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[1.16.5] Help with drawInBatch


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Hello, so I am trying to render a nametag so serve as the purpose of a "waypoint". I created a function based on the code of how Minecraft renders nametags above players. The text seems to be appearing just "fine" and is placed correctly but there's a few problems:

1) The text itself is kind of hard to see. I tried figuring out how to change the opacity for example but I only managed to change the opacity of the box in its whole which did not help.

2) When I apply a color to my TextComponent, the color cannot be seen.

3) The text seems to be rotating in the wrong direction compared to the player's YAW.

Image of current result

-> As you can also see in the image, there's some weird thing going on with the lighting of the text. Some letters are rendered darker than the other based on my rotation.

Code: (The function below is the one I talked about earlier. The stuff in the event is just some circle calculations to calculate the position of where I want my waypoint rendered but also shows my parameters ofcourse)

    public void renderNametag(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {

        if (waypoint!=null) {
            Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
            IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl renderTypeBuffer = Minecraft.getInstance().renderBuffers().bufferSource();
            TextComponent txt = new TranslationTextComponent("Test");

            //Pos Calc
            MathUtils.Point closest = null;
            MathUtils.Point targetPoint = new MathUtils.Point(waypoint.getX(), waypoint.getZ());
            int r = 5;
            for (MathUtils.Point point : MathUtils.getCircleLineIntersectionPoint(new MathUtils.Point(mc.player.xo, mc.player.zo), new MathUtils.Point(waypoint.getX(), waypoint.getZ()), new MathUtils.Point(mc.player.xo, mc.player.zo), r)) {
                if (closest==null || MathUtils.distance(targetPoint, point)<MathUtils.distance(targetPoint, closest)) {
                    closest = point;
            if (closest!=null) {
                renderNameTag(new MathUtils.Point(closest.getX()-mc.player.xo, closest.getY()-mc.player.zo), txt, event.getMatrixStack(), renderTypeBuffer, 0);


    protected void renderNameTag(MathUtils.Point pos, ITextComponent text, MatrixStack ms, IRenderTypeBuffer buffer, int p_225629_5_) {
        Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
        float f = 0f;
        int i = 0;
        //ms.translate(pos.getX()-mc.player.xo, (double)f, pos.getZ()-mc.player.zo);
        ms.translate(pos.getX(), 0, pos.getY());
        //ms.translate(2, f, 0);
        Quaternion q = mc.getEntityRenderDispatcher().cameraOrientation();
        ms.scale(-0.025F, -0.025F, 0.025F);
        Matrix4f matrix4f = ms.last().pose();
        float f1 = Minecraft.getInstance().options.getBackgroundOpacity(0.5F);
        int j = (int)(f1 * 255.0F) << 24;
        FontRenderer fontrenderer = Minecraft.getInstance().font;
        float f2 = (float)(-fontrenderer.width(text) / 2);
        fontrenderer.drawInBatch(text, f2, i, 553648127, false, matrix4f, buffer, false, j, p_225629_5_);
        fontrenderer.drawInBatch(new StringTextComponent(""), f2, (float)i, /*553648127*/-1, false, matrix4f,buffer, true, 0, p_225629_5_);



If anyone knows how the FontRenderer#drawInBatch works, please help me because I'm having a tough time figuring it out.

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2 hours ago, OutCraft said:


net.minecraft.client.renderer.debug.DebugRenderer has a method for rendering text in the air, it's called renderFloatingText

I'm not sure if this is what I need though, when I use this function I get a result that's way off what I'm trying to achieve.

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2 minutes ago, OutCraft said:

just renders a "Name tag" in the air. You need it with color, right? 

Yeah, I do. The code of how I adapted my event is below.

This gives however, like I said, a weird result. The text doesn't seem to be rendering in the 3D location I put it in but instead kinda floats about a fixed point and rotates in some weird ways.

Here's what I mean:


    public void renderNametag(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {

        if (waypoint!=null) {
            Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
            IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl renderTypeBuffer = Minecraft.getInstance().renderBuffers().bufferSource();
            TextComponent txt = new TranslationTextComponent("Test");

            //Pos Calc
            MathUtils.Point closest = null;
            MathUtils.Point targetPoint = new MathUtils.Point(waypoint.getX(), waypoint.getZ());
            int r = 5;
            for (MathUtils.Point point : MathUtils.getCircleLineIntersectionPoint(new MathUtils.Point(mc.player.xo, mc.player.zo), new MathUtils.Point(waypoint.getX(), waypoint.getZ()), new MathUtils.Point(mc.player.xo, mc.player.zo), r)) {
                if (closest==null || MathUtils.distance(targetPoint, point)<MathUtils.distance(targetPoint, closest)) {
                    closest = point;
            if (closest!=null) {
                DebugRenderer.renderFloatingText("test", closest.getX(), mc.player.yo, closest.getY(), 0xFFFFFF);
                //renderNameTag(new MathUtils.Point(closest.getX()-mc.player.xo, closest.getY()-mc.player.zo), txt, event.getMatrixStack(), renderTypeBuffer, 0);



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5 minutes ago, KylM said:
DebugRenderer.renderFloatingText("test", closest.getX(), mc.player.yo, closest.getY(), 0xFFFFFF);

Why closest.getX() and closest.getY()? Just pass in waypoint.getX() and waypoint.getY()

Sorry if my Posts are weird sometimes, I just try to help and learn as much as I can :D

Also: PLEASE use SPOILERS for logs!

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8 minutes ago, KylM said:
            //Pos Calc
            MathUtils.Point closest = null;
            MathUtils.Point targetPoint = new MathUtils.Point(waypoint.getX(), waypoint.getZ());
            int r = 5;
            for (MathUtils.Point point : MathUtils.getCircleLineIntersectionPoint(new MathUtils.Point(mc.player.xo, mc.player.zo), new MathUtils.Point(waypoint.getX(), waypoint.getZ()), new MathUtils.Point(mc.player.xo, mc.player.zo), r)) {
                if (closest==null || MathUtils.distance(targetPoint, point)<MathUtils.distance(targetPoint, closest)) {
                    closest = point;

I don't understand what you're calculating

Sorry if my Posts are weird sometimes, I just try to help and learn as much as I can :D

Also: PLEASE use SPOILERS for logs!

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10 minutes ago, OutCraft said:

Why closest.getX() and closest.getY()? Just pass in waypoint.getX() and waypoint.getY()

After adapting I still get a weird result though. The text just seems to be doing about the same it was doing before. It rotates around and isn't in the position I want it in at all.

Just to clarify: the idea is that the text always faces the player (meaning it's not weirdly rotated away from the player) and always points to the "waypoint".

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12 minutes ago, OutCraft said:

Then look at how DebugRenderer renders the color and make the same in your renderNameTag function, if DebugRenderer isn't working for you 

Yeah, but I'd still be stuck with my other 2 problems though.

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20 minutes ago, OutCraft said:

Which problems? I thought your method is working 

Problems 1 and 3 mentioned in the OP:

1) The text itself is kind of hard to see. I tried figuring out how to change the opacity for example, but I only managed to change the opacity of the box in its whole which did not help.

3) The text seems to be rotating in the wrong direction compared to the player's YAW.

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It seems that the following post seemed to be trying to do about the same as I am. It had a simple solution of using EntityRenderer#drawNameplate, but that function doesn't exist in 1.16.5, and I can't find any renames or alternatives for it except for the original method I mentioned in my OP, but that method is protected and requires an entity.


Edited by KylM
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