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Everything posted by pro-mole
Hi, a late thanks for that. You are right, I should put a lot more info right here, though I'm saving that for when I have a bit more work done. In short, I didn't think anyone would be interested in this right now, but one can be too humble, I guess. ^^; Granted, this mod has been pushed quit back on my list of priorities now. =/ But I have all my plans laid down so I can get back to it later on.
[SMP][API]Myrmecology - Capture, breed and enslave ants!
pro-mole replied to SamTebbs33's topic in Mods
Oddly enough, I actually recognized the "Myrmeco-" radix there. And I was stunned. I love this mod already and want to somehow integrate it with my own bug mod in the future. There seems to not be much information on what exactly one can do with ants there, but it's ok. I gotta test this later. -
Here we have, folks! A new pre-demo release, still with grubs, burrows and cocoons, and now... potion brewing! Yup, some of those bugs can be made into potions. Pretty neat, hm? Download links on the main post, and here's a quick video demo: [flash=420,315]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbgqgAjJ_BU?hl=pt_BR&version=3 Sorry about the crappy and choppy video quality. =/ I asked people here for suggestions on screen recording software, but got none. If you have any, fire it away, it'd be very useful.
If any modder who's been doing screen caps on the Mac can help me, I've decided to prepare some launch "trailers" for my own mod features, but turned out a bit choppy. It seems using Quicktime isn't the most wise option, or maybe I was doing something really wrong. Any suggestions of software that you use that I could try? Thanks in advance!
YES, WE JAR! Molecraft 2's pre-demo release is pretty much a "here's something while you wait" release. It features almost nothing except the grubs themselves, which can be accessed in Creative mode or found in the world inside cocoons(on trees) and burrows(on soil). World Gen is a bit laggy, but I'm working on that. Also, the grubs have special properties to them. Some are poisonous, some give you night vision, some may burn you, but they're all delicious! Yum! Installation is pretty much standard mod installation: just thrown the JAR in your mods folder and have fun!
I am doing loops, but trying to reduce them. I already get some hiccups when generating new chunks as it is, I'd like my code to be minimally leaner. Besides, I can use getHeightValue, I just need to check a few blocks down in these cases. I wanted to clarify because the documentation is vague and the code isn't much better either(it just takes this value from an array, but doesn't explain where this array is filled).
Yea... actually no. I'm using that function to try and find trees for my worldGen. My problem, though, is not that the gen is made too early but: a) This function returns the y value of the block just above the top most for given X and Z(i.e., it's an air block) and b) It does not make any distinction between solid blocks or not. I got both water and leaves on the position just below that value. Thanks for the prompt reply, guys, but you might be thinking of a different version of the code(I'm working with 1.5.2).
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the burrowing mammal minecraft mod is back! Molecraft 2 is being remade with a clear divison of its 3 phases: bugs, dirt and runes. The Bug Farm submod is already in progress, and you can keep an eye on the developments in my gamedev blog or my album on imgur dedicated to showcasing my mod development! ...or you can just keep an eye here as I start setting up my mod releases... for the second time. Anyway, for now here are some screenshots! Releases - Pre-Demo Release 0.05a (Direct) - Pre-Demo Release 0.05b (Direct)
So, this is one of those things I could find out with extensive testing, but it'll be hours until I get home and I'm also hoping somone else will be benefitted by this post. Simple question, then: world.getHeightValue(x,z) will return what Y value, by definition? And more specifically, if I use this function in an area where there's a tree, will it get me the height of the leaves or the height of the ground under it?
Iiiiit's preview time again! This time... grubs! I'm missing a texture there, it's not supposed to be ready yet. But all the other grubs will be in the first release
For anyone still wondering what's up with this... well, it's going through a revival phase. Developing this was becoming too unfocused and all over the place and then I found out I had no idea what I was going to do next. So Molecraft 2 is coming out in three modules: bugs, dirt and runes. Bugs will be all about bugs, dirt will be about digging and processing dirt into pretty much anything(veering into alchemy territory, really ) and runes will be about sparkling the land with magical runestones that do all sorts of things from summoning cows to creating the perfect battlefield to mow down some mobs. And I'll start a new topic for that. Meanwhile, here's a video [flash=640,480]
What a very pleasant surprise, I'll be trying this today! And multiplayer, too. I have a server set up to play with my cousin, and since Thaum isn't working very well in SMP, we'll use this one instead!
Molecraft 0.7 is in da house, aw yea! Still haven't done the preview movie or updated the Getting Started doc, but not much changed, except we have some weird black stones around -- they'll be awesomer later --, a new type of bug that lives in the water and seedstone have changed a whole lot. Also, you can put chests near your terrarium to produce stuff in them instead of seeing all the silk flying around the place. Get it in the same place as usual right there in the wiki and have fun!
I think I have an idea about that, but I also realize maybe I should just use multiple one-use items instead of one item with damage. Thanks anyway.
Ok, so as far as I understand, we can use item damage to set up sub items with the same item id. That is why we use "setMaxDamage(0)". But is it possible to create sub items that still have a damage component?
