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Forge Version: 43.1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.19.2


It's that time again, a RB for 1.19.2. We ment to do it last week but ran into a couple issues with DFU. Which have been resolved.
There isn't much difference between 1.19 and 1.19.1/2 so most mods should just work. Yes, we know there is a new chat reporting system in vanilla. We WILL NOT be touching this. We are not in the position to be removing/modifying vanilla. Especially for things related to community safety. Lets leave the subject there.


  • Update Recommended Gradle to 7.5
  • New event to monitor when chunks enter 'limbo' states, where they are still loaded but queued to unload.
  • Now allow Network Channels to see if they are registered on the other side using non-Forge controlled mechanisms.
  • New HolderSet system allowing tags/registry references to be combined in logical ways.
  • New event to manage Toasts
  • Added ability for mob effects event to modify icon positions.
  • Added new permissions node for using entity selectors in commands to allow users to use them without being ops.
  • New hooks to allow controlling of entity and block outlines.
  • New custom item usage animation api.
  • New API to managing custom icons on maps.


  • Fixed issue loading natives from classpath during dev on certain non-standard setups.
  • Fixed Allay's not firing Mob Greifing Event
  • Fixed action bar text not having shadows.
  • Fixed Dedicated Server installs not using JarInJar properly.
  • Fixed Item Entity bobbiing.
  • Fixed PotentialSpawns Event not firing.
  • Fixed issue where custom step up heights would cause you to step down while sneaking as well.
  • Fixed concurrency issue related to EventBus enhancements.
  • Fixed some vanilla particles not rendering correctly after they move.
  • Fixed some entities not respecting custom Shields.
  • Fixed AnvilUpdateEvent not firing unless both input slots are filled. It now fires when only renaming an item as well.
  • Fixed loading dimensions with removed or modified chunk generators.
  • Fixed loading saves with removed dimensions.
  • Fixed issue in dev where .DS_Store and other hidden files would cause ResourceLocation errors.
  • Fixed issue where vanilla custom payload packets would fail to send when in LAN worlds.
  • Fixed vanilla issue where enchantments would fire twice if on players when they normally couldn't be (Thorns on a weapon for example)

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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    • Hi, this is my second post with the same content as no one answered this and it's been a long time since I made the last post, I want to make a client-only mod, everything is ok, but when I use shaders, none of the textures rendered in RenderLevelStageEvent nor the crow entity model are rendered, I want them to be visible, because it's a horror themed mod I've already tried it with different shaders, but it didn't work with any of them and I really want to add support for shaders Here is how i render the crow model in the CrowEntityRenderer<CrowEntity>, by the time i use this method, i know is not the right method but i don't think this is the cause of the problem, the renderType i'm using is entityCutout @Override public void render(CrowEntity p_entity, float entityYaw, float partialTick, PoseStack poseStack, MultiBufferSource bufferSource, int packedLight) { super.render(p_entity, entityYaw, partialTick, poseStack, bufferSource, packedLight); ClientEventHandler.getClient().crow.renderToBuffer(poseStack, bufferSource.getBuffer(ClientEventHandler.getClient().crow .renderType(TEXTURE)), packedLight, OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY, Utils.rgb(255, 255, 255)); } Here renderLevelStage @Override public void renderWorld(RenderLevelStageEvent e) { horrorEvents.draw(e); } Here is how i render every event public void draw(RenderLevelStageEvent e) { for (HorrorEvent event : currentHorrorEvents) { event.tick(e.getPartialTick()); event.draw(e); } } Here is how i render the crow model on the event @Override public void draw(RenderLevelStageEvent e) { if(e.getStage() == RenderLevelStageEvent.Stage.AFTER_ENTITIES) { float arcProgress = getArcProgress(0.25f); int alpha = (int) Mth.lerp(arcProgress, 0, 255); int packedLight = LevelRenderer.getLightColor(Minecraft.getInstance().level, blockPos); VertexConsumer builder = ClientEventHandler.bufferSource.getBuffer(crow); Crow<CreepyBirdHorrorEvent> model = ClientEventHandler .getClient().crow; model.setupAnim(this); RenderHelper.renderModelInWorld(model, position, offset, e.getCamera(), e.getPoseStack(), builder, packedLight, OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY, alpha); builder = ClientEventHandler.bufferSource.getBuffer(eyes); RenderHelper.renderModelInWorld(model, position, offset, e.getCamera(), e.getPoseStack(), builder, 15728880, OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY, alpha); } } How i render the model public static void renderModelInWorld(Model model, Vector3f pos, Vector3f offset, Camera camera, PoseStack matrix, VertexConsumer builder, int light, int overlay, int alpha) { matrix.pushPose(); Vec3 cameraPos = camera.getPosition(); double finalX = pos.x - cameraPos.x + offset.x; double finalY = pos.y - cameraPos.y + offset.y; double finalZ = pos.z - cameraPos.z + offset.z; matrix.pushPose(); matrix.translate(finalX, finalY, finalZ); matrix.mulPose(Axis.XP.rotationDegrees(180f)); model.renderToBuffer(matrix, builder, light, overlay, Utils .rgba(255, 255, 255, alpha)); matrix.popPose(); matrix.popPose(); } Thanks in advance
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