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[1.17.1] Villager Point of interest


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I had this working in 1.16 but the same method doesn't seem to have the same effect.

I have a new block that replaces the fletching table but this breaks the villager point of interest so no more fletchers.
In 1.16 i had this

public static void fixVillagerPOI(FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {
     Map<BlockState, PointOfInterestType> types = ReflectionHelper.getPrivateValue(PointOfInterestType.class, null, ASMAPI.mapField("field_221073_u"));
     Blocks.FLETCHING_TABLE.getStateContainer().getValidStates().forEach(s -> types.put(s, PointOfInterestType.FLETCHER));

field_221073_u no longer exists and, unless I don't understand, is now f_27323_ . while this does not give an error it also does not effect the villagers

Is there a new method to get villagers to become an existing type with a new block?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the delayed response i got busy with work.

I was able to get this working, with the gap between and my other bad habit of getting frustrated and deleting code that doesnt work i do not remember exactly what i did that did not work.
What i found was i had to create both a profession and a poitype and was not able to just override the poitype individually, this is probably what i was missing to be honest as the method i was using only needed the poi.

Thank you for the help you guys did provide.

note: The registry name for the profession uses minecraft so no new textures are needed
note: Was able to just pull trade data over but had to re-register that as well
note: Event subscription handled in other location but nothing special there

was able to get it working with Deferred registry


    public static final DeferredRegister<PoiType> POINT_OF_INTEREST_TYPES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.POI_TYPES, Reference.MOD_ID);
    public static final DeferredRegister<VillagerProfession> VILLAGER_PROFESSIONS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.PROFESSIONS, "minecraft");
    public static final RegistryObject<PoiType> FLETCHER_POI = POINT_OF_INTEREST_TYPES.register("fletcher", () -> new PoiType("fletcher", PoiType.getBlockStates(BlockHandler.FletchingTable), 1, 1));
    public static final RegistryObject<VillagerProfession> FLETCHER = VILLAGER_PROFESSIONS.register("fletcher", () -> new VillagerProfession("fletcher", FLETCHER_POI.get(), ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableSet.of(Blocks.FLETCHING_TABLE), SoundEvents.VILLAGER_WORK_FLETCHER));
    public static void commonSetup(FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {
        event.enqueueWork(() -> {

    public static void registerFletherPOI() {
        try {
            ObfuscationReflectionHelper.findMethod(PoiType.class, "registerBlockStates", PoiType.class).invoke(null, FLETCHER_POI.get());
        } catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
    private static void tradeData() {
        VillagerTrades.TRADES.put(FLETCHER.get(), VillagerTrades.TRADES.get(VillagerProfession.FLETCHER));

I was also able to get normal registry working with 


    public static final PoiType FLETCHER_POI = new PoiType("fletcher", PoiType.getBlockStates(BlockHandler.FletchingTable), 1, 1);
    public static final VillagerProfession FLETCHER = new VillagerProfession("fletcher", FLETCHER_POI, ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableSet.of(Blocks.FLETCHING_TABLE), SoundEvents.VILLAGER_WORK_FLETCHER);
    public static void setupPOIType(Register<PoiType> event) {
        event.getRegistry().register(FLETCHER_POI.setRegistryName(Reference.MOD_ID, "fletcher"));
    public static void setupProffessions(Register<VillagerProfession> event) {
        event.getRegistry().register(FLETCHER.setRegistryName("minecraft", "fletcher"));
    private static void tradeData() {
        VillagerTrades.TRADES.put(FLETCHER, VillagerTrades.TRADES.get(VillagerProfession.FLETCHER));
    public static void commonSetup(FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {

Edited by AurenX
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You must have a licence to drive a car. "Must is a strong word, the car runs without it".

Just because it works doesn't mean that it won't cause you problems down the line. And if you do it correctly from the start, you won't have to spend the time finding and fixing bugs later on.

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1 hour ago, Alpvax said:

You must have a licence to drive a car. "Must is a strong word, the car runs without it".

Just because it works doesn't mean that it won't cause you problems down the line. And if you do it correctly from the start, you won't have to spend the time finding and fixing bugs later on.

Yes but when proving a proof of concept you don't drive on the open road so no a license technically isn't needed as they would use a test track or heck test parts individually before assembly. And a poor example as a working car and a street legal car are different; there are concept cars, race cars, plastic cars for kids, etc.

So when I am just starting to update mods to a newer version of forge and enough changed that a proof of concept test mod is advisable then no doing it perfect is not needed and instead just a waste.

Yes when updating the actual mod you should I stated that above. Again all I showed was that I got it working, not hey here is this perfect thing all learn from me as I am the smart perfect person.

Again I will say, it works fine how it is. And again I will say yes you should use object holders. But saying needed is wrong.

If you would like to provide people with a "here is the proper way to code this" instead of an example that "works" then go ahead and post it. I have no more need of advancing this as I have learned what I needed to from it.

22 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

This is why we can't have nice things.

I probably shouldn't show you how I work with blocks and items when I just need to bulk create things ;)

Edited by AurenX
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