1) What's the range of ticks for blocks with "setTickRandomly" set to true? This is just out of pure curiosity.
2) How can I set a block to tick not randomly? I'd like my block to do an updateTick in set intervals, and I can't find where I can use a "schedule" sort of function. (Just right now it hit me... is it on a "OnPlaced" function of sorts?)
3) How can I make an individual block stop ticking randomly? I've tried setting "setTickRandomly" to false, but that apparently changes all the blocks of the same type, not only the individual instance. =/
4) When using metadata/damage to define variations of a same block, will all the blocks have the same base characteristics(hardness, luminosity, material)? The underlying question here being: can I define a block that "lights up" by changing a metadata value?
5) Finally, what does "World.setLightValue" do? I tried using it to solve the problem in question 4, but it did, well, nothing, apparently.