Forge Modder-
289 -
Days Won
Everything posted by lukas2005
what? if you mean to just embed things into my mod then i can't: The lib that i use needs natives i dont want to include all of them in a single jar bcuz that would weight 150mbs so i made 3 jars for each os separate but when i sent them to curse the windows one got rejected bcuz it contains a .exe (that comes from the windows native jar (the exe is a 7zip binary and is used to unpack the native that are inside of a 7z file thats inside of the jar)) so i need to download the natives at runtime and insert them into the FML class path (like they were just regular mods)
Hello i want to make a simple core mod which will download native dependencies that are required by my forge mod: I have this class now: https://github.com/lukas2005/Device-Mod-Apps/blob/master/src/main/java/io/github/lukas2005/DeviceModApps/coremod/CoreModMain.java But the code doesnt get executed. Can someone help me?
how to use the IRecipe interface (what shloud all of these methods return?)
nah i like switch better instead of big if-else block what is wrong with it? (heard that switch blocks have better performance but idt that matters in a drop event) Also how do i register a crafting recipe for each variant of my block it shloud look like this for each dye color (i did it so that block metadata matches dye metadata to make this easier)
ye that is a bit hacky solution for custom drops from vanilla mobs i would appreciate if you would suggest something better to me
Need advice about ASM or creating forge pull request
lukas2005 replied to Tmtravlr's topic in Modder Support
https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/forgedev/ -
i got this code: @Override public ItemStack getPickBlock(IBlockState state, RayTraceResult target, World world, BlockPos pos, EntityPlayer player) { return new ItemStack(this, 1, getMetaFromState(state)); } but it doesnt seem to work
ok now when in creative mode and i have my colored planks in the hotbar and i try to grab a diffrent color using middle click it doesnt allow me to do so how to fix that?
what shloud i change in it?
ok did that now when i place a lets say red block it still seems to place the default (0) metadata value (black)
how do i make it so it will have "dynamic" look (diffrent metadata = diffrent color in inventory)
ok i managed to fix the purple check board thing now it doesnt has a texture in the inventory how to fix that?
rest of the file looks like this { "forge_marker": 1, "defaults": { "model": "minecraft:cube_all" }, "variants": { "variant": { "black": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_black" } }, "blue": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_blue" } }, "brown": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_brown" } }, "cyan": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_cyan" } }, "grey": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_grey" } }, "green": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_green" } }, "light_blue": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_light_blue" } }, "light_gray": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_light_gray" } }, "lime": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_lime" } }, "magenta": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_magenta" } }, "orange": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_orange" } }, "pink": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_pink" } }, "purple": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_purple" } }, "red": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_red" } }, "white": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_white" } }, "yellow": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_yellow" } } } } }
so it has to be like this? "color=grey": { "textures": { "all": "multic:blocks/colored_planks/colored_planks_grey" } },
then what is this? https://github.com/lukas2005/MultiCraft-Mod/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/multic/blockstates/colored_planks.json
wait its still unsolved now i get diffrent errors in the log its MissingVariantException and i have no idea what does that mean
ohh i my file is called colored_plankS.json dont know how did i missed it
Hello i am making a colored planks block and i have some issues with it. I think i done the whole code-side thing right because when i place the block and click it (debug way of switching colors) the text on it changes but there is no texture you can find code here: https://github.com/lukas2005/MultiCraft-Mod i used Choonsters Test Mod 3 as a example: https://github.com/Choonster-Minecraft-Mods/TestMod3/blob/1.12.2/src/main/java/choonster/testmod3/block/BlockVariants.java and mc log
i have a custom bat wing item and i want to add 2 shapeless crafting recipes that uses it on is bat wing + water bottle = poison potion and another is bat wing + dragon breath = splash levitation potion i have this code: public static void init() { addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.POTIONITEM, 1, 8260), ModItems.getItem("bat_wing"), Items.POTIONITEM); NBTTagCompound levitationPotionNbt = new NBTTagCompound(); NBTTagCompound displayNBT = new NBTTagCompound(); NBTTagList customEffectsList = new NBTTagList(); NBTTagCompound potionNbt = new NBTTagCompound(); potionNbt.setInteger("Id", 25); potionNbt.setInteger("Amplifier", 1); potionNbt.setInteger("Duration", 600); // 600 = (0:30) 1800 = (1:30) customEffectsList.set(0, potionNbt); levitationPotionNbt.setTag("CustomPotionEffects", customEffectsList); displayNBT.setString("Name", "Splash Potion of Levitation"); levitationPotionNbt.setTag("display", displayNBT); addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.POTIONITEM, 1, 0, levitationPotionNbt), ModItems.getItem("bat_wing"), Items.DRAGON_BREATH); } public static void addShapedRecipe(ItemStack output, Object...shape) { GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID, output.getItem().getRegistryName().getResourcePath()+"_recipe"), null, output, shape); } public static void addShapelessRecipe(ItemStack output, Item...items) { Ingredient[] ingredients = new Ingredient[items.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.length; i++) ingredients[i] = Ingredient.fromItem(items[i]); (init is called in a item register event after registering all the mod items) recipes are not added properly the first one does not works completly and the second one gives me a uncraftable potion with no effects
i managed to solve that issue now i have another i have this build.gradle: but now i have the original error how do i fix this? PS also tried to add shadowJar { exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE' } with no succes
but how do i include it i tried this: but i get this error: * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root project 'Device-Mod-Apps'. > Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'. > Could not find shadow.jar (com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:1.2.4). Searched in the following locations: https://jcenter.bintray.com/com/github/jengelman/gradle/plugins/shadow/1.2.4/shadow-1.2.4.jar
how do i use this to embed things from maven?