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So, I'm making a mod which is an addon to another mod. I've tried to figure out how to add a dependency but I couldn't. Can someone tell me how to add a dependency pls.

Ps: I'm a beginner at coding mods so I might not understand much.



If you don't post your logs/debug.log we can't help you. For curseforge you need to enable the forge debug.log in its minecraft settings. You should also post your crash report if you have one.

If there is no error in the log file and you don't have a crash report then post the launcher_log.txt from the minecraft folder. Again for curseforge this will be in your curseforge/minecraft/Install

Large files should be posted to a file sharing site like https://gist.github.com  You should also read the support forum sticky post.

Posted (edited)

Sorry but I didn't really understand how to add dependencies. Meaning i don't know where to add the dependency's. Where do I put it in the mods.toml file? Heres mine:

# This is an example mods.toml file. It contains the data relating to the loading mods. # There are several mandatory fields (#mandatory), and many more that are optional (#optional). # The overall format is standard TOML format, v0.5.0. # Note that there are a couple of TOML lists in this file. # Find more information on toml format here: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml # The name of the mod loader type to load - for regular FML @Mod mods it should be javafml

modLoader="javafml" #mandatory

# A version range to match for said mod loader - for regular FML @Mod it will be the forge version

loaderVersion="[41,)" #mandatory This is typically bumped every Minecraft version by Forge. See our download page for lists of versions.

# The license for you mod. This is mandatory metadata and allows for easier comprehension of your redistributive properties.

# Review your options at https://choosealicense.com/. All rights reserved is the default copyright stance, and is thus the default here.

license="MIT License"

# A URL to refer people to when problems occur with this mod #issueTrackerURL="https://change.me.to.your.issue.tracker.example.invalid/" #optional # A list of mods - how many allowed here is determined by the individual mod loader

[[mods]] #mandatory

# The modid of the mod

modId="infinitepotionsmod" #mandatory

# The version number of the mod - there's a few well known ${} variables useable here or just hardcode it # ${file.jarVersion} will substitute the value of the Implementation-Version as read from the mod's JAR file metadata # see the associated build.gradle script for how to populate this completely automatically during a build

version="${file.jarVersion}" #mandatory

# A display name for the mod

displayName="Infinite Potions Mod" #mandatory

# A URL to query for updates for this mod. See the JSON update specification https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstarted/autoupdate/ #updateJSONURL="https://change.me.example.invalid/updates.json" #optional # A URL for the "homepage" for this mod, displayed in the mod UI #displayURL="https://change.me.to.your.mods.homepage.example.invalid/" #optional # A file name (in the root of the mod JAR) containing a logo for display

logoFile="examplemod.png" #optional

# A text field displayed in the mod UI

credits="Thanks for this example mod goes to Java" #optional # A text field displayed in the mod UI

authors="aaarandomer" #optional

# Display Test controls the display for your mod in the server connection screen # MATCH_VERSION means that your mod will cause a red X if the versions on client and server differ. This is the default behaviour and should be what you choose if you have server and client elements to your mod. # IGNORE_SERVER_VERSION means that your mod will not cause a red X if it's present on the server but not on the client. This is what you should use if you're a server only mod. # IGNORE_ALL_VERSION means that your mod will not cause a red X if it's present on the client or the server. This is a special case and should only be used if your mod has no server component. # NONE means that no display test is set on your mod. You need to do this yourself, see IExtensionPoint.DisplayTest for more information. You can define any scheme you wish with this value. # IMPORTANT NOTE: this is NOT an instruction as to which environments (CLIENT or DEDICATED SERVER) your mod loads on. Your mod should load (and maybe do nothing!) whereever it finds itself. #displayTest="MATCH_VERSION" # MATCH_VERSION is the default if nothing is specified (#optional) # The description text for the mod (multi line!) (#mandatory)

description=''' '''

# A dependency - use the . to indicate dependency for a specific modid. Dependencies are optional.

[[dependencies.infinitepotionsmod]] #optional

# the modid of the dependency

modId="forge" #mandatory

# Does this dependency have to exist - if not, ordering below must be specified

mandatory=true #mandatory

# The version range of the dependency

versionRange="[41,)" #mandatory

# An ordering relationship for the dependency - BEFORE or AFTER required if the relationship is not mandatory


# Side this dependency is applied on - BOTH, CLIENT or SERVER side="BOTH"

# Here's another dependency




# This version range declares a minimum of the current minecraft version up to but not including the next major version




Edited by aaarandomer346

[[dependencies.infinitepotionsmod]] #optional

# the modid of the dependency

modId="forge" #mandatory

# Does this dependency have to exist - if not, ordering below must be specified

mandatory=true #mandatory

# The version range of the dependency

versionRange="[41,)" #mandatory

# An ordering relationship for the dependency - BEFORE or AFTER required if the relationship is not mandatory


You already have the above dependency on forge's internal mod.

Just make a new entry for whatever mod you depend on.

NOTE: If you are writing an extension to another mod, you usually want ordering="AFTER", e.g. if you want to change the other mod's recipes.



I shouldn't have to keep posting links to the wiki.  This forum does not exist so you can use people as a search engine.

Please at least familiarise with what topics it discusses, even if you don't read the details immediately.


If you don't post your logs/debug.log we can't help you. For curseforge you need to enable the forge debug.log in its minecraft settings. You should also post your crash report if you have one.

If there is no error in the log file and you don't have a crash report then post the launcher_log.txt from the minecraft folder. Again for curseforge this will be in your curseforge/minecraft/Install

Large files should be posted to a file sharing site like https://gist.github.com  You should also read the support forum sticky post.

  • 11 months later...
On 4/11/2023 at 7:31 AM, warjort said:

I shouldn't have to keep posting links to the wiki.  This forum does not exist so you can use people as a search engine.

Please at least familiarise with what topics it discusses, even if you don't read the details immediately.

The search engine lead me here...

Wiki instructions unclear ssd stuck in ceiling fan.

In all seriousness OP and  I are not looking for hands to be held, or at least I am not. Just a little push to the forward assist to get us in the right direction. The wiki is great for the experienced and/or  the classically trained. The instructions are clear on what to do... Just not where to do it... 

Nvm.. Thought it was a different wiki page that's very clear.. Carry on


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