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Everything posted by Kzitold

  1. No reason for asking. Just curious why 1.13.2 version.json is so different.
  2. Makes sense. So it's gonna be that way from now on?
  3. I've noticed that the version.json for 1.13 is "\forge-1.13.2-###-installer\version.json" instead of "\forge-1.12.2-###-installer\forge-1.12.2-###-universal\version.json" Is there a reason for this? Is it temporary? Is it going to apply to earlier MC versions soon?
  4. I don't think anything happened when I double clicked it. What do I do with it?
  5. Here's an idea. How about someone on the Forge team develops a way so only Patron donors can access a .json for whatever they need? Maybe make the "index_mc.json" require a --ForgeUsername and --ForgePassword, assuming the patrons let you know. Using Forge forums credentials because that be what you have rights to know. And for when a name leaves the Patron list, have a thing that auto removes the corresponding ForgeUsername from the "allowed access" list. It not like people would share their passwords anyway.
  6. I know that, and I'm giving my own money over Patreon. I'm just lazy and want to fix my automation.
  7. To fetch the file name, because file names before 1.8 were different. Can't direct download unless I know the exact file name.
  8. Getting a 404 when trying to load it. Is it done differently now?
  9. 24.0.84 ran at least until the title screen on multiple launches for me, but I didn't check further than that.
  10. I will once I could try it with a fresh directory, in case it was due to something I've done previously.
  11. For me, "1.13-forge-24.0.76-1.13-pre" only ran once. Installed, launched it and went to the title screen, closed it, launched it again, screen saying something about "Expected the boolean value false."
  12. Does Forge5zig work with Optifine and Liteloader? Is there any way to use 5zig like any other mod instead of running the installer? Like, you can just drop Optifine in the mods folder, and you can extract a jar from Liteloader or download it from their Jenkins to just drop it into the mods folder.
  13. Can only be downloaded from it's own site. No comments I could skim through, no link I could find to the source. So I'm a bit sceptical. Edit: Also, I can't read the 5zig Twitter. It's German (according to the profile information,) and I'm American.
  14. Setting a Java edition resource pack to 1.13 is relatively easy. It's mostly just files being renamed, so all that's needed is WinRAR and Notepad++
  15. Forge itself is safe. The Adfocus links may or may not be safe. If you don't see a bar at the top, something might've went wrong. A couple years ago, the Adfocus links were taking me to a fake-blue screen scareware with persistent dialog boxes making me unable to close the tab. If this happens to you, ctrl+alt+delete to open Task Manager and "End Task" on your browser. If the problem is recurring, the "All Versions" list have a little info button which would provide the "Direct Download" when you hover over it. Alternatively, you can get the direct link from the Adfocus link by copying link address (right-click on the button, not actually clicking it) and the direct link is all the stuff after "&url="
  16. Seeing a lot of links to my topic.
  17. I'll be sure to get to that Patreon thing when I can to hopefully make up for my evil automaton. Edit: I'll also try to mention your Patreon in my thing.
  18. At the time I started on it (and the original reason for it,) the download links were redirecting me to scareware with a persistent dialogue box forcing me to end task (along with all my tabs) from task manager and didn't learn of the hidden direct link until afterwards.
  19. I'm not profiting from it other than saving myself a little time, if that's what you're concerned about. Just a Powershell script to automate downloading and installing (server and client) the latest Forge for a given MC version. Also got Powershell scripts for Optifine, LiteLoader, and any mod from Curseforge if given the mod name part of the URL. Just didn't want to explicitly mention it since it unavoidably bypasses the ad, and I assumed you remembered me asking questions nobody should care about that helped me with it.
  20. Guilty as charged. But that thing I've been working on since a couple years ago is so convenient.
  21. Will file paths in the installer.jar stay the same?
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