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[1.16.5] How to make my Entity invincible to any type of damage

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Hello, my question explained in title, there is my entity class:

public class JumpingBlockEntity extends MobEntity implements IMob {
    private static final DataParameter<Float> ENTITY_SIZE;
    public float squishAmount;
    public float squishFactor;
    public float prevSquishFactor;
    private boolean wasOnGround;

    public JumpingBlockEntity(EntityType<? extends JumpingBlockEntity> p_i48552_1_, World p_i48552_2_) {
        super(p_i48552_1_, p_i48552_2_);
        this.moveController = new JumpingBlockEntity.MoveHelperController(this);

    public CreatureAttribute getCreatureAttribute() {
        return CreatureAttribute.UNDEAD;

    public static AttributeModifierMap.MutableAttribute setCustomAttributes() {
        return MobEntity.func_233666_p_()


    protected void registerGoals() {
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(1, new JumpingBlockEntity.FloatGoal(this));
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(2, new JumpingBlockEntity.FaceRandomGoal(this));
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(4, new JumpingBlockEntity.HopGoal(this));

    protected void registerData() {
        this.dataManager.register(ENTITY_SIZE, 0.5F);

    protected void setSlimeSize(float p_70799_1_, boolean p_70799_2_) {
        this.dataManager.set(ENTITY_SIZE, p_70799_1_);
        this.getAttribute(Attributes.MAX_HEALTH).setBaseValue(p_70799_1_ * p_70799_1_);
        this.getAttribute(Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED).setBaseValue(0.2F + 0.1F * p_70799_1_);

        if (p_70799_2_) {

        this.experienceValue = 0;

    public float getEntitySize() {
        return this.dataManager.get(ENTITY_SIZE);

    public void writeAdditional(CompoundNBT p_213281_1_) {
        p_213281_1_.putInt("Size", (int) (this.getEntitySize() - 1));
        p_213281_1_.putBoolean("wasOnGround", this.wasOnGround);

    public void readAdditional(CompoundNBT p_70037_1_) {
        int i = p_70037_1_.getInt("Size");
        if (i < 0) {
            i = 0;

        this.setSlimeSize(i + 1, false);
        this.wasOnGround = p_70037_1_.getBoolean("wasOnGround");

    public boolean isSmallSlime() {
        return this.getEntitySize() <= 1;

    protected IParticleData getSquishParticle() {
        return ParticleTypes.ITEM_SLIME;

    protected boolean isDespawnPeaceful() {
        return this.getEntitySize() > 0;

    public void tick() {
        this.squishFactor += (this.squishAmount - this.squishFactor) * 0.5F;
        this.prevSquishFactor = this.squishFactor;
        if (this.onGround && !this.wasOnGround) {
            float i = this.getEntitySize();
            if (this.spawnCustomParticles()) {
                i = 0;

            for(int j = 0; j < i * 8; ++j) {
                float f = this.rand.nextFloat() * 6.2831855F;
                float f1 = this.rand.nextFloat() * 0.5F + 0.5F;
                float f2 = MathHelper.sin(f) * (float)i * 0.5F * f1;
                float f3 = MathHelper.cos(f) * (float)i * 0.5F * f1;
                this.world.addParticle(this.getSquishParticle(), this.getPosX() + (double)f2, this.getPosY(), this.getPosZ() + (double)f3, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);

            this.playSound(this.getSquishSound(), this.getSoundVolume(), ((this.rand.nextFloat() - this.rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F) / 0.8F);
            this.squishAmount = -0.5F;
        } else if (!this.onGround && this.wasOnGround) {
            this.squishAmount = 1.0F;

        this.wasOnGround = this.onGround;

    protected void alterSquishAmount() {
        this.squishAmount *= 0.6F;

    protected int getJumpDelay() {
        return this.rand.nextInt(20) + 10;

    public void recalculateSize() {
        double d0 = this.getPosX();
        double d1 = this.getPosY();
        double d2 = this.getPosZ();
        this.setPosition(d0, d1, d2);

    public void notifyDataManagerChange(DataParameter<?> p_184206_1_) {
        if (ENTITY_SIZE.equals(p_184206_1_)) {
            this.rotationYaw = this.rotationYawHead;
            this.renderYawOffset = this.rotationYawHead;
            if (this.isInWater() && this.rand.nextInt(20) == 0) {


    public EntityType<? extends JumpingBlockEntity> getType() {
        return (EntityType<? extends JumpingBlockEntity>) super.getType();

    public void remove(boolean p_remove_1_) {

    public void applyEntityCollision(Entity p_70108_1_) {

    public void onCollideWithPlayer(PlayerEntity p_70100_1_) {


    protected float getStandingEyeHeight(Pose p_213348_1_, EntitySize p_213348_2_) {
        return 0.625F * p_213348_2_.height;

    protected SoundEvent getHurtSound(DamageSource p_184601_1_) {
        return this.isSmallSlime() ? SoundEvents.ENTITY_SLIME_HURT_SMALL : SoundEvents.ENTITY_SLIME_HURT;

    protected SoundEvent getDeathSound() {
        return this.isSmallSlime() ? SoundEvents.ENTITY_SLIME_DEATH_SMALL : SoundEvents.ENTITY_SLIME_DEATH;

    protected SoundEvent getSquishSound() {
        return this.isSmallSlime() ? SoundEvents.ENTITY_SLIME_SQUISH_SMALL : SoundEvents.ENTITY_SLIME_SQUISH;

    protected float getSoundVolume() {
        return 0.4F * this.getEntitySize();

    public int getVerticalFaceSpeed() {
        return 0;

