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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by jjw123

  1. overmind, make an online spreadsheet for people to input their mods block IDs into, then other devs can pick theirs accordingly based on the features added in their mod
  2. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=java+reflection
  3. have a look here that helped me when i was looking into dimensions
  4. it shouldnt be too hard to make if youre willing to have both mods loaded at once, use world edit
  5. if (isOp(par3EntityPlayer)) { } should work also, take your stuff out of net.minecraft.src
  6. we need code, also paste the full crashlog
  7. thanks for posting that cpw, i looked all over for it to send him, and you werent on irc
  8. dont get other APIs, it works great with forge only
  9. its called mcmod.info, and its placed in your mods zip or jar (in the mods folder)
  10. do the EnumAction.bow aswell, if not theres other things you can try
  11. you can always do it a different way, have a play around with it for example, if youre not bothered about durability, make it add damage stuff while using it, then set the texture based on damage values. but remember to set the damage back to 0 when released
  12. no, its always called mcmod
  13. i havent done this myself, but just looking at the code you should look at this method /** * returns the action that specifies what animation to play when the items is being used */ public EnumAction getItemUseAction(ItemStack par1ItemStack) { return EnumAction.bow; } you should probably make a custom EnumAction with your bow in
  14. right, well firstly look in the dimension manager class, if you know how to code, you should be able to understand what to do by looking in there
  15. dimensions with forge are very easy. post what you currently have and ill help you out with the rest (i believe you sent me a message on MinecragtForums aswell
  16. i made a tutorial on minecraft forum, but when i went to put it on here, they'd deleted my topic for no reason
  17. its more like you wont need a client version lol
  18. the line if(j.getItem() != null && j.getItem() == this.pickSapphire) could just be if(j.getItem() == this.pickSapphire) because if it equals pickSapphire it cannot be null
  19. if you put it, you get an error if youve put an out of place capital letter or parameter
  20. well, in your block 2nd parameter you would have the block texture index (there is a nice tutorial for this on the forge wiki) and where you need to put the number of the texture index, you would put the 'formula' that i said (i really dont like calling it a formula...)
  21. i do (r*16) + c where r = row (0 - 15) and c = column (0 - 15)
  22. there doesnt even seem to be an image in the jar for the fire, i cant understand where the image comes from
  23. ok, so i have my own custom fire in my mod, and i would like it to be a different colour to regular fire, i have looked all over the place and cannot see where fire gets its texture from :@ any help would be greatly appreciated
  24. fair enough
  25. oh, i was going of lex's comment that only overmind has the skills or experience to make it...
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