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Mods being able to load


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3 minutes ago, Luis_ST said:

Problem with Oh The Biomes You'll Go. Make sure you are using the latest version.
If the Mod is already up to date, report this bug to the Mod author.

I got a question, how do i figure out these errors, since i struggle alot to figure it out. what should i be looking for 


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there are a lot of errors but this is the error:


Mixin apply failed byg.mixins.json:server.MixinMinecraftServer -> net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException @Shadow field field_240767_f_ was not located in the target class net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer. Using refmap byg.refmap.json org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException: @Shadow field field_240767_f_ was not located in the target class net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer. Using refmap byg.refmap.json

this is the indicate for Oh The Biomes You'll Go:


Using refmap byg.refmap.json


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35 minutes ago, ixRaiin said:

I got a question, how do i figure out these errors, since i struggle alot to figure it out. what should i be looking for 

i wish more people had your enthusiasm.
though, i doubt a non-programmer can just read about call stacks in 2min and be done.

see those indented rows? that's what was happening when things crashed. topmost row is what crashed (not always the answer you need, but often enough). row below it is what called the thing that crashed. and row below it is what called the thing that called the thing that crashed...

there's more to it, but you don't need it and i don't want to type all night...

anyway - if the crash is in mod code, you try to recognize the mod from the namespace (thing on the left, separated with dots). if crash is in mojang's code, you may not be able to tell and need to resort to binary search (remove half the mods and try). in this case, we don't have a namespace (it wasn't mod's code) but luckily the message mentions "byg" as a mod code.

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2 minutes ago, MFMods said:

i wish more people had your enthusiasm.
though, i doubt a non-programmer can just read about call stacks in 2min and be done.

see those indented rows? that's what was happening when things crashed. topmost row is what crashed (not always the answer you need, but often enough). row below it is what called the thing that crashed. and row below it is what called the thing that called the thing that crashed...

there's more to it, but you don't need it and i don't want to type all night...

anyway - if the crash is in mod code, you try to recognize the mod from the namespace (thing on the left, separated with dots). if crash is in mojang's code, you may not be able to tell and need to resort to binary search (remove half the mods and try). in this case, we don't have a namespace (it wasn't mod's code) but luckily the message mentions "byg" as a mod code.

The thing is im new but i occasionally code in python and I wana code but i wana learn to read these codes figure out these errors myself


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