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Everything posted by LeoCTH

  1. Problem solved!!! Thank you! Just realized I don't need a custom packet tho, I can just use SUpdateTileEntityPacket and pass the NBT data on the packet when the player changes the item lol (don't criticize how I did it, just did a quick check, Botania used almost the same way xd)
  2. Oh thanks, I forgot to check there ;P (oh btw at the start I didn't think that a 1.13.x documentation would help, and plus it sooooo different for what actually happens in 1.14.x lol)
  3. Okay, how? I did look for methods related to packet related stuff and overrode it, but it still didn't work somehow :p
  4. I was trying to retrieve what item does the TileEntity current has (in a ItemStackHandler) in a TileEntityRenderer. It simply returns no items each time I want to access it. My TileEntity code: https://github.com/LeoCTH/TryingOut/blob/master/src/main/java/com/leocth/tryingout/blocks/energy/ChargingStationTE.java My TESR: https://github.com/LeoCTH/TryingOut/blob/master/src/main/java/com/leocth/tryingout/client/render/tile/RenderChargingStation.java My Main Class: https://github.com/LeoCTH/TryingOut/blob/master/src/main/java/com/leocth/tryingout/TryingOut.java P.S. It's been a long time since my last post. I might have upset somebody on this forum while having a dispute, so my apologies ;P
  5. You sure you feed enough RAM to the game? Open your launcher, click the "list" button, select Launch options -> Advanced settings ON, open your profile and set a JVM param "-Xmx2G" or something like that.
  6. Network problem. and usually not related with mods.
  7. [STOP USING 1.8.x. Why don't you guys use more friendly and fresh 1.11+?] ↖Ignore this and it is a hardware question and it is pretty hard to diagnose it.
  8. Stop using 1.8.9 and use 1.11+ instead. and looks like you have a system permission problem. Grant the program "admin permission" before running.
  9. And you also confuse RAM and hard disk space.
  10. and i see you're in 1.7.10. it is no longer supported on the forum. upgrade to 1.8+ to get more help.
  11. And... sh!t I need a VPN
  12. woah. try to avoid people download stuff. the thing that makes this ridiculous is it states it's related with "Entity AI Attack On Collide" by a Zombie, and all the mods are at status of UCHIJAAAA. Dunno. sounds funny to me.
  13. Is it just stops here? or you don't post the full file? If it just stops there, then you have a really ridiculous situation.
  14. Show your crash report.
  15. Maybe not WAILA it self. I think it's related with other mods (e.g. compat problem) because he installed SO many other mods.
  16. I think Java and those JVM-based languages are not DESIGNED to have OOMs and memory leaks like C. and bring the whole issue. Is your server still running okay/not crashing? If it crashes it will make easier the problematic code.
  17. I've not used replaymod before... Maybe you are using a test/unstable/snapshot release? Use a stable release. PS. If that version is labeled "stable" you can doubt the author's reliability.
  19. I need to ask a noob question to you guys: How to make a GUI? The tutorial I'm following is for 1.8.9 so I don't know is it suitable for me.
  20. I think you can wait a little. All these internal stuff is likely related with mind-boggling collision checks, weird-named variables (like p_190621_1_ and stuff like that) all confuse you. If I'm you I just simply gave up and forget about it. lol
  21. Okokokokok guys I'm just gonna make a new thread cuz I don't want to spam at other's threads again lol
  22. yes exactly... but in my own personal case I use ForgeRegistries: LINK and GameRegistry.register is REALLY private access, and it's javadocs also says it's internal.
  23. If you want to modify items what you may have been fished, maybe try ItemFishedEvent.
  24. GameRegistry.register() is now private and internal. Use register events, or ForgeRegistries above.
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