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Using custom types or Lists of custom types for ConfigValue (ForgeConfigSpec)

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Posted (edited)


I'm attempting to store interdependent config data using ForgeConfigSpec API, ie a (variable size) List<MyClass> with MyClass having a String field and a List<String> field.

I'd imagine this would involve implementing a serializer/deserializer, but i'm not entirely sure how to go about it, or if its even possible.

Using the overload for ForgeConfigSpec.Builder.defineList and define that takes a List<String> for the path works somewhat but the number of config values that can be stored this way are hard-coded which is undesirable;

    name = "a"
    values = ["a", "b", "c"]

    name = "b"
    values = ["c", "b", "a"]


This is what i've tried;

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = Constants.MODID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD)
public class ConfigHandler {
    static public final CommonConfig COMMON_CONFIG;
    static public final ForgeConfigSpec COMMON_SPEC;

    static {
        final Pair<CommonConfig, ForgeConfigSpec> serverSpecPair = new ForgeConfigSpec.Builder().configure(CommonConfig::new);
        COMMON_CONFIG = serverSpecPair.getLeft();
        COMMON_SPEC = serverSpecPair.getRight();

    public static void onModConfigEvent(final ModConfigEvent configEvent) {
        if (configEvent.getConfig().getSpec() == ConfigHandler.COMMON_SPEC) {

    public static List<MyClass> myClasses;

    public static void bakeCommonConfig() {
        myClasses = COMMON_CONFIG.myClasses.get()

    public static class CommonConfig {
        public final ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<MyClass>> myClasses;
        List<MyClass> defaults = Arrays.asList(new MyClass("a", new ArrayList()));

        public CommonConfig(ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder) {
            Predicate<Object> validator = o -> o instanceof MyClass;
            myClasses = builder.defineList("myClasses", defaults, validator);

public class MyClass {
    public String name;
    public List<String> values;
    public MyClass(String name, List<String> values)
        this.name = name;
        this.values = values;


Edited by Dutchs

the config which Forge is using allows only primitive values (int, double, String, ...),
if you want to use custom values in the config you need to serialize/deserialize this value to a primitive value

here is a simple example:

public class Config {
	public static final ForgeConfigSpec CONFIG = buildConfig();
	protected static ConfigValue<String> SOME_VALUE;
	public static ForgeConfigSpec buildConfig() {
		ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder = new ForgeConfigSpec.Builder();
		SOME_VALUE = builder.define("someValue", "dummy");
		return builder.build();
	public static SomeClass getSomeValue() {
		return SomeClass.deserialize(SOME_VALUE.get());
	public static void setSomeValue(SomeClass someClass) {
	public static class SomeClass {
		protected final String s;
		public SomeClass(String s) {
			this.s = s;
		public void foo() {
		public String serialize() {
			return this.s;
		public static SomeClass deserialize(String s) {
			return new SomeClass(s);


1 hour ago, Dutchs said:

I'd imagine this would involve implementing a serializer/deserializer, but i'm not entirely sure how to go about it, or if its even possible.

possible? sure.    should you? probably not.

what is it you are trying to do? (do not repeat the implementation plan, tell us what you are planning to get to - i.e. what the mod really does)

Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, MFMods said:

possible? sure.    should you? probably not.

what is it you are trying to do? (do not repeat the implementation plan, tell us what you are planning to get to - i.e. what the mod really does)


The mod allows you to configure a set of Modifiers, to be associated with a stage which a player can have or not have, and by that it decides which special abilities a mob can spawn with around said player.

Edited by Dutchs
Posted (edited)

ok, there is no elegant way to do that.
and i/we can't give you a detailed recommendation because i/we don't know details (for example is the list of these stages fixed and known at runtime, etc.).

but it's very important to review the idea of having objects in config file.

difficulty level? super-easy. serialize our object into a string, deserialize from it, no problem.
"StringOption" = "{ 'field1': 'value1', 'field2': [listt], 'field3': {object inside the big object} }"

when should you do it?
never. ever.
user will load the game with a newer version of your mod than last time (they are expected to, occasionally) and if the class you store is different, deserialization will crash the game (or you will catch that but you don't know how to load data). and sometimes, user will load the game with an older version of your mod than last time (they're not supposed to, but it can happen) - and crash - you don't know how to load data.

also - and this is just as important - configs exist for the sake of users/players. but whey they see a bunch of serialized objects (which to many look like some programming), they'll say "umm, nope!" and close the editor.

anyway, just hardcode your structure and don't feel bad.
and if you can't fit your config structure into the usual system (too dynamic?), just write it into a file yourself. that is okay too, if you need to. but see that editable parts are all simple data types.


Edited by MFMods

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