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Everything posted by Alexthe666

  1. After more checking this and the unfunctional riding controls seem to be the only disconnects i could find.
  2. 2. yes I know but I want to cancel out all other mod's shift behaviors at the time as well. 3. It only gets to the smoke particle spawn meaning "if (mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump.isKeyDown())" is never true.
  3. May or may not be related: the entity in the mod is controllable in the workspace but not outside of it.
  4. KeyBoard.isKeyDown() is also not working out of the workspace.
  5. ModelBiped's textureHeight is 32. ModelPlayer's texture height is 64. here is your two options: new model, extending ModelBiped and setting textureHeight to 64, or change your texture to ModelBiped's format, look at the normal zombie texture as an example.
  6. Have you done anything with GenLayer increasing biome sizes? (GenLayerZoom) example: https://github.com/Alex-the-666/archipelago/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/alexthe666/archipelago/world/GenLayerArchipelago.java
  7. Hello. I have an event that tells me if certain keys are down. They work as intended in the workspace, but for some reason, outside of the workspace, isKeyDown() is never true. my event code: The farthest particle that spawns is the CLOUD, meaning that the event is working but the keys are not working.
  8. All you need to do to fix this is to Restart your computer.
  9. Hi. Today i tried to setup a 1.10.2 workspace, but i got this strange gradle crash: I tried running gradlew clean, then tried to setup again but there was no difference.
  10. Because noone knows what on God's green Earth you are trying to describe.
  11. So essentially make 1% opacity level black pixels instead of alpha?
  12. Hi. I have a leaves block that works perfectly fine except for one issue: When on fast, the leaves render with a white background instead of a black one. An example: Normal Fancy Render: White Fast Render: The class file for the leaves block: It would be greatly appreciated if I could get any help at all on this. Thanks in advance
  13. Does anyone know why this isn't working? I have a similar mob in another mod for the same MC version that works fine.
  14. although that works, it doesn't animate the animal at all(because move helper doesn't change the motion, only position), and is over very buggy.
  15. Hi. im just running a few tests, changing the player size from 0.6, 1.8, to 0.5, 0.5. However, pressing F3 + B renders the same-old vanilla bounding box, with the red eyeheight changed to the correct position(good). When the player bumps into a wall or another entity (or anything with an AxisAllianedBB), it changes from: http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b533/Alexthe666/2016-06-22_13.46.05_zpspl1f5nz8.png[/img] to http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b533/Alexthe666/2016-06-22_13.46.26_zpsdascxhmk.png[/img] The second image is correct, but it only is correct when collided. Here is my event(called on both server and client): @SubscribeEvent public void onEntityUpdate(LivingUpdateEvent event) { float scale = SizeChangeUtils.getScale(event.getEntity()); System.out.println(event.getEntity().worldObj.isRemote); try { SizeChangeUtils.setSize(event.getEntity(), 0.5F, 0.5F); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } And here is the reflection in progress: static { for (Method method : Entity.class.getDeclaredMethods()) { for (String name : new String[] { "setSize", "func_177725_a" }) { if (method.getName().equals(name)) { method.setAccessible(true); setSize = method; break; } } } } public static void setSize(Entity entity, float x, float y) throws ReflectiveOperationException { setSize.invoke(entity, x, y); entity.width = x; entity.height = y; }
  16. Hello. I have a simple entity: https://github.com/Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/alexthe666/iceandfire/entity/EntityFireDragon.java That uses EntityAIWander. However, I've found that when the wander tries moving with this.entity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, this.zPosition, this.speed); it immediately returns this.entity.getNavigator().noPath() . Here is the entity's superclass if you need to see it: https://github.com/Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/alexthe666/iceandfire/entity/EntityDragonBase.java
  17. Alright I'm probably using a very old version.
  18. I'm sorry but no "toughness" parameter is in on addEnum...
  19. I recently updated my mod from 1.9 to 1.9.4, all is well except that creating custom armors is very messed up. I registered my armor material like this: public static ArmorMaterial silverMetal = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Silver", "iceandfire:armor_silverMetal", 25, new int[] { 2, 7, 6, 2 }, 20, SoundEvents.ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_CHAIN); and initialized my item like this: silver_helmet = new ItemSilverArmor(silverMetal, 0, EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD, "armor_silverMetal_helmet", "iceandfire.silver_helmet"); However I get a crash. Now, if we look at the ArmorMaterial Enum, this is how they are registered: LEATHER("leather", 5, new int[]{1, 2, 3, 1}, 15, SoundEvents.ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_LEATHER, 0.0F), CHAIN("chainmail", 15, new int[]{1, 4, 5, 2}, 12, SoundEvents.ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_CHAIN, 0.0F), IRON("iron", 15, new int[]{2, 5, 6, 2}, 9, SoundEvents.ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_IRON, 0.0F), GOLD("gold", 7, new int[]{1, 3, 5, 2}, 25, SoundEvents.ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_GOLD, 0.0F), DIAMOND("diamond", 33, new int[]{3, 6, 8, 3}, 10, SoundEvents.ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND, 2.0F); I think this issue is caused by the extra param in the addEnum method, however I want to know about your thoughts.
  20. { "pools": [ { "rolls": { "min": 3, "max": 8 }, "entries": [ { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:diamond", "functions": [ { "function": "set_count", "count": { "min": 1, "max": 3 } } ], "weight": 3 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:iron_ingot", "functions": [ { "function": "set_count", "count": { "min": 1, "max": 5 } } ], "weight": 10 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:gold_ingot", "functions": [ { "function": "set_count", "count": { "min": 1, "max": 3 } } ], "weight": 5 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:bread", "functions": [ { "function": "set_count", "count": { "min": 1, "max": 3 } } ], "weight": 15 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:apple", "functions": [ { "function": "set_count", "count": { "min": 1, "max": 3 } } ], "weight": 15 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:iron_pickaxe", "weight": 5 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:iron_sword", "weight": 5 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:iron_chestplate", "weight": 5 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:iron_helmet", "weight": 5 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:iron_leggings", "weight": 5 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:iron_boots", "weight": 5 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:obsidian", "functions": [ { "function": "set_count", "count": { "min": 3, "max": 7 } } ], "weight": 5 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:sapling", "functions": [ { "function": "set_count", "count": { "min": 3, "max": 7 } } ], "weight": 5 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:saddle", "weight": 3 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:iron_horse_armor", "weight": 1 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:golden_horse_armor", "weight": 1 }, { "type": "item", "name": "minecraft:diamond_horse_armor", "weight": 1 } ] } ] }
  21. Your velocity updates is 3. To give you perspective, a squid has 10 and an arrow has 20. Your tracking range is 150, and a normal vanilla mob's is 80.
  22. Either: 1. You are moving it too fast 2. you registered it with a low velocity rate could we see where you registered it?
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