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is the Ore Dictionary still in use? There doesn't seem to be an article for version 1.17 MC and beyond?

Also, if it is still in use, how many mods make use of it?

I'm asking because I had it implemented for my 1.5.2-1.7 versions of Material Evolution. But I feel like it's wasted energy to implement it again for 1.16.4, if it is not used anyways?

Edited by Cratthorax

No, it's handled by Tags now.

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the game comes with their own thing now - called tags, so  - obviously - forge dropped oredictionary in favor of tags.

if you're for example adding a new zinc ingot, you'll need to make a json file in resources/data/forge/tags/items called ingots.json and add your ingot there. that's for things that need all ingots (and i probably should have skipped that one in order not to confuse people). more importantly, in resources/data/forge/tags/items/ingots make a file called zinc.json - that will register your item tag. in addition to item tags, there are block tags (separate thing), fluid tags...

for json content see other mods.

then, in recipes, instead of saying     "item": "your_mod_id:ingot_zinc"    you say     "tag": "forge:ingots/zinc"  . and then crafting table will accept both your ingot and other mods' ingots.

in code, for example, if you have a blockstate that player clicked or stepped on, you can called its is() method to see if this block belongs to a given tag.

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