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Found 5 results

  1. I'm coding a mod that adds placeable Gunpowder into the game, which behaves similarly to Redstone in terms of placing. I also want it to be flammable, so that it can be used as a fuse. However, the default fire spreading behaviour works well for this - the blocks ignite randomly, and they can burn out without spreading the fire to the next block. I want to make it so that, when the gunpowder is set on fire, instead of the Fire block simply floating above it or going to the side, it should replace the gunpowder block every time. I would also like to make fire spread to gunpowder faster than it does to regular blocks, because that would make it more practical as a fuse. I really don't know how I would go about doing these things. I suppose I could make a function in the gunpowder's block class that detects fire and turns into it separately from regular firetick, but that could have problems with things like Soul Fire, especially in terms of compatibility with mods that add other types of fire. Also, there are a bunch of other sources of fire: Flint and Steel, Fire Charges either from a player's hand or a Dispenser, fireballs shot by Ghasts and Blazes, not to mention any modded sources of fire. Is there any way to just make all sources of fire behave differently for this block?
  2. Hi, first of all apologies for my inexperience with modding in general but.. Could somebody help explain how I could change the colour of a piece of armour based off of its NBT colour tab (along with it's item), just like how leather armour works in vanilla. I'm doing this in 1.20.1 using GeckoLib for my armour. I've already got the NBT tag bit working I just need help/ideas of how to make the colour change work. I can provide what code I do have however most of it is from this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zqxU7vjHmQ&ab_channel=ModdingbyKaupenjoe Thanks for any help you can give
  3. Hey, I've been recently playing a lot with TRSRTransformation class and I realized that it could probably be easier to use a builder for it rather than passing a million arguments (I know it's just 4, but it looks neater). Let me show you what I mean. First, a few arguments why I even created a TRSR Util class: 1) I didn't know that there were cornerToCenter and centerToCorner methods and at first, they confused me since any rotation I do happens around the center of the block. (I think the majority of modders want it like that). 2) Quaternions. I don't think anybody uses quaternions to in their head to picture a rotation. I know that there are static methods in the TRSRTransformation class to get a quaternion from XYZ degrees, but that makes a horrible mess. 3) Readability. Tell me what is easier to read: TRSRTransformation tr = new TRSRTransformation(new Vector3f(0, 10F, 0), new Quat4f(0, 0.125F, 1, 0), new Vector3f(1, 1.25F, 1), null); VS TRSRTransformation tr = new TRSRTransformation.Builder() .translate(0.125F, 0, 0) .rotate(0, 90, 0) .scale(2, 2, 2) .postRotate(90, 0, 0) .build() You could even specify in the Builder's constructor if you want to use the corner or center version as a boolean variable (true - center, false - corner). And then, the Builder would do all the messy work, while you would just move on with your life. I can even provide a working Builder class I made myself if you all think that this would be a great addition, no matter how small it is, it would help modders a lot.
  4. Hey guys! I just recently reset my entire computer and started to reinstall certain programs. This time, I plan on trying to slimline my IDEs (I had about 5 in total: Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Community, IntelliJ, Eclipse, and Android Studio).The one I plan to converging everything under is Visual Studio Code, as I can add in different plugins to work with it, especially since I'm starting to use that IDE for developing my Powershell program to run my server. Just curious if I can squash down my several IDEs (with the exception of Android Studio) into one.
  5. Hi, I'm currently struggling with the hole energy system stuff. I've worked myself so far into the Capabilities that I can work with the Tesla Energy system and Forge Energy system and I know that mods who support both have some kind of internal energy. My problem now is that I've got no idea how I can combine all the pieces of Forge Energy and Tesla Energy together, so that my machines can work with boths. And I definitly don't want to have thousands of lines twice just because if-else cases for checking the which energy system is used and stuff like that, because that would be very inefficient. Before someone now says, look into EnderIO because it does those things: I know that EnderIO has exectly what I want, that machines can support both energy systems, but even after looking into the forge docs and into the source code 20 times... I just don't understand why it is done there in that way and for what some of those methods are.... So I hope there is someone who can help me with getting all those pieces together. Thx in advance. Bektor
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