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[SOLVED] Adding new Player-variable


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Hello Guys!

I want to add a Mana-bar available for each player. It should have a maximum value of 250 Mana and should be rendered above the hunger-bar. The Mana bar should regenerate by one each second and should be increased by about 20 for each punch with a sword.

Does anybody know, how to do this?


Additional question:

How can I change the maximum Player Health to 250 and how can I change the Armor-calculator (I want to use another Formula then Armor*0.04)?


Please ask, if I should give further information!

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Hello Guys!

I want to add a Mana-bar available for each player. It should have a maximum value of 250 Mana and should be rendered above the hunger-bar. The Mana bar should regenerate by one each second and should be increased by about 20 for each punch with a sword.

Does anybody know, how to do this?


you're gonna have to make a handler for RenderGameOverlayEvent to render the mana, to make it regenarate you're goign to need a TickHandler that ticks every second and regenerate the mana there.

to store the mana you're goign to need some sort of data structure (hashmap) and store a relation between the players and the mana (String -> float[]{min, max} OR EntityPlayer -> float[]{min, max})

to restore on hit just to a PlayerInterractEvent handler, you will also need to send the update on mana via packet handling


How can I change the maximum Player Health to 250

either make a base class change (making your mod incompatible) or do use a EntityLivingHurtEvent handler (or wtv its called) and transform the damage there (aka if you receive 5 dmg the end damage would be 5/250 of max hp) youll also need a RenderGameOverlayEvent handler for this as steve HUD health is based on a 20 basis (20 half heart) or you could just cancel the damage if its not close enough to be 1 after transform (aka if you receive 5 you would take technicly 5/250 of your hp but that not even 1/20, so just make the dmg zero and update whenever the damage pass a 1/20 threshold)


how can I change the Armor-calculator (I want to use another Formula then Armor*0.04)?

same as health, make basechange OR deal with it in a event handler




ps:you're trying to do a lot...

do what you want :P

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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  • 1 month later...

you're gonna have to make a handler for RenderGameOverlayEvent to render the mana, to make it regenarate you're goign to need a TickHandler that ticks every second and regenerate the mana there.

to store the mana you're goign to need some sort of data structure (hashmap) and store a relation between the players and the mana (String -> float[]{min, max} OR EntityPlayer -> float[]{min, max})

to restore on hit just to a PlayerInterractEvent handler, you will also need to send the update on mana via packet handling


The rendering works now after a lot of problems :)

But I don't manage to add the real variable. And I don't understand whant you mean with

(String -> float[]{min, max} OR EntityPlayer -> float[]{min, max})


Could you please give me an example or something else?


@Mazetar: Thanks..

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Map usage for newbie:

Map<Key,Value> map = new HashMap();//Initialization with an HashMap and generics, where Key and Value are any Object you want
map.put(key,value);//adds a key->value couple, or replace the value linked by the key
Value val = map.get(key);//gets a value from a key

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Map usage for newbie:

Map<Key,Value> map = new HashMap();//Initialization with an HashMap and generics, where Key and Value are any Object you want
map.put(key,value);//adds a key->value couple, or replace the value linked by the key
Value val = map.get(key);//gets a value from a key


Thanks, I now have the variables for all the players.

But how can I save the values so that you have the same value if you relog?

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Thank you. This works for now. :D


But I got another Problem.

How can I create a "start value" for these variables?

If I try to get access there is a null-pointer-exception, so I think the value is null.

But how can I set a start value (example: if you first spawn you get 20 points, then if there is a saved value, you get this one)

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I have these code sections:


package mod.classes.handler;

import mod.Main;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.IExtendedEntityProperties;

public class ExtendedProperties implements IExtendedEntityProperties {

public static final String identifier = Main.modID + "_properties";

public int mana;

public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound) {
	compound.setInteger("mana", mana);

public void loadNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound) {
	mana = compound.getInteger("mana");

public void init(Entity entity, World world) {
	mana = 20;


package mod.classes.handler;

import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraftforge.event.EventPriority;
import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityEvent.EntityConstructing;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.EntityInteractEvent;

public class EntityHandler {

public void onEntityConstructing(EntityConstructing e)
	if (e.entity instanceof EntityPlayerMP)
		e.entity.registerExtendedProperties(ExtendedProperties.identifier, new ExtendedProperties());



And if I try this I get a null-pointer exception:

PlayerMana = ((ExtendedProperties) this.mc.thePlayer.getExtendedProperties(ExtendedProperties.identifier)).mana

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Of course it will give you a NPE because you check for EntityPlayerMP which is the serverside player. Only check for EntityPlayer.


There's no NPE any more  8)


But, when I try to change the values of Extended Properties in events nothing happens.

What's wrong?

public void onEntityInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e)
	((ExtendedProperties)e.entityPlayer.getExtendedProperties(ExtendedProperties.identifier)).mana -= 1;
	System.out.println("Subtracted 1 mana"); //Just for controlling...


On the other hand: Isn't it better to save the values on server side? If you join a Server from different PCs, you always have the same Items.

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On the other hand: Isn't it better to save the values on server side? If you join a Server from different PCs, you always have the same Items.


well ... yeah.... you are supposed to , you cant save it client side anyway


But, when I try to change the values of Extended Properties in events nothing happens.

What's wrong?

whats suppose to happen anyway ?

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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And how can I save the values at ServerSide, but also get access in gui-handlers via Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer (or different?)


All in all:

- I want to save the variables at server side

- I need access to the variables from events with an instance of EntityPlayer as well as from Gui-handlers (I don't know if it's necessary to create a new instance of EntityPlayer for this, and even if, I don't know how)


How can I do this?


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well extended properties get saved automaticly (or you need to implement read/write to nbt method in your IExtendedProperties)


and for client access, youll have to use packets to send the values

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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I looked at the wiki, but I couldn't find a Tut for this:

The following should happen:

[*]OnPlayerInteract  works

[*]Send Packet "Mana" with value 1  works too

[*]Recieve Packet  also ok without problems

[*]Add 1 to the players Mana

How can I do this last step?

I don't know how to find the right player or how to get a list of them


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OK, I think i have to summarize everything i want, or nothing make sense anymore..

Thanks to all of you who tried to help me till now..

  • I want to add Some Variables (at least one) for each player
  • They have to be saved at server-side
  • I need access to the value of the variables from:

  1. Handlers like onRenderGameOverlay (only mc.thePlayer)
  2. Handlers like onEntityInteract (special instance of EntityPlayer)
  3. Methods like onItemUse (special instance of EntityPlayer)

[*]The Variables need a start-value when you first join a server or respawn


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Register a IExtendedEntityProperties on player with EntityConstructionEvent.

All data in it will be saved to server with saveNBTData.

I would recommend using EntityJoinWorldEvent to send a packet from server to client, describing all variables at start, to sync client with the server.

This would be a one time "description" packet.

Now that the data is synced, you can read it the same on both sides with a player instance.


Changing the values would require sending "change" packets to maintain sync.

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