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[1.18.2] save entities in item nbt


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ok so i use this to save the entity:

ListTag listtag = compoundtag.getList("thingsandstuff.entities", 0);
        compoundtag.put("thingsandstuff.entities", listtag);

but how do i get the entity from the tag?

Edited by KaboomRoads
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this is how i save the entities now:

CompoundTag compoundtag = stack.getOrCreateTag();
        if (!compoundtag.contains("thingsandstuff.entities")) {
            compoundtag.put("thingsandstuff.entities", new ListTag());
        ListTag listtag = compoundtag.getList("thingsandstuff.entities", 10);
        compoundtag.put("thingsandstuff.entities", listtag);

this is how i spawn them:

 CompoundTag compoundtag = stack.getOrCreateTag();
        if (!compoundtag.contains("thingsandstuff.entities"))
        ListTag listtag = compoundtag.getList("thingsandstuff.entities", 10);
        Stream<Entity> entities = EntityType.loadEntitiesRecursive(listtag, level);
        entities.forEach((e) -> e.setPos(pos));
        compoundtag.put("thingsandstuff.entities", new ListTag());

it still doesnt seem to work.

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so i just changed some things like you said, and this is what i have right now:

public static void saveEntity(ItemStack stack, Entity entity) {
        if (stack == null)
        CompoundTag compoundtag = stack.getOrCreateTag();
        if (!compoundtag.contains("thingsandstuff.entities")) {
            compoundtag.put("thingsandstuff.entities", new ListTag());
        ListTag listtag = compoundtag.getList("thingsandstuff.entities", 10);
        compoundtag.put("thingsandstuff.entities", listtag);

    public static void releaseEntities(ItemStack stack, Vec3 pos, Level level) {
        if (stack == null)
        CompoundTag compoundtag = stack.getOrCreateTag();
        if (!compoundtag.contains("thingsandstuff.entities"))
        ListTag listtag = compoundtag.getList("thingsandstuff.entities", Tag.TAG_COMPOUND);
        Stream<Entity> entities = EntityType.loadEntitiesRecursive(listtag, level);
        entities.forEach((e) -> {
            e.teleportTo(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
        compoundtag.put("thingsandstuff.entities", new ListTag());

it still doesnt spawn the entities though.

i dont really understand what you meant by it not compiling, it works fine for me.

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i found what seems to be the problem, but cant find the thing causing it. its this check right here that stops the code after from running;

if (!compoundtag.contains("thingsandstuff.entities"))

 so the compound tag doesnt contain "thingsandstuff.entities" event though im setting the tag in the method saveEntity.

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Is your saveEntity function called?

If you enable the debug data in game, can you see the tag on the itemstack (F3 + H I think allows you to view NBT by holding ctrl maybe? If not, there is always the data command)

Edited by Alpvax
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