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1.6.2 models made have invisible parts


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ok yeah the title sucks but how do i summerise the issue in a title?




the vid explains the issue fully, im completly stuck, theres very few guides on using models (i only found one on using obj files and it just didnt work) im guessing i missed something obvious but, well im stuck

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only found one on using obj files and it just didnt work)

whos guide ? mine ? (on forge wiki)


cuz id blame techne since its pretty much crap :\


this guide http://minalien.com/tutorial-advancedmodelloader/


ill have a look on the forge wikki latter on, i relied on google to find a good guide (damn you google!)


and yeah, techne has to be the worst 3d model maker i have ever seen...cubes only? really. no dragging items about... just horrible but its the only thing that has come close to getting an object into the world for me :( though glitched as you can see)

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techne has to be the worst 3d model maker i have ever seen...cubes only?

someone else share my opinion ?!?!?? this must be my birthday or something


but yeah look on forge wii youll see my tutorial and just download like blender3d or something and start using wavefront (aka real men modeling)

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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techne has to be the worst 3d model maker i have ever seen...cubes only?

someone else share my opinion ?!?!?? this must be my birthday or something


but yeah look on forge wii youll see my tutorial and just download like blender3d or something and start using wavefront (aka real men modeling)

on the wiki i found http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Using_wavefront_model


is that the one?

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the material file has nothign to do with the texture, it only hold the reflection/diffuse indice and other metarial related property, to make png youll have to check with your 3d modeling software

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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well i just cant figure it out, my setup is a little different to yours but the principles seem the same, but the object doesnt appear in game, if you look at the commented out code thats my techne attempt and that does appear in game so the entity is fine


damn you minecraft why do you have to be so damn confusing!


my item (not really that relevent i know)



the entity:



the model class



the renderer for the model



the obj file (just a quick dirty object for the test



the texture


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heu .. well yeah that makes sens



model.render(deathorb, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0.0625f);


thsi method calls the ModelBase model to render


while a obj is a IModelCustom, a thing that you are never calling



add this method inside modeldeathorb


public void renderWavefront(){





also obviously call renderWavefront instead of "render(deathorb, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0.0625f);"

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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yep that was it, the guide that i was using (vswe`s guide) mentioned that models are too large by default so you scale them down...only he was on about techne model style.


now i just need to make a proper model in blender (should take a while and figure out how to get blender to export me a compatable texture map lol)


The model bit of my mod was spose to be a nice quick diversion before i got back to other stuff.. when will i learn things are often not that easy!


but thank you very much for the help it is greatly appreciated!

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well i approve the part where you scale, because in blender you could shit models that are like 250 block tall so you would have to use scale, but what i dont get it why -1, -1, -1, that implies you want the model to be flipped on all axis :\


and to texturing is not hard in blender, just go on youtube there will be a lot of tuts to help you :)

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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well i approve the part where you scale, because in blender you could shit models that are like 250 block tall so you would have to use scale, but what i dont get it why -1, -1, -1, that implies you want the model to be flipped on all axis :\


and to texturing is not hard in blender, just go on youtube there will be a lot of tuts to help you :)


ah yes the texturing inside blender is a breeze (when you know how) but i mean the act of exporting the texture map to a png that minecraft can use to wrap around the model the same as it is in blender. sadly that seems rather specialised and not common enough to warrent youtube videos (though im at work at mo and youtube does play up so i may of missed it) if you know of a good vid please link me up

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no no search google/youtube for  "blender texture unwrapping", fortunatelly minecraft is using the same convention as everyone on earth for rendering triangles, so if you unwrap your texture in blender your obj will keep the data on how to unwrap the texture, after that just bind and render

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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