Jump to content Command Block text visually disappears when power state changes.


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Well, this bug has been ongoing for a long time, but still present in this version. The text in Command Blocks disappear when the power state changes.


To recreate: Enter text into a Command Block, Power it, enter the command block again (twice if necessary) -- the text will visually disappear. To get it back, you have to relog.


Every time the power state changes, the text disappears. This is a HUGE annoyance for map makers who are working with and editing dozens of command blocks.


Here is video proof:

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And with that I say fuck off and report a problem correctly.

Twitter and other shit is NOT the place to report bugs and will do nothing more then annoy and piss people off.

Aside from that, having a more reliable way to test things would be nice as it's not reproducible with your steps.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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