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Posted (edited)

why did you not read the posts in the thread, like I told you (as a reminder here)?

first of all you need to add the ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE to all EntityTypes that you want to have your Attribute,
then you need to create a Multimap with the Attribute itself and it's AttributeModifier, note this map must be lazy initialized, you can use Lazy.of for this
and last but not least you need to return the Multimap in Item#getAttributeModifiers, if you want to add the Attribute to a vanilla Item you need to use ItemAttributeModifierEvent

Edited by Luis_ST
2 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

first of all you need to add the ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE to all EntityTypes that you want to have your Attribute,

    public static void onEntityAttributeModificationEvent(final EntityAttributeModificationEvent event) {
		event.add(EntityType.PLAYER, ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE.get());



this is correct now you need to remaingin stuff

8 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

then you need to create a Multimap with the Attribute itself and it's AttributeModifier, note this map must be lazy initialized, you can use Lazy.of for this
and last but not least you need to return the Multimap in Item#getAttributeModifiers, if you want to add the Attribute to a vanilla Item you need to use ItemAttributeModifierEvent


13 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

first of all you need to add the ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE to all EntityTypes that you want to have your Attribute,
then you need to create a Multimap with the Attribute itself and it's AttributeModifier, note this map must be lazy initialized, you can use Lazy.of for this
and last but not least you need to return the Multimap in Item#getAttributeModifiers, if you want to add the Attribute to a vanilla Item you need to use ItemAttributeModifierEvent

In the old thread I saw this way of doing it, but I think there is something wrong, could you tell me the fault

    public final Lazy<Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier>> LAZY = Lazy.of(() ->  {    
    	ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Attribute, AttributeModifier> builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); 
    	 builder.put(Attributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE, new AttributeModifier(BASE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_UUID, "Weapon modifier", damage, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION));
         builder.put(Attributes.ATTACK_SPEED, new AttributeModifier(BASE_ATTACK_SPEED_UUID, "Weapon modifier", speed, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION));
         if (ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE.isPresent()) {
             builder.put(ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE.get(), new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_REACH_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", reach, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION));
         builder.put(Attributes.ATTACK_KNOCKBACK, new AttributeModifier(ATTACK_KNOCKBACK_MODIFIER, "Weapon modifier", kb, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION));
    	Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> attributeModifiers = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    	attributeModifiers = builder.build();
    	return attributeModifiers;



this should work but there are a few unnecessary code lines:

11 minutes ago, Sokoly_ said:
    	Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> attributeModifiers = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    	attributeModifiers = builder.build();
    	return attributeModifiers;

you can just return ImmutableMultimap.Builder#build

1 minute ago, Sokoly_ said:

And what about the Packet Handler I was referring to this

this is not necessary, since the Forge REACH_DISTANCE is already synced between server and client

Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

show your code

There is any error?

@EventBusSubscriber(bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE, value = {Dist.CLIENT})
public class AkuariumHelper {

	@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, receiveCanceled = true)
	public static void mouseEvent(InputEvent.MouseInputEvent event) {
        if (Minecraft.getInstance().level == null || Minecraft.getInstance().screen == null || Minecraft.getInstance().isPaused())
          KeyMapping keyAttack = Minecraft.getInstance().options.keyAttack;
          if (event.getButton() == keyAttack.getKey().getValue() && event.getAction() == 1 && ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE.isPresent())
	private static HitResult getEntityMouseOverExtended(float reach) {
        BlockHitResult blockRayTraceResult = null;
        HitResult result = null;
        Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
        Entity viewEntity = mc.crosshairPickEntity;
        if (viewEntity != null) {
          double d0 = reach;
          HitResult rayTrace = viewEntity.pick(d0, 0.0F, false);
          Vec3 eyePos = viewEntity.getEyePosition(0.0F);
          boolean flag = false;
          double d1 = d0;
          if (mc.gameMode.hasFarPickRange() && d1 < 6.0D) {
            d1 = 6.0D;
            d0 = d1;
          } else if (d0 > reach) {
            flag = true;
          d1 *= d1;
          if (rayTrace != null)
            d1 = rayTrace.getLocation().distanceToSqr(eyePos); 
          Vec3 lookVec = viewEntity.getEyePosition(1.0F);
          Vec3 attackVec = eyePos.add(lookVec.x * d0, lookVec.y * d0, lookVec.z * d0);
          AABB expBounds = viewEntity.getBoundingBox().expandTowards(lookVec.scale(d0)).inflate(1.0D, 1.0D, 1.0D);
          EntityHitResult entityRayTrace = ProjectileUtil.getEntityHitResult(viewEntity, eyePos, attackVec, expBounds, entity -> 
              (!entity.isSpectator() && entity.canBeCollidedWith()), d1);
          if (entityRayTrace != null) {
        	  Vec3 hitVec = entityRayTrace.getLocation();
            double d2 = eyePos.distanceToSqr(hitVec);
            if (flag && d2 > (reach * reach)) {
              blockRayTraceResult = BlockHitResult.miss(hitVec, Direction.getNearest(lookVec.x, lookVec.y, lookVec.z), new BlockPos(hitVec));
            } else if (d2 < d1 || blockRayTraceResult == null) {
            	EntityHitResult entityRayTraceResult = entityRayTrace;
          } else {
            blockRayTraceResult = BlockHitResult.miss(attackVec, Direction.getNearest(lookVec.x, lookVec.y, lookVec.z), new BlockPos(attackVec));
        return (HitResult)blockRayTraceResult;
	   private static void checkForReachAttack() {
	        Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
	        LocalPlayer clientPlayerEntity = mc.player;
	        if (clientPlayerEntity == null || clientPlayerEntity.isSpectator())
	        double reach = (float)clientPlayerEntity.getAttributeValue(ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE.get());
	        if (reach == ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE.get().getDefaultValue())
	        HitResult rayTrace = getEntityMouseOverExtended((float)reach);
	        if (!(rayTrace instanceof EntityHitResult))
	        EntityHitResult entityRayTrace = (EntityHitResult)rayTrace;
	        Entity entityHit = entityRayTrace.getEntity();
	        if (entityHit != null && entityHit.invulnerableTime == 0 && entityHit != clientPlayerEntity && entityHit != clientPlayerEntity.getControllingPassenger()) {
	          float velocity = 0.0F;
	          if (clientPlayerEntity.getControllingPassenger() != null) {
	            Entity riding = clientPlayerEntity.getControllingPassenger();
	            Vec3 vec = riding.getDeltaMovement();
	            velocity = (float)vec.length();
	          PacketHandler.sendPacketToServer(new LongReachAttackPacket(entityHit.getId(), velocity));


Edited by Sokoly_
21 hours ago, Luis_ST said:

first of all you need to add the ForgeMod.REACH_DISTANCE to all EntityTypes that you want to have your Attribute,
then you need to create a Multimap with the Attribute itself and it's AttributeModifier, note this map must be lazy initialized, you can use Lazy.of for this
and last but not least you need to return the Multimap in Item#getAttributeModifiers, if you want to add the Attribute to a vanilla Item you need to use ItemAttributeModifierEvent

you didn't do what i told you to do, why did you copy the code from this thread?

Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

you didn't do what i told you to do, why did you copy the code from this thread?

So the " public static void mouseEvent(InputEvent.MouseInputEvent event)" is unnecessary?

Edited by Sokoly_
2 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

to 100% yes

So please could you give me an example of how to make it possible to hit from a distance. I have seen other mods on github and most have the same process and I can't find another

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