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Hello, recently I came across a bug where if a player is using my flight item with 2 or more players on a lan/mltiplayer server, it won't work. Here is the code.


package rareores.Common;

import java.util.EnumSet;

import mod_Rareores.Events;
import mod_Rareores.mod_rareores;
import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.attributes.AttributeInstance;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.attributes.AttributeModifier;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.potion.Potion;
import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.ITickHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.TickType;

public class PlayerTickHandler implements ITickHandler {

int count = 0;
int delay = 0;
float landMovementFactor = 0.0F;
boolean check1 = true;
boolean check2= true;

private void onPlayerTick(EntityPlayer player) {

	final AttributeModifier speed1 = new AttributeModifier(player.getPersistentID(), "Emblem Speed Boost", 0.25D, 1);
	final AttributeModifier speed2 = new AttributeModifier(player.getPersistentID(), "Freedom Speed Boost", 0.5D, 1);

	if(player.inventory.hasItem(mod_rareores.ItemEmblemFlight.itemID) && player.capabilities.isCreativeMode == false && this.count < 100 && this.delay == 0)

	    player.capabilities.allowFlying = true;
		Events.Fly = true;
	    if(this.count > 0 && !player.capabilities.isFlying){
	    	count = 100;


		this.count = 0;
		if (this.delay >= 60)
			Events.Fly = false;
		if (this.delay >= 1200)
			this.delay = 0;
		player.capabilities.allowFlying = false;
		player.capabilities.isFlying = false;



I have it registers on the client and the server in both client and commonproxy classes. Not sure why I can't get it to work.

This is the creator of the Rareores mod! Be sure to check it out at


thats because you have only 1 "count" for every player  theres 1 PlayerTickHandler overall, not per player. so basicly every player is using the same "count" value

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-


right i need a solution


use a HashMap<String, Integer> to store the "count" variable of each player seperatly

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-


Sorry to bug ya again but could you just go a little more in depth to how Im exactly going to use this hashmap? I know a little bit about it but I'm not sure exactly how a hashmap would be the solution. I could see grabing an insance of the player for one part but how would I get that player to have their own :count" variables?


This is the creator of the Rareores mod! Be sure to check it out at


you're lucky i write code for you, i dont do it often


public class PlayerTickHandler implements ITickHandler {

        HashMap<String, Integer> countMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> delayMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

int count = 0;
int delay = 0;
float landMovementFactor = 0.0F;
boolean check1 = true;
boolean check2= true;

private void onPlayerTick(EntityPlayer player) {

                if(countMap.get(player.username) == null){
                    countMap.put(player.username, 0);

                if(delayMap.get(player.username) == null){
                    delayMap.put(player.username, 0);
                count = countMap.get(player.username);
                delay = delayMap.get(player.username);

	final AttributeModifier speed1 = new AttributeModifier(player.getPersistentID(), "Emblem Speed Boost", 0.25D, 1);
	final AttributeModifier speed2 = new AttributeModifier(player.getPersistentID(), "Freedom Speed Boost", 0.5D, 1);

	if(player.inventory.hasItem(mod_rareores.ItemEmblemFlight.itemID) && player.capabilities.isCreativeMode == false && this.count < 100 && this.delay == 0)

	    player.capabilities.allowFlying = true;
		Events.Fly = true;
	    if(this.count > 0 && !player.capabilities.isFlying){
	    	count = 100;


		this.count = 0;
		if (this.delay >= 60)
			Events.Fly = false;
		if (this.delay >= 1200)
			this.delay = 0;
		player.capabilities.allowFlying = false;
		player.capabilities.isFlying = false;


                countMap.put(player.username, count);
                delayMap.put(player.username, delay);


couple of things, this is only an example it was NOT compiled and so maybe it does not work (i wrote thsi completelly in forge)

2, its missing at least 1 bracket at the botom, i didnt not add it because in your original post there was also missing one and i dont know if you have more method bellow

3 google how to use hashmaps if it doesnt work, itll tell how what they are used for.


how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-


Thanks, after a little research I know a bit more about hashmaps now, along with the code you provided, was able to get it to work, thanks!

This is the creator of the Rareores mod! Be sure to check it out at

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