I think the onBlockPlacedBy function of BlockFurnace is a good place to start: 222 /** 223 * Called when the block is placed in the world. 224 */ 225 public void onBlockPlacedBy(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, EntityLiving par5EntityLiving) 226 { 227 int var6 = MathHelper.floor_double((double)(par5EntityLiving.rotationYaw * 4.0F / 360.0F) + 0.5D) & 3; 228 229 if (var6 == 0) 230 { 231 par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, 2); 232 } 233 234 if (var6 == 1) 235 { 236 par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, 5); 237 } 238 239 if (var6 == 2) 240 { 241 par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, 3); 242 } 243 244 if (var6 == 3) 245 { 246 par1World.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(par2, par3, par4, 4); 247 } 248 } And then the metadata defines which side the block faces, with getBlockTextureFromSide. To provide any more help, I'll have to get home and get to experimenting. So good luck for now.
Okay, quick update: doing this in randomDisplayTick() works fine. Using addEffect instead of spawnParticle is that I can instantiate the entity and change it before to, say, make it green instead of the usual red. Now I have other problems to deal with but this is closed. I'll add this to my list of "tutorials to write" and thank you very much.
Well, tried adding a check for Client Side before adding any particles, but the error is still happening. Any ideas?
I believe the path is relative to src/common. For example, this is the path to my texture in my project: "/Mole/common/resources/terrain.png" I put it in src/common/Mole/common/resources/terrain.png. Try putting it in src/common/graphics/test1.png instead
Very good, Nuchaz, that worked! I haven't created a new custom EntityFX class yet, but I managed to do some green dust flying from my block. Awesome! But now I'm getting some weird problems... When I have my sparkles running(I put the code inside a Tile Entity, sparkling at random times about 8 times each 10 seconds) I randomly get... this -- Head -- Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.entity.Entity.moveEntity(Entity.java:769) at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.moveEntityWithHeading(EntityLiving.java:1535) at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.onLivingUpdate(EntityLiving.java:1823) at net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityMob.onLivingUpdate(EntityMob.java:37) at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.onUpdate(EntityLiving.java:843) at net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityMob.onUpdate(EntityMob.java:45) at net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityCreeper.onUpdate(EntityCreeper.java:173) at net.minecraft.world.World.updateEntityWithOptionalForce(World.java:2295) at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.updateEntityWithOptionalForce(WorldServer.java:645) at net.minecraft.world.World.updateEntity(World.java:2257) -- Entity being ticked -- Details: Entity Type: Creeper (net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityCreeper) Entity ID: 178 Name: Creeper Exact location: -89.98, 41.00, 5.49 Block location: World: (-90,41,5), Chunk: (at 6,2,5 in -6,0; contains blocks -96,0,0 to -81,255,15), Region: (-1,0; contains chunks -32,0 to -1,31, blocks -512,0,0 to -1,255,511) Momentum: 0.00, -0.08, 0.00 Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.world.World.updateEntities(World.java:2103) at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.updateEntities(WorldServer.java:514) (...) java.lang.NullPointerException Actually, that's not even the only error I get, sometimes it's sheep, or chicken or... well, anything. It's pretty random. Any idea? Maybe this isn't a good way to go about with particles? SUDDEN REALIZATION EDIT: Wait, I should be doing this on Client side only, isn't it?
Well, as far as I figured from examining Vanilla code, I can only create particles available in the Vanilla build -- they are identified by String arguments and there's no way to access the EntityFX class -- and only via some functions -- so far, only in the displayRandomTick function of the Block. In other words, the whole thing is pretty limited as far as I can see. I'd like to at least be able to play around with what I have, like, for example, flashing green redstone particles over a block. I'm gonna try and use some raw spawnEntityInWorld to do that. Wish me luck.
Does anyone know of any tutorial or example code on creating particles and spawning them? I'm having a hard time figuring how to do it from the Javadocs code, and I'd like to use particles to tell the player that one of my blocks is working or has reached a certain state(especifically, that it's consuming some fuel to produce items). Thanks in advance.
Good news, everyone! The Water Beetle works, the new Seedstone works and I also managed to unbreak my Terrarium that I broke while doing some changes to the way it works regarding bugs and grubs. So the only thing in the way of the next release is some minor tweaking and also some eye candy I want to add to the "machine" blocks so the player knows they're doing anything. Also, I may actually do a demo video. This is going to be awesome.
For those interested -- let me dream, please -- Molecraft 0.7 will take a while to build because in the middle of the planned changes I decided to completely rework one complex system that the mod implements; namely, the seedstones. So here's a list of what to expect: - Finally Mole Lore rears its head, with the mysterious Stone Circle structures and the new blocks Standing Stone and Runestone! - New larva and bug, the Water Grub and Aquatic Beetle, a new tool bug for all your deep sea diving needs! - Slight changes to the inner workings of the Mole Claw and Mole Spade, as well as better randomizing of the clumps and grubs! Also, there will be major change on some item and block IDs, because I failed to plan accordingly for my many types of grubs, clumps and bugs. Yep, pretty stupid, but at least it came up before 1.0, eh? Well, all said, it looks like a new release might come up next week. If you're still waiting, thanks a bunch, and have fun!
In case anyone's wondering, here's the result with Blender: https://raw.github.com/pro-mole/molecraft/master/resources/wiki/block_dirtstone.png[/img] Yes, it's basically dirt-colored stone. But there we go. I'm thinking of making a tutorial for this, just gotta reorganize the steps I took from 3 different tutorials. Also, work on that other tutorial I was planning to write about extracting items with modded tools. Anyhow, thanks a bunch, y'all.