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Everything posted by SanAndreaP

  1. You have a 32 bit java. It can only support memory allocation up to 3.6 GB (theoretically up to 4 GB, but it doesn't support anything above 3.6): http://javarevisited.blogspot.de/2013/04/what-is-maximum-heap-size-for-32-bit-64-JVM-Java-memory.html So either you have to deal with this and set the max. heap to 3600M or try to get java x64 to download. BTW, I have 3 GB allocated with 114 mods and it runs perfectly.
  2. Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space Increase PermGen size on your client: -XX:MaxPermSize=128M Or update your Java to 8
  3. Forge doesn't choose which copper to generate as Forge does not generate any modded ore at all. Each mod has their own individual class for generating their ore. So your explanation may be valid as long as a mod doesn't override another mods copper. If you want only one type of copper generated by one specific mod, disable ore gen in all other mods within their config file. If the mod doesn't have configurable ore gen, then talk to the mod author to add a config option.
  4. You have 17 types. You can only have 16 of those being saved as metadata (metadata is still saved as 4 bits => 0-15). The world now thinks the block is from the last type when it's actually the first one.
  5. He's referencing a client-side only class when he's registering his message. Here's one example: https://github.com/Emasher/EmashersMods/blob/master/src/main/scala/emasher/sockets/packethandling/SocketItemMessage.java#L93
  6. [02:02:13 INFO]: Launcher 3.4 started on windows... Google tells me it's the teamextreme launcher https://www.google.de/search?q=Launcher+3.4
  7. The reason I've called it that is because it's given a variable, whose value is the return value of a method called handleRotationFloat(Entity, partTicks) . (Line 143 in RenderLivingEntity; 1.7.10) The method just returns entity.ticksExisted + partTicks (Line 377 in RenderLivingEntity; 1.7.10)
  8. You need to create a new Bounding Box with the world coords if you want to use getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity or the like. this.boundingBox only defines the entity's BB, so its coords are local. EDIT: What you could do is this.boundingBox.getOffsetBoundingBox(worldX, worldY, worldZ) which returns a new Bounding Box with the size of the entity's BB in place of the world coords.
  9. I tried to translate them: https://github.com/SanAndreasP/EnderStuffPlus/blob/master/java/de/sanandrew/mods/enderstuffp/client/model/ModelEnderAvis.java#L130
  10. Make a binary search: Take one half of the mods out, test with other half, if it doesn't crash, the mod is in the taken out half. Do it until you found the mod causing the issue.
  11. You can override getShareTag() in your item and let it return false. It prevents it from sending NBT to the client, but it will prevent ALL nbt from being sent!
  12. Objects are passed by reference, not by value, always.
  13. How's your setup? - Where did you put the dependant mod? - How do you reference it? Show us your build.gradle as well.
  14. You can't remove elements in a list whilst iterating through it like that. There's a reason the iterator has the remove() method. http://stackoverflow.com/a/223929
  15. check if moveStrafing and moveForward are between 0.01F and -0.01F. Those determine the acceleration (strafing => acc. left & right; forward => acc. forward & backward) Why check between values? Because both are floating point numbers and you can't check float == value reliably
  16. Guava is a library downloaded by Forge. Can we see the full fml-client-latest.log? And please use a site like http://gist.github.com to not clutter this thread.
  17. Problem with commands is that they can also be executed by non-player objects (command blocks for example). What you need to to then is check if the ICommandSender is an instance of EntityPlayerMP, if yes, cast to it and do your stuff.
  18. What are you trying to do?
  19. y u use client player? EntityPlayer player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; You've used the player from the event already, so why not use it there? Also player shouldn't be null, so you can remove the null check.
  20. Try remove if (world.rand.nextFloat() < 0.5F) and see if that works. Also: use curled brackets in every if/else/switch/try-catch/etc. block, it reduces confusion when having a wrong indentation
  21. Redownload eclipse, something is messed up within your eclipse installation.
  22. Lower your view distance.
  23. override hasContainerItem(ItemStack) and return true. This only tells it should not put the container item outside the crafting grid and into the player inventory.
  24. Your setGraphicsLevel does not get called, ever, because Minecraft calls it from the direct instance of the vanilla leaves. What you have to do is every time you use fancyGraphics , call !Blocks#leaves#isOpaqueCube() . Example: https://github.com/SanAndreasP/EnderStuffPlus/blob/master/java/de/sanandrew/mods/enderstuffp/block/BlockEndLeaves.java#L70
  25. CoFHCore{1.7.10R3.0.0B6} [CoFH Core] (CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.0.0B6-32.jar) I'd suggest get the latest version of all, CoFH Core, Thermal Foundation and Thermal Expansion. Where did you download those actually?
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