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Everything posted by trollworkout

  1. you need to start fresh a new folder do that whole stuff over then simply copy and paste your src code over. If you try to upgrade in same folder you need to do more work clean up stuff I couldn't figure it out and it never worked for me. So this worked for me 1.10.2 folder make a 1.11 folder copy all the forge stuff do setupDecomp and setup project for whatver IDE you use copy 1.10.2 src over to 1.11 erase 1.10.2 open your IDE and start to change the code over to 1.11 This did not work for me 1.10.2 folder change gradle to 1.11 setupDecom + all that stuff try to run CRASH issues errors bugs broken not compiling
  2. my code is fully functional and tested. i recommend you pick an item say IngotCopper and follow it see how i declare and how i make the json file DO NOT edit json files with shitter text editors. you need to have profesh ones and even verify the json file. if json files is malformed sometimes it will simply not work and no error is thrown. it only throws errors if json cannot be found. you need to eliminate all your issues one by one. if you see any errors it tells you exactly what you're doing wrong. if no errors is likely your tex file or json may be incorrect path/bad/unreadable/broken etc. from over here there's not much i can do other than simply point you in the right direction .
  3. the main reason you don't wanna use 16 images or pre-set variations textures is tex packs! If you install a modpack all your custom textures will not be compatible and your ore will look vanilla. Re-using in game textures is way smarter and your mod becomes insta compatible with any texture pack.
  4. Since both occupy same space you should get glitches. I mean to make sense of what you're trying to do I'd make the overlay cube a tiny bit bigger like 0.01 bigger but keep uv mapping same so stretch the tex by 0.01 i think you uv lock all faces. This will prevent the overlay cube to be in the same space as the block cube. Then you'd need to enable cutout rendering for the block like leaves does. Then all transparency will be cut out. Like leaves does.
  5. I am not understanding how that's even working in the first place. When you got 2 overlaping texture faces it should cause Z fighting. Might be that your graphic card picks one tex over the other depending on some random thing. You should always see both textures going in and out between each other. My guess is your problem is at different heights/positions one texture takes precendece over the other.
  6. I wanna add villager hood on a custom villager model that I made and I can either add a layer or modify the model by adding a new box. Either way can someone help me. I was gonna do the layer one cause I haven't done that yet to learn it. RenderLayer is what I am talking about
  7. response to your PM (your inbox is full) Yeah sure. All my code is online knock yourself out https://github.com/trollworkout/technorcery Also that specific piece of code is found in common https://github.com/trollworkout/technorcery/tree/master/src/main/java/com/technorcery/common mod blocks = defining and registering blocks (is always done first before items) mod items = defining and registering items also if you wish to chat find me on my technorcery discord page . just google technorcery mod minecraft and find my discord
  8. in 1.11 ALL resources need to be lowercase this includes: unlocalized names, registry names, file names, and pretty much any id like entity id, living entity id etc etc Item item = new Item().setRegistryName("item").setUnlocalizedName(ModId + ":" + "item") GameRegistry.register(item) The models have to be registered on the client side otherwise will cause a crash on the server. ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); But to be fair the lowercase enforcement was the only change brought in 1.11 the other stuff is same as 1.10 have a look at what i did here https://github.com/trollworkout/technorcery/tree/master/src/main/java/com/technorcery common is where the common stuff + common proxy (called Proxy) is and client is where the client stuff including the item model handler which registers the item models
  9. I am thinking is something to do with Minecraft.getMinecraft().effectRenderer.addEffect(particle) ?? Anyway here has an idea how to do this?
  10. You can also declare the ItemFood straight off without making a new class like so in preInit() public static final Item GooseB = new ItemFood(1, 0.3F, false); Registry.register(GooseB); 1 = heal amount 0.3F = saturation false = if this food is something that wolves love In fact I always create helper generic classes that I re-use for multiple objects rather than create 1 class per object. Also the wolves food thing is kinda silly. They could have done that using an enum or array or some other external data set/array. Simply check if food is listed there and return true. Is a bit overkill but ok. That's how is done that's how we have to do it. If you don't know what preInit is then you need to read how to set up your mod and how proxies work good luck
  11. guys I figured this out. I think forge is wrong about wolf model it actually sets tail rotation using entitywolf.getTailRotation() and NOT ageInTicks.
  12. so this is my model identical to vanilla wolf model Somehow the fox.getTailRotation function is never called anywhere. Seems to me like the tail rotation code is not exposed properly since it doesn't appear that function is used anywhere. I narrowed down the problem to this.foxTail.rotateAngleX = ageInTicks; seems without this line tail no longer moves at all SEEMS like ageInTicks is being used to store tail rotation but is actually not working out properly when i duplicate the model. Maybe a bug in forge?
  13. code is easy simply make a Fox extend Wolf register a ModelWolf registry and register your entity. The tail will keep on spinning. It should behave like a wolf identically but it doesn't. https://github.com/trollworkout/technorcery/blob/master/src/main/java/com/technorcery/entity/living/Fox.java
  14. Not sure what's going on but my custom wolf seems to be spinning his tail forever. Any thought why this may happen? Seems like the tail is no longer controlled properly. Normally health condition controls it.
  15. OK so I managed to do something but my fox is invisible. Wait the new system for registering mobs is not fully functional yet . is it?
  16. SO I found IRenderFactory or RenderingRegistry#registerEntityRenderingHandler
  17. How do I register a renderer? That's a good point I guess that's on client side right?
  18. I am making a test fox that extends Wolf mob My reg is like this EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(new ResourceLocation(Technorcery.MODID, "fox"), Fox.class, "fox", 0, Technorcery.instance, 48, 3, true, 14642976, 16445670); Works fine except is not using my fox.png in entity it still looks like a wolf.
  19. No As far as I know you can do it only if you compile the mod then use regular modded MC . Is only like 2 extra steps.
  20. Guys an update. I placed the block in mid air and tried to step inside it. It seems to actually be a real properly working model inside but somehow something is rendered as a default texture cube around it all. Not sure exactly what's wrong. Perhaps the transform is not good?
  21. I been trying to get this working for at least a month now. I can never figure out exactly what I am doing wrong why I can't make a multi-layer block I got a crystall ball. I want the ball to be transparent but base to be opaque. here is what I got so far. Nothing renders btw. Is just one big default tex cube. But each individual piece is correct i just can't put it together. my blockstate json: my ball json: my base json my java code
  22. Yeah im okay with that. My problem was people who use vanilla cauldron would have an issue making Cauldron redstone mechanisms.
  23. The only easy way to solve this is simply make my own cauldron block which is what I'm going to do.
  24. Can I use capability or another system instead of TE? Or just avoid it altogether and make my own Cauldron block? One idea was to make a TE block move itself
  25. I don't understand this FluidTank capacity. Why is it an int? Would make much more sense to be a float. In vanilla MC a Cauldron has 3 bottles worth or 1 bucket worth of water. But a FluidTank holds 1000 units per bucket. That means you cannot divide it by odd numbers only even. So 3 bottles becomes 333.3333.... Fluid Tank units. Can someone explain what I am doing wrong? Should I make it 900 capacity then simply produce 100 extra for last bottle to make a bucket full. I don't understand. is bad design but yea 1 bottle = 333 mB but the problem is it doesn't fit into 1000 exactly so you are left with 1 unit in there and you need to to error checking after and before
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