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updating forge past 829


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hi i hope you guys can help cpw said you are all nice smart helpfull people and you might be able to help me


i am currently running some 102 mods on 1.6.2 of minecraft and running forge .829


my problem is as soon as i update forge to any version higher the game loads fine BUT says i have 99 mods installed then when in game if a brake a block or craft anything the game crashes with this error i have pastebin for your pleasure


first is the error message from minecraft console




second is the forge crash report




hope you can get to the root of this because it is doing my head in lol


hope to hear from a intelligent superbean who can solve this issue for me



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What else do you have installed besides Forge? As the error log you've posted does not line up with Forge.

But, making a wild guess, I would make sure that you have the same mods installed, and the same config files so that the client and server don't have any conflicts.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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hi lexmanos


for more info this is in single player not on a server


also here is the complete mod list i am using




07/09/2013  18:00    <DIR>          .

07/09/2013  18:00    <DIR>          ..

06/09/2013  18:04    <DIR>          1.6.2

08/08/2013  08:33          265,865 1.6.2 DamageIndicators v2.9.0.0.zip

28/07/2013  12:40            57,679 advanced-machines-56.0.0.jar

06/09/2013  17:49        1,214,742 appeng-rv13-c-dev1-mc162.jar

06/09/2013  17:49        1,071,804 BiblioCraft[v1.4.1].zip

18/08/2013  12:30          329,531 BiblioWoods[biomesOPlenty][v1.2].zip

18/08/2013  12:30          530,226 BiblioWoods[Forestry][v1.2].zip

06/09/2013  17:52        2,884,560 binnie-mods-1.8-dev2.jar

20/08/2013  14:05        5,001,875 Biomes-O-Plenty-0.6.2-1.6.2.jar

01/09/2013  18:09        1,285,191 buildcraft-A-4.0.2.jar

03/09/2013  21:37          166,025 buildcraft-Z-additional-buildcraft-objects-

01/09/2013  18:11            95,551 ChickenChunks

01/09/2013  18:12          164,545 CodeChickenCore

06/09/2013  17:51            54,958 compactsolars-universal-1.6.2-

05/08/2013  11:03        1,186,706 ComputerCraft1.56.zip

01/09/2013  18:07        2,661,316 DartCraft Beta 0.2.04.jar

02/08/2013  06:47          113,253 EnchantingPlus-1.16.4.jar

06/09/2013  17:51          903,825 EnderIO-1.6.2-

08/08/2013  08:28          110,784 EnderStorage

02/09/2013  17:46          168,479 ExtraCells-universal-1.3.9 (1.6.2).jar

01/09/2013  18:06          529,117 extrautils - 0.3 Prerelease 3a.zip

06/09/2013  17:50        1,066,142 Factorization-0.8.04beta11.jar

04/08/2013  12:05            18,139 FinndusFillies-1.6.2-universal-

02/08/2013  06:47            37,372 flatsigns-1.6.2-universal-

01/09/2013  18:09        3,090,989 forestry-A-

28/07/2013  12:36          479,904 GravityGun2.0.0.zip

02/09/2013  17:48          466,369 Hats2.0.1.zip

23/08/2013  17:52    <DIR>          ic2

03/09/2013  21:37          814,098 IC2NuclearControl-1.6.2c-ic2-experimental.zip

04/09/2013  17:54            44,282 iChunUtil2.1.0.zip

03/09/2013  21:34          255,832 immibis-core-56.0.4.jar

11/08/2013  18:56          226,324 immibis-microblocks-56.0.4.jar

28/07/2013  12:41          374,777 immibis-peripherals-56.0.1.jar

06/09/2013  18:05        4,056,307 industrialcraft-2_2.0.141-experimental.jar

24/08/2013  17:58          191,853 InventoryTweaks-MC1.6.2-1.56-b77.jar

06/09/2013  17:50          119,477 ironchest-universal-1.6.2-

02/09/2013  18:00          928,130 Morph-Beta-0.1.0.zip

02/08/2013  06:48        1,692,480 mystcraft-uni-1.6.2-

22/08/2013  16:20          778,130 Natura_1.6.2_2.1.7.jar

18/08/2013  12:33            70,203 neiaddons-1.6.2-1.9.0.r40.jar

01/09/2013  18:12          425,905 NotEnoughItems

28/07/2013  12:38            30,628 obsidiplates-1.6.2-universal-

03/09/2013  21:35          950,112 PortalGun2.0.1.zip

29/07/2013  14:42        16,201,808 PortalGunSounds.pak

07/09/2013  18:00                0 print.txt

15/08/2013  17:29            63,307 ProjectBench-1.6.2-v1.8.0.jar

06/09/2013  17:54        2,490,066 Railcraft_1.6.2-

03/09/2013  21:34          830,301 redlogic-56.1.0.jar

29/07/2013  14:44    <DIR>          rei_minimap

23/08/2013  17:52    <DIR>          resources

22/08/2013  17:18            4,819 ruins.txt

20/07/2013  18:24            46,374 Ruins_1.6.2.zip

06/09/2013  21:32            74,553 ruins_log.txt

02/08/2013  06:51        7,114,640 scala-library.jar

01/09/2013  18:08        1,860,149 StevesCarts2.0.0.a132.zip

19/08/2013  09:41            98,758 switches-1.6.2-universal-coremod-

03/09/2013  21:36        4,214,963 TConstruct_1.6.2_1.4.3d10.jar

01/09/2013  18:13            84,090 Translocator

05/08/2013  11:03        2,787,448 twilightforest-1.19.0.jar

20/07/2013  18:24            12,148 UpdateCheckerMod_1.6.2.zip

23/08/2013  17:52    <DIR>          VoxelMods

06/09/2013  17:52          319,378 Waila_1.3.9_1.6.2.zip

01/09/2013  18:13          253,416 WR-CBE

29/07/2013  14:44    <DIR>          zan

15/08/2013  17:30          394,945 ZansMinimap1.6.2.zip

28/07/2013  12:32            60,125 [1.6.2]bspkrsCorev3.03.zip

11/08/2013  17:37            85,527 [1.6.2]TreeCapitator.Forge.1.6.2.r02.Uni.CoreMod.jar

              61 File(s)    71,910,300 bytes

              8 Dir(s)  1,914,596,917,248 bytes free


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Wow thats nasy, and also doesn't tell me anything.

It's a jar mod you installed {and as such we don't support it} that is doing this as that error doesn't line up with our code base for that version.


But the fact that you day you have 102 mods, yet when updating it says you have 99 should be fairly simple to track down what 3 mods are not loading and why.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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