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Posted (edited)

The mob is complete and it spawns fine with an egg, but I'm having trouble spawning it in biomes. I've:

Registered mob placement in the common startup event with:

EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.register(MY_MOB, EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.PlacementType.ON_GROUND, Heightmap.Type.MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES, MyMobEntity::checkSpawnRules);

With the following spawn rules:

public static boolean checkSpawnRules(EntityType<? extends AnimalEntity> p_223325_0_, IServerWorld p_223325_1_, SpawnReason p_223325_2_, BlockPos p_223325_3_, Random p_223325_4_) {
        return p_223325_1_.getDifficulty() != Difficulty.PEACEFUL && MonsterEntity.isDarkEnoughToSpawn(p_223325_1_, p_223325_3_, p_223325_4_) && checkMobSpawnRules(p_223325_0_, p_223325_1_, p_223325_2_, p_223325_3_, p_223325_4_);

And added a method in a BiomeLoadingEvent that adds the spawn whenever an enderman is present in a biome's spawn list:

    public static void onBiomeLoad(BiomeLoadingEvent event) {
        MobSpawnInfoBuilder spawns = event.getSpawns();
        Set<EntityType<?>> entityTypes = spawns.getEntityTypes();
        for (EntityType<?> entityType : entityTypes) {
            if (entityType == EntityType.ENDERMAN) {
                int weight = 10;
                if (event.getCategory() == Biome.Category.NETHER) {
                    weight = 1;
                spawns.addSpawn(EntityClassification.CREATURE, new MobSpawnInfo.Spawners(ModEntities.MY_MOB, weight, 1, 4));

I expected to see many of my mob roaming around the End. Any help is appreciated.

Edited by urbanxx001
        Set<EntityType<?>> entityTypes = spawns.getEntityTypes();

is returning entities with spawn costs, which only 2 nether biomes have them for enderman.

Try something like this:

        List<Spawners> list = spawns.getSpawner(EntityType.ENDERMAN.getCategory());
        for (Spawners entry : list) {
            if (entry.type == EntityType.ENDERMAN) {
                int weight = 10;
                if (event.getCategory() == Biome.Category.NETHER) {
                    weight = 1;
                spawns.addSpawn(EntityClassification.CREATURE, new MobSpawnInfo.Spawners(ModEntities.MY_MOB, weight, 1, 4));


  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, lupicus said:

is returning entities with spawn costs, which only 2 nether biomes have them for enderman.

Ah ok, thanks. Iterating over spawners vs entity types makes more sense. I've modified the event to mirror mincount, maxcount etc. as well:


    public static void onBiomeLoad(BiomeLoadingEvent event) {
        EntityType<EndermanEntity> entityToFind = EntityType.ENDERMAN;
        EntityType<MyEntity> entityToAdd = ModEntities.MY_ENTITY;

        MobSpawnInfoBuilder spawnInfo = event.getSpawns();
        List<MobSpawnInfo.Spawners> spawnersForFind = spawnInfo.getSpawner(entityToFind.getCategory());
        MobSpawnInfo.Spawners spawnerToAdd = null;
        for (MobSpawnInfo.Spawners spawner : spawnersForFind) {
            if (spawner.type == entityToFind) {
                spawnerToAdd = new MobSpawnInfo.Spawners(entityToAdd, spawner.weight, spawner.minCount, spawner.maxCount);
        if (spawnerToAdd != null) {
            List<MobSpawnInfo.Spawners> spawnersForAdd = spawnInfo.getSpawner(entityToAdd.getCategory());


Although the entity is still refusing to spawn lol. I've debugged the event to see if the custom mob is being added to the spawns, and it is. I've tried registering the spawns outright vs adding on biome load, but it doesn't make a difference. I think the problem lies somewhere in the actual entity class that's preventing it, I'll take a thorough look tomorrow. I appreciate your help.

Edited by urbanxx001

Your code still using spawnInfo.getEntityTypes() which for enderman is only going to match 2 biomes.

It looks like your mob extends an AnimalEntity, which wants to spawn on grass blocks (probably none are in the end), since you use stuff from MonsterEntity, then you could copy their code (adjust as necessary) into your mob:

	public float getWalkTargetValue(BlockPos pos, IWorldReader world) {
		return 0.5F - world.getBrightness(pos);


  • Thanks 1
  • urbanxx001 changed the title to 1.16.5 Natural Mob Spawning [Solved]

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