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Everything posted by SanAndreaP

  1. 1. NBT is not synced, meaning you have to use packets. If you have your own mob, there's an alternative to packets: DataWatchers (Google is your friend). 2. Try to override isMovementBlocked() in your entity and return true.
  2. 1. you don't need the write/read NBT methods from your spawner. 2. The error has something to do that WeightedRandomMinecart is a non-static inner class from MobSpawnerBaseLogic, means you need to use an instance of MobSpawnerBaseLogic to create a new instance of WeightedRandomMinecart, like this: spawner1.func_145881_a().new WeightedRandomChestMinecart(nbt, entityName) Also I recommend to save the return value of func_145881_a() in a variable to avoid repeated calls to that method.
  3. Use spawner1.func_145881_a().setRandomEntity(new WeightedRandomMinecart(nbt, entityName)) where nbt is the NBT you want to give your entities and entityName the name of the entity you want to spawn. Using that, you can omit spawner1.func_145881_a().setEntityName("Zombie"); , since above code does this as well.
  4. Care to share any logs? You can find them in .minecraft/logs/ We need to see the fml-client-latest.log file ( use [spoiler*] or http://gist.github.com )
  5. You need to call super.drawScreen within your drawScreen (preferably in last place). The drawScreen from GuiScreen actually renders the buttons.
  6. So your 16x16 structure is placed and removed at once? If so, why not making a model with only one block which occupies that space? Then have one TE render it and the rest just won't render anything.
  7. So you see, overriding addInformation is not applicable in this case
  8. Also, this: [20:11:23] [Client thread/WARN]: The mod FMLMod:piecraft{5.3} is attempting to register a block whilst it it being constructed. This is bad modding practice - please use a proper mod lifecycle event. Don't register your blocks/items in your constructor, in fact, you shouldn't even have one. Do that stuff in your preInit.
  9. To add to this: To show info to vanilla items, you need to - create an NBTTagList and storing each line of your info into that list - create a new NBTTagCompound and save that list with the key Lore - get the item's NBTTagCompound (or create a new one) and store the new NBTTagCompound, which contains that list, into that with the key display . If you've created a new one, store the NBT in the item. A note: it defaults to format this in dark purple and italic. If you don't want that, reset the formatting by prepending EnumChatFormatting.RESET to each of your info lines.
  10. Now it's a different error, JourneyMap is not for the server either. EDIT: ninja'd by diesieben07
  11. Can we see your batch command you're using? Also try to remove the ether mod and see if that's the problem. It seems as that it always crashes when the mod is about to be constructed.
  12. [11:22:17] [server thread/WARN] [FML/ether]: Can't revert to frozen GameData state without freezing first. Have you tried allocating more memory to your server? Also AFAIK InventoryTweaks is also a client-only mod, you may want to remove that one, too.
  13. That is completely wrong. 1. A new ItemStack instance always has metadata of 0, unless you set it to another value 2. setLightLevel sets the light level for the block instance, regardless of metadata. You need to override getLightValue(world, x, y, z) in your log block class and get it's metadata by calling world#getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) [which returns the metadata] and check if the metadata is the desired one. A side note: If you can place your log in different directions like the vanilla ones, you actually need to strip the metadata from it's direction value with bitwise operations.
  14. Dynamic lights doesn't work on servers, and it is stated very clearly on the forum thread...
  15. Metadata is stored in an ItemStack instance, so put your block instance inside a new ItemStack instance with your desired metadata as 3rd parameter (the second one being the stack size). For that, you don't even need to call Item.getItemFromBlock A blocks metadata on the world can be obtained by world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z)
  16. You're missing a required mod. The fml-server-latest.log inside the /logs/ folder will tell you which one.
  17. you need to use getIcon(ItemStack stack, int pass) and on pass 0, return the stone brick icon, on pass 1 your own texture based on the damage the ItemStack has.
  18. I noticed that, too, when you have a player head and place it / put it on, it shows the default skin in dev mode. Try to compile it and see if it works on a "real" environment.
  19. 1. AbstractClientPlayer#getLocationSkin is just a method to get the buffered player skin (so when you join a world the first time, the ResourceLocation gets buffered there). To get the player skin independent from the actual player entity, you'll need to do this: - Create a new GameProfile instance with the first parameter being null and the second one the player name; save this in a variable - Get the profile map from Minecraft.getMinecraft().func_152342_ad().func_152788_a(myGameProfile) and save it as a variable, too, where myGameProfile is the variable from before - Check the map if it contains the key Type.SKIN , where Type is an enum from the com.mojang.authlib.minecraft package - If it does, get the ResourceLocation by calling the method minecraft.func_152342_ad().func_152792_a((MinecraftProfileTexture)map.get(Type.SKIN), Type.SKIN) which returns one. - If it doesn't, use the default steve skin with AbstractClientPlayer.locationStevePng 2. Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSession().getUsername() 3. I believe by adding --username "MyDesiredUsername" to the JVM arguments, but I can be wrong.
  20. Actually in my code, and even in the example one, the resources folder is marked as source folder and it works flawless.
  21. This is Idea's standard way of showing packages (folders). Unless he has a folder named "assets.samplemod" or "textures.blocks", everything is alright.
  22. No it shouldn't. His file structure is fine as it is. still throws a error when i change it. Can you give us the complete log?
  23. Logs from when you've installed CodeChickenLib and whey you haven't would be neat.
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