that block when placed use setPlacedBy to place the other blocks when any of the blocks are delete again get the location a removed the other blocks
  2. You can't change vanilla. The best you can do is create a custom block, and inherit your block from the vanilla one
  3. just don't give it a hit (voxel) box, but if you do, its hard to get rid of it in the game. I normally a have 0.0F 0.0F 0.0F 16.0F 1.0F 16.0F so there is something to hit when you want delete it in game
  4. these issues were fix in 1.18 withe the experimental light pipe https://pasteboard.co/6kFMpPxOWRji.png https://pasteboard.co/uebFjPUpsyqF.png ty for any help
  5. I think the problem is the "experimentalForgeLightPipelineEnabled = true" in the forge-client.toml no longer works in 1.20
  6. when placing a glass_pane block, it place it with just a pillar pane, not the full block, do i have to update the block?
  7. i have checked out all the lighting options, no help. Any ideas? https://ibb.co/GMR3xyJ
  8. did you set the RenderType?
  9. having the same issue, i reported as a bug
  10. Not sure where to put this post
  11. .obj models that worked in 1.20.1 worked fine, in the latest version the texture files are not getting the correct textures from the atlas. instead of getting the correct texture , you get multiple small textures. https://pasteboard.co/5XyNp3ANcZtF.jpg
  12. the property of the block must have properties.noOcclusion());
  13. I have to run prepareRunClient every time i start eclipse. also other times also during my session. is this normal or do i have something set up wrong
  14. I defined a block : public static final RegistryObject<Block> BROWN_DIAMOND_PATIO_BLOCK= BLOCKS.register("single_brown_diamond", () -> new Block(BlockBehaviour.Properties.copy(Blocks.STONE).strength(1.5f, 6.0f))); the strength is the same from Blocks.STONE. But in the game the BROWN_DIAMOND_PATIO_BLOCK is MUCH harder to destroy with a pickaxe then a mindcraft STONE block
  15. It was a stupid Eclipse problem ,the debugger was set to a lower version of java. In what world would i want my development version different from the debugger version. ty for looking
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