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[new method] GameData should register an item with your own modcontainer?

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Hello everyone,

I'm working on a difficult mod and I'm adding some items in game during the game session.

I know this is highly discouraged, but there's an important reason if I'm doing it.

The problem is that when you register a new item during the game, GameData.newItemAdded() registers it with "Minecraft" as modContainer. Differently I'd like to use my mod's modContainer that I can get via "FMLCommonHandler.instance().findContainerFor(MyModCommon.instance)".


For this reason I need a change of the method GameData.newItemAdded(Item item) into GameData.newItemAdded(Item item, ModContainer container), so I can specify the ModContainer.


Could you add this feature please?




  • 4 weeks later...

Please guys (LexManos or cpw), could you add this simple edit to the code? It doesn't change anything to your code, but it's really important for my upcoming mod.


Hope to get an answer as I really haven't found any other way for making what I need,

Thanks a lot,



First of all, thank you diesieben07 for your helpful reply (I have also clicked the "thanks" button :) ),

I have understood everything of your idea and it seems the very best solution, but even if I have coded many mods, I have never used reflection.

Could you link me some documentation about it? As you are right, I need to have access to the private fields.


Again thank you!



ps. creating Items mid-game? Look is 90% ready: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1965419-wip162-axels-item-printer-create-your-custom-items-in-game/  ;D


Could you link me some documentation about it? As you are right, I need to have access to the private fields.

Long answer: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/reflect/

Short answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1196192/how-do-i-read-a-private-field-in-java

You don't need to create a new Item instance for stuff like that. Make one Item which uses NBT to store the data.


I loved the long answer, I know how to use reflection now :)


Anyway you can't use an unique item instance for making more items with different stats. For example, even if there's only one class ItemSword.java, minecraft calls one instance of the wood sword, one for the iron sword, one for the diamond sword, etc. So I think we cannot use only one Item instance for all my custom items...or am I wrong (and I'd really like to be wrong)? :D


Thanks dude for your helpful support!



Anyway you can't use an unique item instance for making more items with different stats. For example, even if there's only one class ItemSword.java, minecraft calls one instance of the wood sword, one for the iron sword, one for the diamond sword, etc. So I think we cannot use only one Item instance for all my custom items...or am I wrong (and I'd really like to be wrong)? :D

Yes, Mojang does that because vanilla has all the Item ids they want. They can create as many as they want because they don't have to worry about any restrictions. It's their game after all, they can change it if they need to. Modders can't.

Every ItemStack has an NBTTagCompound attached to it which allows you to store basically infinite amount of data into one ItemStack. Vanilla uses this feature for Enchantments, Written Books, etc.

Forge provides various hooks in the Item class to make the Item act dependent on the actual ItemStack being used. For example there is a new version of canHarvestBlock which gets the ItemStack being used as a parameter. Then this method can act differently depending on the Data on the NBTTagCompound of the ItemStack.


Anyway you can't use an unique item instance for making more items with different stats. For example, even if there's only one class ItemSword.java, minecraft calls one instance of the wood sword, one for the iron sword, one for the diamond sword, etc. So I think we cannot use only one Item instance for all my custom items...or am I wrong (and I'd really like to be wrong)? :D

Yes, Mojang does that because vanilla has all the Item ids they want. They can create as many as they want because they don't have to worry about any restrictions. It's their game after all, they can change it if they need to. Modders can't.

Every ItemStack has an NBTTagCompound attached to it which allows you to store basically infinite amount of data into one ItemStack. Vanilla uses this feature for Enchantments, Written Books, etc.

Forge provides various hooks in the Item class to make the Item act dependent on the actual ItemStack being used. For example there is a new version of canHarvestBlock which gets the ItemStack being used as a parameter. Then this method can act differently depending on the Data on the NBTTagCompound of the ItemStack.

That's quite interesting, but you cannot see in the creative menu the itemstacks, but only the items, then a new itemstack is created when you pick up an item. So your idea (which is a really smart one) can't be used for making completely different items in inventory. If I'm wrong, please tell me as it would be the final solution for the 32000 items limit :D

That's quite interesting, but you cannot see in the creative menu the itemstacks, but only the items, then a new itemstack is created when you pick up an item. So your idea (which is a really smart one) can't be used for making completely different items in inventory. If I'm wrong, please tell me as it would be the final solution for the 32000 items limit :D

There are enchanted books in the creative inventory, right? And you can pick them up and they are still enchanted, right?

Now let me tell you that they all have the same ItemId and the same Damage value. The only difference between is their enchantments which are stored in the ItemStack's NBTTagCompound. When the ItemStack is cloned (on pickup from the creative inventory for example) the NBTTagCompound get's cloned, too.


You are literally doing a revolution in my brain :D

So, how can I actually register different itemstacks when minecraft loads (I mean as Minecraft actually does), because I'd like to see them in the creative menu like the enchanted books.


Are there any troubles using Java reflection also after recompiling? I'm worried about fields name..


As always thanks for your time and patience!



So, how can I actually register different itemstacks when minecraft loads (I mean as Minecraft actually does), because I'd like to see them in the creative menu like the enchanted books.


in your Item class and add all the ItemStacks you want in the Creative menu to the list you get as the parameter.

Are there any troubles using Java reflection also after recompiling? I'm worried about fields name..

If you are accessing Minecraft fields/methods, yes there are issues because the fields and methods are obfuscated outside of MCP. But if you access FML or Forge stuff you'll be fine.


