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Forge Installer not opening

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Hi, so for the past 4 ish hours ive been watching every video ever reddit post anything that might help and ive come up empty handed so could you help?

My problem is once ive downloaded the forge installer from the website i wait till its fully downloaded then i double click it like normal cause im on windows, but instead of opening the installer like normal all it does is breifly open what looks like command promt a couple times then closes. ive tried to force open it in powershell but i dont really know how to use it and any attempt at copying a line of code that should work ends up failing, ive also tried to use jarfix but whenever i download that it blocks it and yes ive done all the things people say to make it work so chrome cant block it but it doesnt work for some reason, im not sure what to do and im starting to get frustrated as im not getting any promising signs of it working, and when i try install forge on the admin account it works (I also have full admin permission on this accont) so either its something to do with the settings (my firewall is off) or something with Java im not sure but id really like help.


Edited by TheBuildingMonkey
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Make sure you have java installed.

Run the installer via CMD and post full output here.
CMD command, replace the <installer_name> with the file name of the installer

java -Xmx1G -jar <installer_name>.jar

Note: You need to execute this command in the directory of the installer

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Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1949]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\tlnie>java -Xmx1G -jar forge-1.19.2-43.1.1-installer.jar
Error: Unable to access jarfile forge-1.19.2-43.1.1-installer.jar

 this is what it said, not sure if i typed in the code wrong but thats all it said.

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we didn't get to coding.  we don't know where file forge-1.19.2-43.1.1-installer.jar is.  dir command would tell you that it is not in   C:\Users\tlnie   directory, and you are running a command from there.

go back to browser, open downloads and figure out where the installer is.

Edited by Potato5
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i didn't mean type "path_to_installer" literally! put path to your download location in place of that.

and seriously, either learn about file and folder management or give up on creating anything and go back to watching tv. you can not make a good mod without knowing what to do with files. how will you make a png file and put it where it needs to be? how will you make block models (text files) and put them where they need to be?  you don't have an option to skip this.

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It still says unable to access and then the line of code, id also like to remind you the only reason i came here is because i dont/cant code if i knew who to fix my own problem or had a slight understanding on how, i would have fixed it by now without help, the whole point is i dont know how to fix the problem of forge installer not working

Edited by TheBuildingMonkey
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5 minutes ago, TheBuildingMonkey said:

Im not trying to make a mod im trying to download forge so i can use mods

right. sorry. very tired. it doesn't even make sense what i said. you don't need that installer for making mods.

anyway, consider multimc launcher. it's a perfectly legitimate option (it requires mojang account or microsoft token thingy to start the game). it doesn't work with curse modpacks i think (i'm not sure), but if you just want to download a few mods, throw them into mods folder yourself, it's simple and works perfectly. and you can have multiple game versions. and multiple loaders in those multiple versions...

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Alright ill look into it, in the mean time is there any easy way i can fix my issue or is it a lost cause for now, if so thats fine i can just use multimc and hope that works fine. It just annoying since it works in the admin account and i have it installed so i guess i could just use it there just annoying i cant use it on this account

Edited by TheBuildingMonkey
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easy way is to replace
java -Xmx1G -jar forge-1.19.2-43.1.1-installer.jar
java -Xmx1G -jar C:\Users\tlnie\Downloads\forge-1.19.2-43.1.1-installer.jar                       which may not work because i can't really guess where the file is.


super easy way is to install multimc, make a game version, add forge to it (there is a command in multimc), then download a few mods and move them into mods folder which you can open from multimc and you don't even need to know where it is.

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