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Recompile errors after fresh forge installation [SOLVED] [1.6.2]


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Hi everyone,


So a couple of days ago i recompiled and deobfuscated my mod fine in the current version of forge that i have. (forge and with that automatically comes the mcp installation)


So i made some changes after this and i wanted to test that aswell, but suddenly it gave errors (about 100) in the minecraft source saying the following:

symbol: class IconRegister
location: class BlockFenceGate (one of the many)
E:\McpFolders\Soul Forest Mod 1.6.2\forge\mcp\src\minecraft_server\net\minecraft\util\ChatMessageComponent.java:260: warning: non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter:
var7.append(StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted(this.field_111090_h, var13));

cast to Object for a varargs call
cast to Object[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning

// Well i am not sure what the last thing actually means but i don't want to go change 100 errors in the minecraft source...


If anyone knows what causes this and how to fix it please help.


Edit: the problem below is now fixed.


I also have a little problem with recompile addinformation "colours" i have found this: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Formatting_codes

where the codes to get coloured information are listed, so i used that in eclipse whic looks something like:

par3List.add("§3Max Uses");

when recompiling that it says that it doesn't recognise the "§" as a symbol. So while it is sayd to be used and works in eclipse, it can't be recompiled. Any idea how to fix that?

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Well, its not that i don't want to change errors and stuff but this is within minecraft classes which i did never change at all, i just get those when i have just installed forge along with mcp (fresh) and put my mod files in, when i recompile i get those errors...

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So i am calling that method iconRegister and it comes up with an error in BlockFence? and BlockEnderChest?? If i were to call a method that would throw errors wouldn't that be in IconRegister.java ?





Well i tried recompiling the minecraft source without my mod, same errors.

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I am not sure what this means : Use compliance from execution environment 'JavaSE-1.6' on 'Java Build Path'. Does that mean its still on java 1.6? and if so how would i change that to the newest version?


Edit:  i found where to change it and it now says 1.7, but it still shows these 100 errors.

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Windows, and theres no 1.6 on my path anymore i think it got replaced automatically or something.

I tried finding any jdk or jre1.6 but i can't find any. If there are more then 2 installation folders (as i have program files and program files(86x) which both contain a Java folder with jdk1.7.0_17 and jre1.7, then i am not sure where these 1.6 folders would be located.

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Well unfortunately theres only Java 7 Update 16, Java 7 Update 25, SE Dev kit 7 Update 17, Se Dev kit 7 Update 17 (64 bit) and SE Dev kit 7 Update 25(64 bit) to select from.


Edit: i am not sure if this has anything to do with it, but when i had this new forge and mcp setup i did recompiled and reobfuscated sucessfully once, but once i tried to run minecraft with my mod it wouldn't start. So i downloaded the newest JDK (which untill then was 1.6) and then i could run my minecraft, but now i can't recompile the source.

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well idk, but if you want a solution thatll work for sure, delete all java, backup your source, reinstall forge (because i think it looks whats your current java version is at install time), reinstall java 7 ONLY and might as well grab the latest version of eclipse ("kepler" i think )


and recopy your code in the mcp/src/miencraft folder :P



beside that im out of idea xD

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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I have tried reinstalling forge, and immidiately after installing i tried decompiling but that didn't work when it tried recompiling the source it gave the same 100 errors. It has nothing to do with eclipse, but i have no clue on what could fix it... i need some serious help here.

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