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The entity creates a pillar of blocks. It appears to work fine; the blocks are getting placed. But the entity is not rendering. It should be displaying interpolated movement upwards. Instead, the blocks just appear (so the entity is invisible).

    public void tick() {
        LogManager.getLogger().info("ticks: " + ticks++ + " current " + blockPosition() + " old " + oldPos);
            if(releaseJutsuOnce != null){
            oldPos = blockPosition();
            level.setBlockAndUpdate(blockPosition(), blockState);
        setDeltaMovement(0, 0.1, 0);
        move(MoverType.SELF, getDeltaMovement());

Renderer (copied from falling block):

public class MudWallBlockEntityRenderer extends EntityRenderer<MudWallBlockEntity> {
    public MudWallBlockEntityRenderer(EntityRendererManager entityRendererManager) {
        this.shadowRadius = 0.5F;

    public void render(MudWallBlockEntity entity, float entityYaw, float partialTicks, MatrixStack matrixStack, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer, int packedLight) {
        BlockState blockstate = entity.getBlockState();
        if (blockstate.getRenderShape() == BlockRenderType.MODEL) {
            World world = entity.getCommandSenderWorld();
            if (blockstate != world.getBlockState(entity.blockPosition()) && blockstate.getRenderShape() != BlockRenderType.INVISIBLE) {
                BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(entity.getX(), entity.getBoundingBox().maxY, entity.getZ());
                matrixStack.translate(-0.5D, 0.0D, -0.5D);
                BlockRendererDispatcher blockrendererdispatcher = Minecraft.getInstance().getBlockRenderer();
                for (net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType type : net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType.chunkBufferLayers()) {
                    if (RenderTypeLookup.canRenderInLayer(blockstate, type)) {
                        blockrendererdispatcher.getModelRenderer().tesselateBlock(world, blockrendererdispatcher.getBlockModel(blockstate), blockstate, blockpos, matrixStack, buffer.getBuffer(type), false, new Random(), blockstate.getSeed(entity.getStartingBlockPos()), OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY);
                super.render(entity, entityYaw, partialTicks, matrixStack, buffer, packedLight);

    public ResourceLocation getTextureLocation(MudWallBlockEntity pEntity) {
        return AtlasTexture.LOCATION_BLOCKS;


RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(ModEntities.MUD_WALL_BLOCK_ENTITY.get(), MudWallBlockEntityRenderer::new);


  On 12/4/2021 at 10:52 PM, diesieben07 said:

Show the whole entity class.

public class MudWallBlockEntity extends Entity {
    private static final BlockState blockState = ModBlocks.TEMPORARY_DIRT_BLOCK.get().defaultBlockState();

    private int height;
    private OneTimeRunnable finishJutsuOnce;

    private BlockPos startingBlockPos;
    private BlockPos endBlockPos;
    private BlockPos oldPos;

    private int ticks;

    public MudWallBlockEntity(EntityType<? extends MudWallBlockEntity> entityType, World level) {
        super(entityType, level);

    public MudWallBlockEntity(EntityType<? extends MudWallBlockEntity> entityType, World level, BlockPos position, int height, OneTimeRunnable releaseJutsu) {
        super(entityType, level);

        this.startingBlockPos = position;
        this.endBlockPos = new BlockPos(startingBlockPos.getX(), height, startingBlockPos.getZ());
        this.oldPos = position;

        this.height = height;
        this.finishJutsuOnce = releaseJutsu;

        this.setPos(position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ());
        this.ticks = 0;

    protected void defineSynchedData() {

    protected void readAdditionalSaveData(@Nonnull CompoundNBT pCompound) {
        startingBlockPos = new BlockPos(pCompound.getInt("StartX"), pCompound.getInt("StartY"),pCompound.getInt("StartZ"));
        endBlockPos = new BlockPos(startingBlockPos.getX(), pCompound.getInt("Height"), startingBlockPos.getZ());
        oldPos = new BlockPos(startingBlockPos.getX(), pCompound.getInt("CurrentHeight"), startingBlockPos.getZ());

    protected void addAdditionalSaveData(@Nonnull CompoundNBT pCompound) {
        pCompound.putInt("StartX", startingBlockPos.getX());
        pCompound.putInt("StartY", startingBlockPos.getY());
        pCompound.putInt("StartZ", startingBlockPos.getZ());
        pCompound.putInt("Height", height);
        pCompound.putInt("CurrentHeight", oldPos.getY());

    public IPacket<?> getAddEntityPacket() {
        return new SSpawnObjectPacket(this, Block.getId(this.getBlockState()));

    public void tick() {
        LogManager.getLogger().info("ticks: " + ticks++ + " current " + blockPosition() + " old " + oldPos);

            if(finishJutsuOnce != null){


            oldPos = blockPosition();
            level.setBlockAndUpdate(blockPosition(), blockState);

        setDeltaMovement(0, 0.1, 0);
        move(MoverType.SELF, getDeltaMovement());

    public BlockState getBlockState() {
        return blockState;

    public BlockPos getStartingBlockPos() { return startingBlockPos; }

    public boolean canBeCollidedWith() {
        return false;

    protected boolean canAddPassenger(Entity pPassenger) {
        return false;

    public boolean canChangeDimensions() {
        return false;


  On 12/4/2021 at 11:16 PM, diesieben07 said:

This is not at all the correct usage for @OnlyIn. Yes, @OnlyIn does cause issues. Do not use it.


I will create my own annotation for marking things. It is better than using a comment. It would be interesting if I could somehow intercept method calls for methods annotated with it, and check the side. I am not sure If I can do that with my limited java expertise.

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