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[1.16.5] Model not binding texture correctly


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I have a tile entity renderer that renders a model. Code looks like this


    private static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = ResourceHelper.createNew("block/test.png");

    private final ClockworksDoorModel model;
    private final RenderMaterial doorMaterial;

    public ClockworksDoorTileEntityRenderer(TileEntityRendererDispatcher dispatcher)

        model = new ClockworksDoorModel();

        doorMaterial = new RenderMaterial(PlayerContainer.BLOCK_ATLAS, TEXTURE);

    public void render(ClockworksDoorTileEntity tileEntity, float partialTicks, MatrixStack matrixStack, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer, int combinedLight, int combinedOverlay)
        IVertexBuilder builder = doorMaterial.buffer(buffer, RenderType::entityCutoutNoCull);

        model.renderToBuffer(matrixStack, builder, combinedLight, combinedOverlay, 1, 1, 1, 1);

In game, however, it has the black and purple missing texture. When examining the log it does not report anything about missing textures if I put the path correctly, so I can only assume it's correctly finding my texture.

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Please show the entire class and the ClockworksDoorModel. I'm imagining you are incorrectly binding information here. The block atlas will not hold your texture unless some block is also using it. Also, RenderMaterials do not contain the full path, just a relative ResourceLocation. I would instead follow the BoatRenderer model here since it will be much easier to use with the current data you are trying to draw.

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The code I posted was in fact the entire tile entity renderer, minus the class declaration. I have added some small stuff since for testing, but overall its the same and should be very similar to the enchanting table renderer.

public class ClockworksDoorTileEntityRenderer extends TileEntityRenderer<ClockworksDoorTileEntity>
    private static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = ResourceHelper.createNew("block/test.png");

    private final ClockworksDoorModel model;
    private final RenderMaterial doorMaterial;

    public ClockworksDoorTileEntityRenderer(TileEntityRendererDispatcher dispatcher)

        model = new ClockworksDoorModel();

        doorMaterial = new RenderMaterial(PlayerContainer.BLOCK_ATLAS, TEXTURE);

    public void render(ClockworksDoorTileEntity tileEntity, float partialTicks, MatrixStack matrixStack, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer, int combinedLight, int combinedOverlay)
        IVertexBuilder builder = doorMaterial.buffer(buffer, RenderType::entitySolid);

        model.renderToBuffer(matrixStack, builder, combinedLight, combinedOverlay, 1, 1, 1, 1);

The model itself is just a basic model. Not much to showcase, but since I was asked I'll do it anyway.

public class ClockworksDoorModel extends Model
	private final ModelRenderer model;

	public ClockworksDoorModel()
		texWidth = 64;
		texHeight = 64;

		model = new ModelRenderer(this);
		model.setPos(8, 32, 8);
		model.texOffs(0, 0).addBox(-8.0F, -32.0F, -8.0F, 16.0F, 32.0F, 3.0F, 0.0F, false);

	public void renderToBuffer(MatrixStack matrixStack, IVertexBuilder builder, int partialLight, int partialOverlay, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
		model.render(matrixStack, builder, partialLight, partialOverlay);


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