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Everything posted by WildHeart

  1. Well, useful. I decompiled mod advinv(forgive me, the author) and there was watching how it's done. Now I already know how to solve my problem, but there are a couple BUT. If you press in the container stored on the subject then he abruptly tosses the hot bar, and not taken to the cursor. Also in the inventory there are duplicates, very strange. Ie if I click on the last slot of the first row, then I take the pants from slots of armor, and if I click on the bottom line will take things from the hot bar, in the tabs I clean the slots and render for a specific GUI, what is the reason. And last question, can I use the same class (ExtendedPlayer implements ICapabilitySerializable, IInventory) for other containers? Thank you for responding to the call of help!
  2. itemextra I understand this folder contains all I need to save the items in the player?
  3. OK, thanks
  4. what are the issues? I specifically asked how to save the player object. If you're wondering, I have a tab with endless containers that are in inventory of survival and I need to keep the items in the player, but I don't know how to do it in 1.10. I hope you feel clearer
  5. Hi, how to save items in the player using the ICapability? I would like to see sample code. Thanks!
  6. If you set the kill command, after the revival cannot be seen tied on the leash, sometimes the mobs and in most cases the fallen items.
  7. I know that the hands can be taken from the ItemRenderer(There is a render of the card). But the question arises, how are these arms to add to item:\
  8. Hello, tell me, how to rendering hands for item? In older versions minecraft was the method "IItemRenderer" and register "MinecraftForgeClient.registerItemRenderer". As now it is rendering for the first-third-person?
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