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Everything posted by pro-mole

  1. Okay, so what are you doing to test in the client? Maybe this helps you to find what's missing: I run the recompile and reobfuscate scripts and then pack the contents of reobf/minecraft (the minecraft folder should not be included) and put that inside the mods folder.
  2. 1) What's the range of ticks for blocks with "setTickRandomly" set to true? This is just out of pure curiosity. 2) How can I set a block to tick not randomly? I'd like my block to do an updateTick in set intervals, and I can't find where I can use a "schedule" sort of function. (Just right now it hit me... is it on a "OnPlaced" function of sorts?) 3) How can I make an individual block stop ticking randomly? I've tried setting "setTickRandomly" to false, but that apparently changes all the blocks of the same type, not only the individual instance. =/ 4) When using metadata/damage to define variations of a same block, will all the blocks have the same base characteristics(hardness, luminosity, material)? The underlying question here being: can I define a block that "lights up" by changing a metadata value? 5) Finally, what does "World.setLightValue" do? I tried using it to solve the problem in question 4, but it did, well, nothing, apparently.
  3. Okay, midway through this thread I just decided to create a new block to do this instead, so it's a new block crafted from dirt that can only be crafted with a special tool now. A lot easier, I guess. Still, thanks very much, maybe later on I'll look into ASM if I really need that.
  4. That sounds interesting... any quick reference you recommend about that? I'm googling it already, but a good recommendation is sometimes a lot more helpful than wading through Google results.
  5. Must be the vacuum between Thaumcraft 2 and the new Aracanacraft.
  6. So I started modding Minecraft just out of fun and to learn something new, but quickly I started structuring it into a coherent idea and before I consider making this official I still want to experiment a little. This is just to explain why I haven't requested mod status yet, if that's needed. Apologies, if that's the case. To the point: I've created a tool(an ItemSpade) and an item, and I'd like this item to be dropped if the player breaks dirt using this item. I had a real hard time trying to figure out how to manage that. At first I tried changing the BlockDirt class directly, but that would only work when testing from Eclipse. After recompiling and reobfuscating the code and packing it up any changes to Dirt would be ignored. I finally found a solution that involves creating a new class that will behave like BlockDirt, unregister the dirt block at initialization and register mine on top. It works, but sounds to me as incredibly shifty(not to mention possibly non-compatible with other mods). Is there another proper and better way to tamper with existing blocks with Forge?
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