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[1.16.5] How to save map item data back to server

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So here is the code

MapData mapdata = FilledMapItem.getSavedData(FilledMap, world);
SetImage setter = new SetImage();
if (mapdata == null) return;

mapdata.colors = setter.findImageAndReturnColors();

I looked to method and turned out it is abstract.

Is there any other way that I could save mapData.


So MapData hasn't got any method called update but FilledMapItem has. It does the job it changes the map in item frame but when I hold it in my hands it changes back.

public class ImageSetter extends Item {

    public ImageSetter(Properties properties) {

    public ActionResultType onItemUseFirst(ItemStack stack, ItemUseContext context) {

        World world = Objects.requireNonNull(context.getPlayer()).getCommandSenderWorld();
        PlayerEntity player = context.getPlayer();
        List<Entity> itemFrames = world.getEntities(player, new AxisAlignedBB(
                context.getClickedPos().getX() - 2,
                context.getClickedPos().getY() - 2,
                context.getClickedPos().getZ() - 2,
                context.getClickedPos().getX() + 2,
                context.getClickedPos().getY() + 2,
                context.getClickedPos().getZ() + 2

        rightClickOnItemFrame(itemFrames, world, player);

        return ActionResultType.PASS;

    private void rightClickOnItemFrame(List<Entity> entities, World world, PlayerEntity player) {
        for (Entity entity : entities) {
            if (entity instanceof ItemFrameEntity) {
                if (((ItemFrameEntity) entity).getItem().getItem() instanceof FilledMapItem) {
                    MapData mapdata = FilledMapItem.getSavedData(((ItemFrameEntity) entity).getItem(), world);
                    SetImage setter = new SetImage("ImageName");
                    if (mapdata == null) return;
                    if(!world.isClientSide) return;

                    mapdata.colors = setter.findImageAndReturnColors();

                    ((FilledMapItem) ((ItemFrameEntity) entity).getItem().getItem()).update(world, player, mapdata);

Here is the ImageSetter class. When I right click it gets list of entities and then I filter out just ItemFrames, then get item inside them and check if it's FilledMapItem but update for it doesn't work. (findImageAndReturnColors just gets an image converts it to byte array it works fine)

Posted (edited)

Ok I assign mapdata.colors to my new data but I just can't save it back. Is there a way without packets?

Edited by Hakak

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