For ItemStacks: wonderful, I'll let you know if it works (as I must have different itemstacks with 2 big arrays, some String values and some Int and Short values. This is why I thought itemStack weren't the right choice for doing something like this mod)


For reflection: I have reflected only FML fields now. But for curiosity: how can I know obfuscated names of fields and methods of MC? Should I check .class files and finding the right name or is there a public available list? Reflection would give us the possibility of avoiding base classes edits for modding :D


You have helped me so much and I'm really happy that I have learned something new.

So really thanks diesieben07, I'll let you know about the ItemStack thing, if it will work I'll post some example code here for the other guys :)



I know I'm a bit offtopic, but I'm trying to do what you suggested: using item subtypes instead of several different items.

I just have a question: I must create several types of swords, but if I use subtypes I cannot set different itemMaxDamage values.


Is there a way for doing it using subtypes?


Thanks in advance,



All the weaponDamage does is create a new AttributeModifier on the Item. You can do that via NBT, too. Have a look at ItemStack#getAttributeModifiers where the per-item modifiers get computed. That should give you an idea of the NBT layout for AttributeModifiers.


Still working on it, trying to understand the idea correctly. First of all I haven't found the method ItemStack#getAttributeModifiers, is it probably func_111283_C()?


- I put N itemsubtypes using Item#getSubItems increasing the damage value for each subtype

- I can show subtypes in creative inventory thanks to Item#getCreativeTabs



1) Which is the itemStack method that let me change the attribute modifiers of that itemstack only?

2) How can I damage an itemstack which uses an item subtype (for example it's a subtype of axe which should have a custom "MaxDamage", different from the other subtypes)

3) How can I add a new custom attribute modifier to the itemstack (like "acid-resistence")?

4) Can the nbtcompound be used for item subtypes that can be stackable?


I feel so newbie about this part of Minecraft code, but luckily you are helping us :)

Thank you,



Still working on it, trying to understand the idea correctly. First of all I haven't found the method ItemStack#getAttributeModifiers, is it probably func_111283_C()?

Update forge, they updated the MCP mappings lately, it makes things a lot easier.

1) Which is the itemStack method that let me change the attribute modifiers of that itemstack only?

Use ItemStack.stackTagCompound to get the Stack NBT. Then look here: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Player.dat_format#Attribute_Modifiers to find out about the format to use.

2) How can I damage an itemstack which uses an item subtype (for example it's a subtype of axe which should have a custom "MaxDamage", different from the other subtypes)

Override getMaxDamage(ItemStack), getDamage(ItemStack) and getDisplayDamage(ItemStack) and return the values you need depending on the NBT of the stack passed in.

3) How can I add a new custom attribute modifier to the itemstack (like "acid-resistence")?
Whenever you would apply acid damage to the player, check if he has your Item and if that item's NBT contains the "acid-resistant" flag.

4) Can the nbtcompound be used for item subtypes that can be stackable?

Items can be stacked if the NBT is equal.


Perfect, so I will just edit the Attribute modifier value for having a custom "damage" of the item (decreasing its value for consuming the itemstack), am I right?


The thing I wanted to ask in 4) is: Can the subtypes have different MaxStackSize? I really need this feature..


I hope my clicks on "thank you" button will be helpful for you, as you really deserve them :)



Edit: I'm stupid, I didn't see ItemStack#getMaxStackSize :D


Edit2: ItemStack#getMaxStackSize isn't subtype-sensitive as it calls ItemStack#getItem which is not subtype-sensitive. Is there any solution for that? Thanks :)


I don't think there is, at least not at the moment. Maybe make a PullRequest, as it's quite a simple change: add a new Method in Item


but which takes an Itemstack parameter and make the method in ItemStack call that one instead.


Yes, I just hoped there was a forge edit already :)

Where should I pull the request? Here in this forge section or on github? Thanks


Ahah sorry, english is not my foreign language and sometimes I understand or answer in a very wrong way :)


Anyway I have never made a PullRequest, but I have to do it on github if I have understood your answer correctly, thanks!


Ok, not everything is NBT sensitive and the subitems are all loaded correctly.


I think this is almost obvious for you, but I still have one problem: how can I modify the ItemStack damage against EntityLivings if it is stored in the NBT of the itemstack (each subitem has got his own value for this field) ?





I think this is almost obvious for you, but I still have one problem: how can I modify the ItemStack damage against EntityLivings if it is stored in the NBT of the itemstack (each subitem has got his own value for this field) ?

The same as with the Swords?


Swords are different items, they don't have subitems and they use the following method which doesn't seem to be NBT sensitive:

    public Multimap getItemAttributeModifiers()
        Multimap multimap = super.getItemAttributeModifiers();
        multimap.put(SharedMonsterAttributes.attackDamage.getAttributeUnlocalizedName(), new AttributeModifier(field_111210_e, "Weapon modifier", (double)this.weaponDamage, 0));
        return multimap;


I don't think there's another method  :-\

Thank you,



I have read the section you linked and all related pages, but I still don't get it: what is the NBT sensitive method where I can put an AttributeModifier?


As if I have understood correctly, I should put something like:

SharedMonsterAttributes.attackDamage.getAttributeUnlocalizedName(), new AttributeModifier(field_111210_e, "Weapon modifier", itemstack.stackNBTCompound.getDouble("DamageVsEntity)", 0);


Did I misunderstand something? Thanks for the patience :)


I'm going to have to request you people either take it to PMs or make a new topic in Modder Support. You're going off topic.

Read the EAQ before posting! OR ELSE!


This isn't building better software, its trying to grab a place in the commit list of a highly visible github project.




Don't PM me, I don't check this account unless I have to.


I'm going to have to request you people either take it to PMs or make a new topic in Modder Support. You're going off topic.


Yes, you're right. I just hoped this was the very last answer as this is my very last problem. If diesieben07 will tell me the answer, a new topic won't be necessary :)

Sorry for messing on the forum,


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