    protected void jump() {
        Vector3d vector3d = this.getMotion();
        this.setMotion(vector3d.x, this.getJumpUpwardsMotion(), vector3d.z);
        this.isAirBorne = true;

    public ILivingEntityData onInitialSpawn(IServerWorld serverWorld, DifficultyInstance difficultyInstance, SpawnReason spawnReason, @Nullable ILivingEntityData livingEntityData, @Nullable CompoundNBT compoundNBT) {
        Eatgoodgaintool.LOGGER.info(spawnReason == SpawnReason.NATURAL);

        return super.onInitialSpawn(serverWorld, difficultyInstance, spawnReason, livingEntityData, compoundNBT);

    protected SoundEvent getJumpSound() {
        return this.isSmallSlime() ? SoundEvents.ENTITY_SLIME_JUMP_SMALL : SoundEvents.ENTITY_SLIME_JUMP;

    public EntitySize getSize(Pose p_213305_1_) {
        return super.getSize(p_213305_1_).scale(0.255F * (float)this.getEntitySize());

    protected boolean spawnCustomParticles() {
        return false;

    static {
        ENTITY_SIZE = EntityDataManager.createKey(JumpingBlockEntity.class, DataSerializers.FLOAT);

    static class MoveHelperController extends MovementController {
        private float yRot;
        private int jumpDelay;
        private final JumpingBlockEntity slime;
        private boolean isAggressive;

        public MoveHelperController(JumpingBlockEntity p_i45821_1_) {
            this.slime = p_i45821_1_;
            this.yRot = 180.0F * p_i45821_1_.rotationYaw / 3.1415927F;

        public void setDirection(float p_179920_1_, boolean p_179920_2_) {
            this.yRot = p_179920_1_;
            this.isAggressive = p_179920_2_;

        public void setSpeed(double p_179921_1_) {
            this.speed = p_179921_1_;
            this.action = Action.MOVE_TO;

        public void tick() {
            this.mob.rotationYaw = this.limitAngle(this.mob.rotationYaw, this.yRot, 90.0F);
            this.mob.rotationYawHead = this.mob.rotationYaw;
            this.mob.renderYawOffset = this.mob.rotationYaw;
            if (this.action != Action.MOVE_TO) {
            } else {
                this.action = Action.WAIT;
                if (this.mob.isOnGround()) {
                    this.mob.setAIMoveSpeed((float)(this.speed * this.mob.getAttributeValue(Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED)));
                    if (this.jumpDelay-- <= 0) {
                        this.jumpDelay = this.slime.getJumpDelay();
                        if (this.isAggressive) {
                            this.jumpDelay /= 3;


                        this.slime.playSound(this.slime.getJumpSound(), this.slime.getSoundVolume(), 0.8F);
                    } else {
                        this.slime.moveStrafing = 0.0F;
                        this.slime.moveForward = 0.0F;
                } else {
                    this.mob.setAIMoveSpeed((float)(this.speed * this.mob.getAttributeValue(Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED)));


    static class HopGoal extends Goal {
        private final JumpingBlockEntity slime;

        public HopGoal(JumpingBlockEntity p_i45822_1_) {
            this.slime = p_i45822_1_;
            this.setMutexFlags(EnumSet.of(Flag.JUMP, Flag.MOVE));

        public boolean shouldExecute() {
            return !this.slime.isPassenger();

        public void tick() {

    static class FloatGoal extends Goal {
        private final JumpingBlockEntity slime;

        public FloatGoal(JumpingBlockEntity p_i45823_1_) {
            this.slime = p_i45823_1_;
            this.setMutexFlags(EnumSet.of(Flag.JUMP, Flag.MOVE));

        public boolean shouldExecute() {
            return (this.slime.isInWater() || this.slime.isInLava()) && this.slime.getMoveHelper() instanceof JumpingBlockEntity.MoveHelperController;

        public void tick() {
            if (this.slime.getRNG().nextFloat() < 0.8F) {


    static class FaceRandomGoal extends Goal {
        private final JumpingBlockEntity block;
        private float chosenDegrees;
        private int nextRandomizeTime;

        public FaceRandomGoal(JumpingBlockEntity p_i45820_1_) {
            this.block = p_i45820_1_;

        public boolean shouldExecute() {
            return this.block.getAttackTarget() == null && (this.block.onGround || this.block.isInWater() || this.block.isInLava() || this.block.isPotionActive(Effects.LEVITATION)) && this.block.getMoveHelper() instanceof JumpingBlockEntity.MoveHelperController;

        public void tick() {
            if (--this.nextRandomizeTime <= 0) {
                this.nextRandomizeTime = 40 + this.block.getRNG().nextInt(60);
                this.chosenDegrees = (float)this.block.getRNG().nextInt(360);

            ((JumpingBlockEntity.MoveHelperController)this.block.getMoveHelper()).setDirection(this.chosenDegrees, false);



So, little introducion, i want to make entity, that always be following player and it's have texture of specific block, now i need to make it invincible and neutral to all mobs, i figured out how to make my entity neutral, but can't understand how to make it invincible. (i take codebase from SlimeEntity)


Override the hurt method, check if the source that's passed isn't DamageSource.OUT_OF_WORLD (this is in order to allow your entity to be killed via commands or the void) and then return false. If the check is false then just return call to the hurt method in the super class.

12 hours ago, uSkizzik said:

Override the hurt method, check if the source that's passed isn't DamageSource.OUT_OF_WORLD (this is in order to allow your entity to be killed via commands or the void) and then return false. If the check is false then just return call to the hurt method in the super class.


Can't see that method lol

1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

attackEntityFrom if you are still using MCP names.

I found Entity#setInvulnerable and it's works fine for me if i set it to true

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