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Recompile errors after fresh forge installation [SOLVED] [1.6.2]


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@ GotoLink well i get the same errors when i have forge freshly installed and run recompile/decompile.


I have checked a little further on these recompiling errors and as far as i can find out, 50% of them is because there is a certain package missing. The other 50% is because it cannot find the IconRegister. As far as "missing packages" i have no idea why it can't find them, becuase i run forges install.bat and before that was all there had to be done. Now here comes the "fun" part. The package that it can't find is net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture, as i checked in my mcp\src\minecraft\net\minecraft\client\renderer\texture it was right there. I also checked in eclipse if i could find the package as an import so i tried to import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture and it worked fine with no errors.


Last but not least all the other errors seem to be around this IconRegister, it seems that it cannot find the IconRegister file or something like that.


I have no clue why recompile thinks this is wrong or something, but in my eclipse i can run minecraft along with my mod fine without any errors. Are there any thoughts of how to fix this, because this really holds me back from releasing a next version of my mod.

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I navigated to the net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture folder and did the following:

1. I tried adding a new folder - worked.

2. I tried opening one of the java files listed in there - worked

3. I tried saving changes to one of the files i created in there - worked

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i could always make a clean install, check that it works on my computer and zip + send it to you, then if it still doesnt work you know its your java


Jeah i think thats the only option left to find an answer. Thanks for helping!

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I still haven't gotten it to recompile. I have tried:

- Deleting all the java on my pc, deleting forge and reinstalling both.

- Gotten the newest version of Java, but the same problem persists.


I have no idea what is causing the recompile of mcp to cause all these errors, while in eclipse theres none.

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Well i make a new folder to put the forge folder in, i extract the forge folder from the newest version zip. I run install.bat, after that i run decompile. Then it already recompiles and gives 100 errors. If i run recompile after it, same problem.


I have my mcp folder located on the E: drive, i always had that there without any problems. I myself think that the problem came with the newest java version or something. As i had my project upgraded to 1.6.2 and added some cool stuff, then i tried recompiling and reobfuscating. That still worked without problems.


Although when i tried to run minecraft it wouldn't run (it just crashed on startup) and i read on the internet that i had to install a newer java version. So i did, then minecraft ran fine again. However when i try to recompile now it gives me 100 errors in the minecraft source code around renderer.IconRegister. Which makes no sense as it is a fresh forge installation...


I even tried it on my laptop. Which gave the same problem.


So on my pc i have got the newest jdk and jre (1.7.0_025 or something like that it is) and jre 1.7.

But on my laptop i have jre 1.7 and jdk 1.7.0_06.

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Well the problem is, i know that is what i usually do aswell, but apperently it comes up with a 100 errors in minecraft source that i can locate when opening eclipse. Its odd, i will try to not use decompile and see if that changes anything and i will edit this post to say if that gave errors or not.


YEAH, its finally working. wihout running decompile it did just reobfuscate and recompile. Thats great. Thanks a lot man A LOT :)

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