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[1.16.5][SOLVED] How to get the current dimension where the player is in?


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Hello Helper and Reader,

I am prepairing a litle mod for myself.
This mod works from version 1.7.10 up to 1.15.2 at the current time. I am prepairing now version 1.16.5 and after it 1.17.1 and 1.18.1. 

I have now a problem with the dimension ID.

Version <1.15.2 I used:

dimensionID = world.dimension.getType().getId();

thats it.

As I read correctly. Version 1.16+ does not provide the ID as it anymore. So I need to find a workaround.
Something like:

switch (world.getDimensionType().getLocation().getPath()) {
    case "overworld": dimensionID = 0;
    case "the_nether": dimensionID = -1;
    case "the_end": dimensionID = 1;


if (world.getDimensionKey().getLocation() == DimensionType.OVERWORLD_ID) {
    dimensionID = 0;
} else if (world.getDimensionKey().getLocation() == DimensionType.THE_NETHER_ID) {
    dimensionID = -1;
} else if (world.getDimensionKey().getLocation() == DimensionType.THE_END_ID) {
    dimensionID = 1;

The goal is to have the variable dimensionID assigned to the ID of the dimension.


May you show me a working version?
I would be very thankful if you can show me a working version for 1.17.1 and 1.18.1 if they differ to much.


Yours sincerely Padder



world.getDimension() == World.OVERWORLD
// OR World.END World.NETHER
Edited by Padder
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I need the numerical ID because I provide an API with a lot of minecraft data (for example the dimension). I do not have the know how to change the API so i have to send it the data he wants to get (and yes the api is outdated, otherwise I do not have to update the mod on my own). The API is for minecraft vanilla only. It will not have support for added dimensions in mods and thats why I will just need "overworld", "the_end" and "the_nether".

That is what I am asking for. How to get the current dimension? I assign the "ID" on my own.

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I am working in Java.. but I don't know how to use World#dimension();. For all years working with Java it seems syntactically wrong .And my IDE does not like it either. Please tell me more, about it.

To give you more input, how I am using it:

ClientWorld world = Minecraft.getInstance().world;
assert world != null;
worldTime = world.getDayTime();
isDayTime = world.isDaytime();
rainStrength = world.rainingStrength;
isRaining = world.isRaining();
dimensionID .......

I have
world.getDimensionKey() --- return RegestryKey<World>
world.getDimensionType() --- return DimensionType
world.getDimensionRenderInfo() --- return DimensionRenderInfo

Hope this helps.

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Ok. Then working with getDimensionKey() - This returns a RegistryKey<World> so i looked up how the dimensions are saved in this method.

RegistryKey.getOrCreateKey(Registry.WORLD_KEY, new ResourceLocation("overworld"));

(as an example for "overworld")

So I compared wordl.getDimensionKey() === RegistryKey.getOrCreateKey(...)

This is a working! Now my api gets to know in which dimension I am.

Great Thank you diesieben07 ^^

Have a nice day.

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What are you recommending instead of it.
I try to be clear as possible:

I want to have a function or variable, which is telling me in which dimension I are.

// 1.16.5
world.getDimension() == RegistryKey.getOrCreateKey(Registry.WORLD_KEY, new ResourceLocation("overworld"))

// 1.17.1
world.dimension() == ResourceKey.create(Registry.DIMENSION_REGISTRY, new ResourceLocation("overworld"))

This is working after more than 12 hours of searching, and now you are telling me I should not use it.


I dont want to get hints to find that on my own. I want to get a clear answer.

Which function.. which variable.. which statement can I use to get programmatically the dimension (or dimension ID) of the player?

Your hint with World#dimension() wasn't wrong, but my solution with that hint seems to be wrong. So please be clear! Or tell me where I should ask for it.

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