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Posted (edited)

How to increase Mob Health and Max Health over 1024?

I heard that it need to use Mixin.

how to use Mixin????

I use 1.18.1. 

I found 1.18.1 mixin for 9hours..

What is the way that increase All Mob Health and Max Health over 1024 (use Mixin).

Increasing health/maxhealth should be done only once when Mob spawn.


Im not goot at Forge Mod developing....

(I've almost only developed bukkit plugins)

I hope you kindly let me know.

(also Im not goot at English sorry.....)


Edited by IPECTER
5 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Mixin is not something that is supported.

If you really do need a higher max health value, you need to modify the MAX_HEALTH attribute, because its maximum value is 1024. You can use reflection to change it, no need to use coremodding.


55 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

It's a Java feature that (among other things) lets you access and modify private fields. However I just noticed that in this case it might be better to use an AccessTransformer, because the field in question (RangedAttribute#maxValue) is also final.

hmm.... It's getting harder.

How can you modify the health and maxHealth of all mobs 100 times(maxhealth * 100) using AccessTransformer?

sorry for asking a lot of questions..

11 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

AccessTransformer is not something that will do that. AccessTransformer can just make that field non-final so you can increase the maximum possible value. Then you can use EntityJoinWorldEvent to add a transient AttributeModifier (AttributeMap#addTransientAttributeModifiers) that increases the max health.

Thank you for the explanation.

I'll try it and ask you again if there's anything difficult.

17 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

AccessTransformer is not something that will do that. AccessTransformer can just make that field non-final so you can increase the maximum possible value. Then you can use EntityJoinWorldEvent to add a transient AttributeModifier (AttributeMap#addTransientAttributeModifiers) that increases the max health.

hmm.. too hard

this is my code,

but Cant make Maxhealth up 1024....

    public void onMobSpawn(EntityJoinWorldEvent e) {
        if (e.getEntity() instanceof Mob) {
            Mob mob = (Mob) e.getEntity();
                mob.getAttribute(Attributes.MAX_HEALTH).setBaseValue(mob.getAttribute(Attributes.MAX_HEALTH).getBaseValue() * 100);
                mob.setHealth(mob.getHealth() * 100);



  • IPECTER changed the title to How to increase Mob Health and Max Health over 1024?

I couldn't do anything.

I don't know how to set the maximum value of Attributes.MAX_HEALTH.

Can you show us the code as an example?

I've been looking for it for hours, but it's hard alone.

42 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Do not use setBaseValue, add an attribute modifier.

Show where you set the maximum value of Attributes.MAX_HEALTH.

"add an attribute modifier."?





3 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Have you added the access transformer?

addTransientModifier is the correct one, because you re-add the modifier every time the entity joins.

I'm creating a mod that set MaxHealth to MaxHealth*100 when only once mob spawned.

1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

Have you added the access transformer?

addTransientModifier is the correct one, because you re-add the modifier every time the entity joins.

I complete to add AT (build.gradle)

then.. What should i do?



13 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Now in FMLCommonSetupEvent#enqueueWork to set maxValue for Attributes.MAX_HEALTH.

    public void on(FMLCommonSetupEvent e) {



16 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

If you do not know how to set a field, you need to learn basic Java before modding.

    public void on(FMLCommonSetupEvent e) {
        e.enqueueWork(() -> Attributes.MAX_HEALTH);


hmm.. it is my best

1 hour ago, diesieben07 said:

Now in FMLCommonSetupEvent#enqueueWork to set maxValue for Attributes.MAX_HEALTH.


e.enqueueWork(() -> Attribute.MAX_HEALTH.getDefaultValue) = 1234567890 


Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

If you need multiple hours to assign a value to a field you seriously need to go and learn Java basics first before attempting to mod. These are absolutely required essential prerequisites.

I've made a lot of plugins, but it's almost the first mod. I don't understand well about the current work and the supplier.

I feel like I'm missing something.

Edited by IPECTER
Posted (edited)
54 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

You have made "a lot of plugins", but you've never assigned a value to a field before...?!


I use JAVA since 2 years ago...

but... I mean... I cant understand 

How to use what e.equeueWork(HERE)..

hmm... I cant explain using English that my think well...


or.. I might be not able to understand your comments... 

Edited by IPECTER
Posted (edited)

What I want to know is what should be written in parentheses of equeueWork()


If I say something weird, please tell me. The translator isn't perfect either.

Edited by IPECTER

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